

Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Originally posted by zossima
First, can we please refrain from the jr. high debate tactics. That Kum by yah comment was off base and juvenile.

Kum-by-yah must be close to home with you!

And yes, your view is you being selfish, how astute of you to notice.

Actually where my country is concerned, meaning my family, friends and neighbors and those of the United States who give to this nation with their skills, wills and very lives, do have my support and assistance.
I see nothing selfish about it! But then I'm not one of the "We are the World" fruitloops either.

Ok, actually you're a bit off, you're still assuming you have no human duty to the suffering. (For kicks lets say drugged out pieces of junk are suffering, they're beating the 'ell out of themselves for some reason right)

I have no, as you put it, "human duty". I have an obligation to my family and if I were of a religious nature my God, and my Country! That doesn't include any duty to those that choose to subvert, pillage or destroy this nation or those that support it.

You pay your taxes, you send your kicks to school, you vote... you do all that our infallible founding fathers and the western traditon ask of you. Meanwhile you live in country which plunders the resources of the world with little to no concern for the results of its actions because it, like you, are just following those deified doctrines of capitalism, autonomy, reason.

Since we pay for those resources and you certainly seem to be availing yourself of them I can only guess you're joking in this paragraph. If not then I see where you're coming from now. If you truly find this nation so abhorrent Afghanistan is open for business again. If you dislike capitalism Castro'ss looking for a few good men I'm sure.

I challenge you to consider that a little more universal compassion might make you a happier and better man. Show that druggie that they have something respectable about them, that they can have a social place with meaning and responsibility, the fact that some people make doesn't mean that everyone gets the message, and then cold opportunities are a poor substitute for a reaffirming social network.

Actually I'm very happy and I'll only get happier keeping the
"One world" crowd in France where they belong.

And there is nothing "respectable" about being a junkie, drunk or derelict.

Or watch t.v., its america, as long as you follow the rules you can be as big a b*****d as you like, heck, you can even be self righteous and cynical about it.

Well I'll just have to be "self righteous" then. I'm not much for cynicism.

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New Member
Ok, fair enough, you don't want to make even the feeblest attempt to actually deal with what I'm saying, that's fine. Sorry to impose.

But did I say I hate this country? And even if I did? Why would moving be better than standing up for what I believe in and trying to change the system. If I lose then the people have spoken and your view is reinforced, if I'm just ushered out by the likes of you than this is Afghanistan. I love this country, I love people here, and if you don't understand that then you've truly truly missed my point. But I have every right to examine the mechanisms that are working to shape me and my worldview.

And where does this duty to your family and Country (country not being defined as those who live here but those who operate within the sacred guidelines of appropriate american behavior) come from. You said "if you were religious" so I assume you're not, so you're not going to tie the argument to God, then where?

Seriously, I'm curious.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member

I think I'll just have to let this go since it's going nowhere and I'm obviously listening to the rantings of some child who spent far too much time, and far too much of Daddy's money, on Sociology classes and not enough attention to reality.

Try a little Thomastic Psychology!

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Funny, Kyle, how you accuse Zoss of being childish as you post little emoticons that both "moon" him and blow a "bubble" at him...that's so grown up of you!

It's a shame that people like you have the view of educated people that you do. Someone goes off to college and makes a point of educating themselves in a broad, ever-changing way of looking at the world and you accuse them of not focusing on 'reality'. What the hell is reality?

What "real" principles does someone miss by attempting to broaden their horizons and challenging the way that they've been taught to view the world?

Someone like you, who has developed a comfortable, self-centered paradigm by which you live your life is certainly not living in "reality".

"Reality" is not as cut and dry as you seem to wish it to be. Don't lambast Zoss because you can't seem to follow what he's saying.

If you are truly as "grown up" and "realistic" as you say, would you really turn tail and run leaving a trail of mooning and bubble gum chewing smiley faces in your wake? Come on now....


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Originally posted by jimmy
Funny, Kyle, how you accuse Zoss of being childish as you post little emoticons that both "moon" him and blow a "bubble" at him...that's so grown up of you!

Obviously you don't get it! Oh well! :)

It's a shame that people like you have the view of educated people that you do. Someone goes off to college and makes a point of educating themselves in a broad, ever-changing way of looking at the world and you accuse them of not focusing on 'reality'. What the hell is reality?

Gosh Dern, Sonny, I goss a few years a ejucashun ma-self!

I simply resisted the lazy way through college of accepting every bit of Pseudo-Intellectual BS and socialist dogma on a stick and regurgitating it at the next available opportunity!

Lastly...I can't help you find reality! :lmao:

What "real" principles does someone miss by attempting to broaden their horizons and challenging the way that they've been taught to view the world?

You miss'd your own misstake thar pardner!
You haven't "broadened" anything. You aren't "challenging the way that they've been taught to view the world", you're reciting it!

Someone like you, who has developed a comfortable, self-centered paradigm by which you live your life is certainly not living in "reality". "Reality" is not as cut and dry as you seem to wish it to be. Don't lambast Zoss because you can't seem to follow what he's saying.

You've gotta be kidding here! Oh yeah! sociology classes are how to deal with aspects of the "real world"! :lmao:

If you are truly as "grown up" and "realistic" as you say, would you really turn tail and run leaving a trail of mooning and bubble gum chewing smiley faces in your wake? Come on now....

Already covered this one!

Jimmy, experience a little of life and then look back at all those strange and wonderful moments in sociology and philosophy. Ten or so years makes all the difference.


P.S. I just luuuuuuuuuuuuvvvv these little smiley faces!!! :lol:


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Originally posted by jetmonkey

You ever notice how 'these people' always accuse you of being to stupid to understand them when you disagree with their drivel? Like when Bill Mahar 'apologized' for saying that cowardly terrorists who fly a 500 mph bomb into innocent civilians are heros?


I just wish there were a way to seal over the hole in their backs that are used to make them seem animate!

Or is it in the heads? :)


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
What's wrong with juvenile mud-slinging? :lol:

I have to tell you, I love Jimmy's posts. I remember when I was young and idealistic, thought that everyone was good and all it would take is for everyone to hold hands and sing "I'd Like To Teach The World To Sing". Ahhh...those were the days. I can remember being a squab in Junior High, thinking the Mariel Boat Lift was a wonderful moment in democracy.



Oh guys.

Oh It hurts me so to not be taken seriously because of my age. Because you've lived your lives and have had your ways of thinking reinforced for so long, that must make your opinions more valid than mine...

And oh how lovely it was to be in college and just take everything that every professor spat at me and just wait to regurgitate it some day in the hopes that my opponents won't be quick enough to pick up on it.

Oh it pains me to be told that I suck by JetMonkey. When will the pain ever cease?

Christ, I wish you all actually knew me and could see how funny you all simply calling me idealistic really is.

I'm sorry that you all are old and set in your ways.

I'm sorry that the chance to change things has apparenlty passed you by (otherwise, why would you be so pissed about my attempts to do so?).

I'm sorry that the only way for you to feel good about your position is to chalk mine up to my young age and my liberal arts education.

I'm sorry that instead of engaging in intelligent discussion, most of you would rather reduce this into an ad hominem attack or a poor attempt to pigeon hole me.

I'm sorry because most of the time, on these forums we DO engage in meaningful discussions. But, since recently, you all seem to be doing nothing more than stroking eachother's dill bags, I'll leave it at that.


And Monkey,

The Murial Boatlift DID contribute to Carter's failed re-election attempt. The other points that you astutely brought up are all valid as well and I'm glad you were "politically cognizant" at the time and you could call that to our attention.

MY point, is that that had no bearing on the point I was trying to make. You were merely trying to flex your muscle here by pointing out something that wasn't worth pointing out.

Maybe it wasnt' the MAIN reason for his failed bid but (a) that doesn't mean it wasn't a reason and (b) for christ's sake, I was AGREEING with "you people" that Castro has had a sketchy history at best and that Carter wasn't always the best representation of US foreign policy....

Pick your battles, old man...


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Originally posted by jimmy
Oh guys.

Oh It hurts me so to not be taken seriously because of my age. Because you've lived your lives and have had your ways of thinking reinforced for so long, that must make your opinions more valid than mine...

Hey don't feel bad! I'm sure everyone here has children that swear they know everything by the ripe old age of 14. Why should you be different!

And oh how lovely it was to be in college and just take everything that every professor spat at me and just wait to regurgitate it some day in the hopes that my opponents won't be quick enough to pick up on it.

It's good to see you come out of denial! ;)

Christ, I wish you all actually knew me and could see how funny you all simply calling me idealistic really is.

I'm sorry that you all are old and set in your ways.

I'm sorry that the chance to change things has apparenlty passed you by (otherwise, why would you be so pissed about my attempts to do so?).

Strange I though it was our generation in power and changing things now!

I'm sorry that the only way for you to feel good about your position is to chalk mine up to my young age and my liberal arts education.

I'm sorry that instead of engaging in intelligent discussion, most of you would rather reduce this into an ad hominem attack or a poor attempt to pigeon hole me.

I'm sorry because most of the time, on these forums we DO engage in meaningful discussions. But, since recently, you all seem to be doing nothing more than stroking eachother's dill bags, I'll leave it at that.

And I'm sorry too Jimmy that the rest of us didn't benefit from the wonderful liberal arts education you recieved that delivered to you the knowledge of the Universe! James the all-knowing! Did they also make you omnipotent?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Cari, I'm not bored. I genuinely find Jimmy's opinions interesting. Can't help it if it brings out a certain nostalgia in me.

I'm sorry, Jimmy, that you're feeling attacked - speaking only for myself, that wasn't the intention. You have to remember that your opinons and ideas aren't new to any of us - most of us felt the same way when we were early-20's. To me it's like a trip down memory lane.

If being young disturbs you, wait awhile. That situation will surely change!



You are referring to "acumen" aren't you? Or "politically cognizant"? I thought that my comment might seem as if I was actually impressed.


I'm not disturbed by being young; I love it. I love knowing that my mind can still be changed. But I don't think that has anything to do with being young. It's a love of knowledge and a desire to learn.

It's what made me choose my much-discussed liberal arts eduction in the first place; wanting to see how others viewed the world and having my ideology challenged and, sometimes, changed.

I'm not the liberal you are pigeon-holing me to be. I'm not as naieve as you all seem to think. I'm not offended by anything that you all are saying; just getting a bit frustrated.

Kyle, not once have I claimed to be all-knowing. In fact, just the opposite, I feel that I really "know" nothing. I have my ways of looking at the world but I'm not always gonna be right. I hear viewpoints like yours, however, and I don't find a real strong arguement and I appear that I'm not openminded to your thoughts.

That's not the case, I simply disagree and have yet to be convinced otherwise. I don't think age is going to change that.


Where do I begin? The comments about age were merely in response to you all bringing up the tired old "someday, you'll feel like me" crap.

I try not to make assumptions about people on the internet. For instance, not ONCE have I asked you all about your age, educational background, or history of military service. Because if I knew those things, I'd be operating under a preconceived notion of who you were and I'd assume things about your position that may or may not be true.

You on the other hand have been quite quick to judge and write off anything I say as fitting neatly into this little category that you have placed me in.

If it makes it easier for you to do this, then fine. I really don't care. But don't sit there and pretend like you've got something on me. If you want to engage in a discussion of issues, I'm here. If you want to make assumptions and write me off, then just ignore me.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Jimmy, I applaud your desire to learn new things and expand your horizons. However, if you keep clinging to the same old tired ideas that were discussed and discarded by most of us YEARS ago, you will never achieve your goal.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Damn! I'm sorry I missed that one earlier JetMonkey!!!

Location: On jimmy's ass like a diaper!

I nearly dropped my Geritol when I read that!!!

:lmao: :roflmao: :lmao: :roflmao: :lmao:
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Does the word, Entertainment, ring a bell??
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Originally posted by jetmonkey
Oh tolerance for gays is priority number one but none for old people, eh 'jimmy'? Who will you go after next, BLACKS?! You, my friend, are the paradigm for hypocrisy. You blast someone else for attacking your education, yet when I use words you have to look up in the dictionary you feel compelled to quote them back to me! What is that all about?

I'd be willing to bet you JetMonkey that Jimmy is a receiver.