Originally posted by zossima
First, can we please refrain from the jr. high debate tactics. That Kum by yah comment was off base and juvenile.
Kum-by-yah must be close to home with you!
And yes, your view is you being selfish, how astute of you to notice.
Actually where my country is concerned, meaning my family, friends and neighbors and those of the United States who give to this nation with their skills, wills and very lives, do have my support and assistance.
I see nothing selfish about it! But then I'm not one of the "We are the World" fruitloops either.
Ok, actually you're a bit off, you're still assuming you have no human duty to the suffering. (For kicks lets say drugged out pieces of junk are suffering, they're beating the 'ell out of themselves for some reason right)
I have no, as you put it, "human duty". I have an obligation to my family and if I were of a religious nature my God, and my Country! That doesn't include any duty to those that choose to subvert, pillage or destroy this nation or those that support it.
You pay your taxes, you send your kicks to school, you vote... you do all that our infallible founding fathers and the western traditon ask of you. Meanwhile you live in country which plunders the resources of the world with little to no concern for the results of its actions because it, like you, are just following those deified doctrines of capitalism, autonomy, reason.
Since we pay for those resources and you certainly seem to be availing yourself of them I can only guess you're joking in this paragraph. If not then I see where you're coming from now. If you truly find this nation so abhorrent Afghanistan is open for business again. If you dislike capitalism Castro'ss looking for a few good men I'm sure.
I challenge you to consider that a little more universal compassion might make you a happier and better man. Show that druggie that they have something respectable about them, that they can have a social place with meaning and responsibility, the fact that some people make doesn't mean that everyone gets the message, and then cold opportunities are a poor substitute for a reaffirming social network.
Actually I'm very happy and I'll only get happier keeping the
"One world" crowd in France where they belong.
And there is nothing "respectable" about being a junkie, drunk or derelict.
Or watch t.v., its america, as long as you follow the rules you can be as big a b*****d as you like, heck, you can even be self righteous and cynical about it.
Well I'll just have to be "self righteous" then. I'm not much for cynicism.
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