I.A.M. vs DynCorp International


Blah.. Blah...Blah
I got all that. Crystal clear. You live in a right-to-work state and you do not like your employer but, for reasons only you know well, you refuse to leave that employer.

Got it. When I was in the same situation..I simply left. To each their own, right? You are in total control of your own destiny and nobody can take that away from you.

Edit: and that does sound like a pretty crappy environment in many respects; certainly not the first time I've heard that said about DynCorp. But I'm sure you are smart enough to know to never expect a company to change...at least not in anything resembling your lifetime.

What's wrong with having a set amount of personal days and have vacation /sick leave based on your time at the company? At my job we acrue sick leave and vacation, but we also have six personal days a year. So I don't think it's a big deal for them to want to negotiate that into their contract. If the base is closed due to snow,why should anyone have to use their leave? There was a state of emergency and the roads were closed.


aka Mrs. Giant
What's wrong with having a set amount of personal days and have vacation /sick leave based on your time at the company? At my job we acrue sick leave and vacation, but we also have six personal days a year. So I don't think it's a big deal for them to want to negotiate that into their contract. If the base is closed due to snow,why should anyone have to use their leave? There was a state of emergency and the roads were closed.

:lmao: I had co-workers that made it to work anyway...some kind of essential personnel nonsense.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
What's wrong with having a set amount of personal days and have vacation /sick leave based on your time at the company? At my job we acrue sick leave and vacation, but we also have six personal days a year. So I don't think it's a big deal for them to want to negotiate that into their contract. If the base is closed due to snow,why should anyone have to use their leave? There was a state of emergency and the roads were closed.

Heck..nothing wrong with that at all. You can demand anything you want in fact.

And as an employer, I have to decide if affording you what you want is beneficial to the company as it affects hiring, retention, morale, company competitiveness and company bottom line.

Its all pretty simple really.


New Member
What's wrong with having a set amount of personal days and have vacation /sick leave based on your time at the company? At my job we acrue sick leave and vacation, but we also have six personal days a year. So I don't think it's a big deal for them to want to negotiate that into their contract. If the base is closed due to snow,why should anyone have to use their leave? There was a state of emergency and the roads were closed.

hmmm here's a different senario - "oh boy the weather is getting nasty", "the base is securing early" - we work off base so if the base closes due to bad weather it really does not affect us, but given the choice, leaving early and to use vacation time, "oh no the roads are not that bad"! OR Hey take off early and put it on overhead, "oh thank you, the roads are really getting bad"!


Blah.. Blah...Blah
The NERVE of them...

Welcome to the real world. As others have stated - most companies now have PTO or Comprehensive leave (not called vacation). It is leave to use as you see fit throughout the year. Have a car wreck and can't make it to work that day...use your comprehensive leave. Get a summons to appear in court...use your comprehensive leave. BTW how are ANY of these reasons for YOU NOT being at work the companies fault or problem - since you stated that they were beyond your control so why should you use your leave time if you are not at work for basically ANY reason.

Companies are actually smart to do this because you KNOW if you give someone 40 hours of sick leave a year they ARE gonna be "sick" for 40 hours every year. Besides, it could work out to a responsible employee's advantage as well since it doesn't expire at the end of the year...don't use it all one year and you could do a "leave buy back" the next year or if you leave/retire get paid for what you have "saved"

Oh and when the base is shut down due to snow - a lot of companies have what is basically a "temporary leave" program (well at least to salaried employees). They allow you to charge that day or portion of day to this "temp leave" and then you have several months in which to work those extra hours to “reimburse” the company for the pay for those hours vs. all in the same pay period - this does NOT come out of Comp Leave or PTO UNLESS you don't eventually work the hours to "pay" it back.

Dynocorp did not allow them to do that. To my knowledge anyway.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member

Dynocorp did not allow them to do that. To my knowledge anyway.

I can understand why..total PITA to keep track off. In fact, we leave the tracking of Comp leave up to the individual employees..kinda an honor system.


New Member
OP - The simple fact that you titled this thread in an "Us versus Them" theme opens the whole thing up for debate. I also think that your brotherly call to arms was an afterthougt...but that is just me...so, for your viewing pleasure, here are...

....A FEW THOUGHTS about a few of your thoughts....

BTW...I do not live in SOMD...I used to, but I moved....(to get a better job, btw)

"DynCorp believes that any and all time missed from work should be covered with vacation. So if I get sick, and can't go to work, I have to use a day of my vacation in order to go see the doctor, and also, if I am sick bad enough, and the doctor does not want me to work for a day or two, I have to use vacation for those days also, or I do not get paid."...

1) Grow up (and I'm not being mean...seriously)....the days of "sick leave" are gone, unless you happen to be a government employee in some way shape or form. As you have read numerous times, most of us do not get what is called "vacation" time anymore either...it is categorized as compensated time off (CTO) or, paid time off (PTO). What you use it for is up to you. It is what is called a BENEFIT...very different from a RIGHT. Many companies will also give you the option of using Leave Without Pay...(LWOP)....so, if you don't want to use your paid time off for when you get sick...use LWOP. Better yet, consider preventative maintenance (PM), keep yourself and your kidlets healthy, wash your hands regularly, and discourage others from bringing their hairy germs into work....

- Oh yeah has anyone mentioned relishing the fact that you are currently employed?

"My friends, I have had just about enough of this crap. I have worked for DynCorp International for four years. I have seen first hand the kind of underhanded things they do to people. It is the only place I have ever worked where tenure means nothing."

2) I actually chuckled at this one...Tenure? What are you a professor (I'm guessing....no)? Since when is four years tenure? Here is a heads up...."tenure" means nothing, just as the days of 'pension plans' are no more. Take solace in the fact that it is a two-way street. In this day and age, if most people are not where they want to be in 2-3 years, they go somewhere else.

Considering the fact that DynCorp is a government contracting company, and you in the union, you are most likely direct billable...your "tenure" as you like to refer to it is only as good as the contract you are on and the money that you bring in...yes sir, you are a cash cow...if you don't realize that, then I think you need a reality / maturity check, or a new job. So....why don't you take your "tenure" out on the real job market...as has been mentioned time and time again..and see what it brings you. It may give you a sense of perspective.

”Have a car wreck and can't make it to work that day? Better have some vacation time saved up. Get a summons to appear in court? Make sure you have enough vacation to cover it. Remember all the snow we had this past winter? The base was shut down for two or three days. Unless you had vacation time, you didn't get paid. Or you ended up working double and 24 hour shifts and still wasn't able to make up all the time that was missed."

3) Car wreck? I've driven in St. Mary's County and on the beltway, and you people drive like a bunch of crazies!...why is that DynCorp's problem?? Summons for court? If it were for anything other than jury duty (which I'm pretty sure you get paid for), I'd fire you. WRT to the base shutting down...who exactly held the gun to your head and forced you to work for the DoD? Wait...don't worry about it...Mr. Obama is going to get rid of your job anyway, so you'll have plenty of time to rally with your union brothers and sisters.

"DynCorp also feels that it's lower than average pay increase offer is major progress."

4) DynCorp probably cannot afford to give you a decent pay increase (you got an increase? awesome...I was told I get to keep my job) because 1/4 of the workers @ PAX are usually out on some type of short or long term disability....hello?? SAFETY FIRST?

"DynCorp management have also been outright liars and deceivers"

5) Seriously? This is not a communist country... Quit. I'm sure that there are many many people up there that would love to have your job, as has been mentioned time and time again...

BTW...I'm sure that DynCorp is all you say and worse...liars, cheaters, deceiveres....as well as evil incarnate. I'm also sure that if you are part of a union, you or your rep no dobut signed an agreement that contained a "No Strike" clause....so what does that make you?
The roads in SOMD were not closed this past winter.

Seems to me the base really never closed either, just liberal leave policy in effect, in which case there was no base lockout, and you'd need to use personal time anyway if you couldn't make it in.


Seems to me the base really never closed either, just liberal leave policy in effect, in which case there was no base lockout, and you'd need to use personal time anyway if you couldn't make it in.

NTNG's snowy day driving philosophy: If the deductable on your car insurance is more than you make in day, stay home....
NTNG's snowy day driving philosophy: If the deductable on your car insurance is more than you make in day, stay home....

If it takes me longer than 2 hours to clear the driveway enough to get out, it's not worth going out.

But I have plenty of personal time available and have no issue taking a day or two for that. There's something to be said for working for the same company for 30 years.... seniority and benefits abound...


New Member
If it takes me longer than 2 hours to clear the driveway enough to get out, it's not worth going out.

But I have plenty of personal time available and have no issue taking a day or two for that. There's something to be said for working for the same company for 30 years.... seniority and benefits abound...

Now THAT is "tenure"...good show.


Walking for a cure!!
Thanks for letting me know. He is union. He hates the fact they might go on strike. He believes what he gets now is good enough. Most people don't even get half what he gets. I.A.M needs to stop being so greedy and be greatful. So what other contracting companies our on base so i can get his resume ready? He just wants to work like every other person.

This link will take you to the St. Marys County technology handbook. Lists locan contractors, POC, and type of work they do.

St. Mary's County Tech Handbook


New Member

Dynocorp did not allow them to do that. To my knowledge anyway.

Never said they did...said "a lot of companies" that I know of.

I've always been of a mindset that if I company isn't meeting my realistic needs, then I'll look for another job with a company that does. But I guess I've been overall fortunate to have worked for fairly decent companies. If situations changed that made it undesirable (and it wasn't always the company itself) I looked elsewhere. Averaged about 8 years at each, with each change being a move up for me.


New Member
First, thanks for an intelligent response. I give no replies to idiots, haters, and flamers.

I am not saying I am more privileged than anyone else. But why should I have to use my vacation time for things like being sick and going to the doctor? Or having to appear in court for a summons? Or if mother nature decides to take a giant crap and the base shuts down? Those aren't reasons to have to use vacation time, and I shouldn't have to use my hard earned vacation time to cover situations with my employer that are beyond my control. I expect my employer to understand that there are some issues that are beyond my control, and attempt to work with me, instead of against me on those.

Welcome to the real world! You have a job, you should be grateful for that. If you are not happy with the current position you hold then find a new job. There are many of other people who would gladly take your spot.

Your issue with Vacation is unreal, 99% of the contractors in this area run the exact same way. Why do you feel you should be treated special.

Hopefully DynCorp will get the ability to let the ungrateful bastards like you go and higher people who will appreciate what they have.