Thank you
You're welcome.
Thank you
You might want to learn how to use the " Quote Feature " that way folks understand whom you are replying to.
Most of what has been said is fine and good, and I feel for those involved, but what if the child is one of them "broke people". They happen, we have instances of them throughout life. They might not be fixable. It truly may be a psychological issue and not physical or physiological. What then?
If I may ...
Electro shock therapy? Lobotomy?
If I may ...
Electro shock therapy? Lobotomy?
Your response here indicates that you:
A) Think those processes actually work. Or
B) Enjoy and endorse torture.
I wish you wouldn't.
I don't know if they work or not, but I have heard of them. If they don't, fine. If they do, fine.
If it is a form of torture
, please inform those in Guantanamo.
Oh, Lobotomies definitely work (for curbing aggressive behavior / hyperactivity / hysteria). And believe it or not, they are not particularly painful (used to be an outpatient procedure). Side effects can be a bitch though.
How is deliberately shocking someone with electricity not a form of torture?
This was a very good post. physical stress and pain could cause one to be irritable, impatient, and short tempered without one even realizing what's going on. Even if he's one to procrastinate on using the bathroom, all that could be manifesting... and at least be part of the problem... and of course hunger too.
I see that my fan club is alive and well! Good to know. Foxxy, again, I hope the situation with your son is resolved soon. I wish you and your family well.
I don't think that I am wrong, but you said somewhere on the forum that you don't have children. Thus, you have no reason to be giving advice on the subject. If I were you, I would be working on your marriage; according to your other comments about your roofing accident.![]()
I don't think that I am wrong, but you said somewhere on the forum that you don't have children. Thus, you have no reason to be giving advice on the subject. If I were you, I would be working on your marriage; according to your other comments about your roofing accident.![]()
I often think you get picked on needlessly. And then you make a comment like this.
Why? Foxhound doesn't have children, and he's given input and indeed, helped me in many ways with Thing1, At a time when things were much more difficult with him, (Thing1) Foxhound had a lot of input which helped get me through many a challenge. Thing2 has moved on from teenager to adult and, at 21, has a great guy/buddy type of relationship with FH. However, Thing1 will always be developmentally delayed social-emotionally, and FH is more of a father-ish figure to him now.
When I was growing up, I had a Girl Scout leader who had no children. She became one of the most influential mentors in my life. I'm friends with her to this day, and she's almost like a 2nd or 3rd mother to me.
So you're flat out wrong.
If someone humiliates their spouse and calls her an idiot on a public forum, I just feel they shouldn't be giving advice on raising children. Just my opinion. Thanks for your input.