PeoplesElbow said:I think I would prefer herpes.![]()
Don't worry, he is only saying that because he already has them.
Whether you have kids or not - all good ideas, and most of which (besides the cannabis), we've tried.
Sports - if he doesn't like the way it's going, he just quits. On the field. Try to push him, he explodes. Game over.
Swimming - won't do organized swimming, only playing - and that's not exhausting.
Bicycle - has one, rides the hell out of it.
We have not tried the military academy yet, though we did try Tae Kwon Do years ago. Didn't like that either (see his reaction to swimming).
All was well in this thread until you jumped on Dannys throat for not having children.
And, that was my point. I didn't jump on Danny's throat. He put it out there. If you don't love your wife, how can you give advice on raising kids? I was replying to what he said on another thread about his wife. You must not read the whole forum, and that is what makes you a troll. I feel that people without children have no clue. But, that is ok. I was just thinking about this forum, and my journey here. I have decided I don't give a crap about what y'all say. It seems my opinions get trolled. Whatever. I do hold vrai, David, and Monello in high regard, and love my friends here. There is a difference in discussion, and down right being pieces of you know. You know what I mean. Troll on, oh wise one.
The OPs kid doesn't seem to suffer from a disability.
The OPs kid doesn't seem to suffer from a disability.
I wanna go with he needs some tough love with a few meetings with Dad and a college fraternity paddle... Actions have consequences...
I doubt the mother came into this forum seeking disciplinary advice - it seems more like she wanted to find out if she could possibly find one more avenue she may not have tried to seek help from the state for her son.
Your answer seems like you only want to be provocative and start something.
Nope, not at all.. just my life's learning lessons.
I've read this thread and then reread it and I now find it interesting that when this child has a 72 hour stayover at the Hospital it seems all is well in his world and no acting out and he's not assaulting employee's at the hospital.
If he acted out in that environment he apparently understood that he will receive a longer stay. That in it's self tells me most likely the bad behavior he has,
is a learned behaviour and most likely nothing more.
And with that some good old testament parenting might work..
Tough Love is hard to apply with so many parents in today's society when the parent wants to be a " Friend " to the child and not a parent.
And that's coming from a parent that grew up in a Old Testament House but has never had to lay a hand on his own child. I've never even had to threaten my kid with being spanked or paddled.
Spoken like a true expert.![]()
Just because it isn't visible doesn't mean it isn't there.
Thanks, The Marine Corps spent lots of taxpayers cash to teach me to be move very very quiet and be very very observant....
I told myself not to come back into this thread, but your post made me want to barf. You are not a Marine because you want to talk about taxpayers funding the military. Hello? Is that the only reason you enlisted, or are you a patriot? You are all about yourself. My hub is a Marine, and he is about America, and defending Her. And, he would beat you at any sport you want to challenge. Wrestling, football, baseball, running and shooting. I wish I knew you IRL, and could actually witness the challenge. Marines are honorable. You, not so much.
And, don't even bother to bring up our son that has caused so much heartache. You like to do that because it makes you feel better. We are coping and doing the best that we can. My hub is, actually, my children's step dad, and is the most ethical, honest, and loving person, and takes on responsibilities for everything. You, not so much. The reason I say that is that no one on this entire Earth could be as perfect as you present yourself to be. You are so old now in what you say on this forum that you have become stale. Oohrah!
I, also, want to say that we try to teach our children to not be violent. Example is my dot and I own to Labradoodle siblings that love Emerson so much, and are constantly around her/protecting her/licking her/jealous of her. We tell the dogs to stop. Emerson has resorted to hitting them, and I don't blame her, but she is right in not wanting to be pestered. My point is that we have to teach our children well. As far as foxxy, she took on a huge responsibility to foster/adopt. That is very courageous. She didn't know what she would get. And, I think our gov sucks that foxxy cannot get the help she needs. Our gov is so broken, it is pathetic.
That's rich Wackadoodie....
But yet, you admonish my son that has a clean life, has had a job since he was 14, Graduated with Honors, Not a ticket for driving yet..
I'm sure his parents poor choices planted the seeds for his horrible behavior..
I never admonished your son, just you. I am sure you are very proud of him, as I am of mine. He is an awesome kid and didn't request to be an addict.