I concede, but Bush will not win the fight!!!


Set Trippin
Hey turbanassflake...

lookie here:


  • election_map04.jpg
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New Member
UrbanPancake said:
The sad truth is even when southerners are losing their jobs they will still vote in fear that gay people might be able to be married. It seems that some people don't have their priorities straight.
So, what you are saying is that unless you hold money more important than morals your priorities aren't straight?


professional daydreamer
Sharon said:
Which is exactly why Bush won with more votes than any other president in history.

But didn't Kerry lose with more votes than any other candidate in history?


Tina2001aniT said:
Bwa ha ha ha.....isn't that what you said in 2000?

Dear UP,

It is people like you that keep this country seperated......Kerry lost and will not be president, get over it and support your country. Is the country being sooo divided good for anyone? NO.....Even Kerry himself is all for uniting this country to fight for one common goal. If you could see through your tears during his concession speech you would have noticed that.


I can not stand behind this President. I will support our troops, but I will not support the President. I can support Americans, but not the President. But I can accept Bush as the President. You can't be upset with the democratic process. I'm not.

I will fight harder come next election. I have already started.


Dancing Up A Storm
Hey Vrai!

Is there a threshold where a user in this case - turbanpancake - would get dropped off the board once they attain a certain negative karma count?

The boychick is at -8482, and I was wondering if he will die a quick death at


A person can only hope! :angel:


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
UrbanPancake said:
I don't think everyone is stupid. Let me remind you that Bush is the incumbent, and he used social fear to win the vote. So who is stupid? The person who votes in fear of gay marriage? Or the person who votes in support of a stronger America?
As opposed to Democraps that use fear of an alleged draft, scaring seniors with the same old "They'll take away your SS checks" or their favorite tactic - race baiting... What about those fears?


My Sweetest Boy
UrbanPancake said:
I can not stand behind this President. I will support our troops, but I will not support the President. I can support Americans, but not the President. But I can accept Bush as the President. You can't be upset with the democratic process. I'm not.

I will fight harder come next election. I have already started.
Are you drunk? :confused:


Dancing Up A Storm
cattitude said:
Are you drunk? :confused:
Hmmm, no, I suspect he just got some in the behind, and is euphoric about the whole thing.

He's probably anal retentive as well.


Kyle said:
As opposed to Democraps that use fear of an alleged draft, scaring seniors with the same old "They'll take away your SS checks" or their favorite tactic - race baiting... What about those fears?

These are true fears. Our troops are over extended and Bush has adopted a back door draft. He wants to reform Social Security without coming up with a plan to keep it a float for the baby boomers, and the existing seniors.

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
UrbanPancake said:
I am over it. But there is always the next election.
Thanks for the grey karma: "But we won some key House Seats. UP" :loser:

I know, I know. Obama is going to be the savior of the Democrat party. :duh:

But overall the Democrats LOST 4 seats in the Senate, including Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle, and 1 in the House. Ouch, ouch, ouch. That's a heck of a backlash. The ultra left-leaning Democratic strategy is NOT working and they need to get back in touch with reality if they have any hope in regaining any of the ground they have lost.


Penn said:
Hmmm, no, I suspect he just got some in the behind, and is euphoric about the whole thing.

He's probably anal retentive as well.

I'm sorry your an uniformed bigot. You know nothing of me, but you assume I am one thing. You are so misinformed. I'm sorry your a bigot. I wish I could lift the curtain over your eyes so you can see that everyone in this country is an American.


Super Genius
UrbanPancake said:
You can't deny the fact that Bush won the rural south, while Dems won the Northeast and the West. It goes to show that the well educated vote Dem, and the poorly educated vote repub.
You might do better around here if you used facts instead of your own stereotypical viewpoint. Here's a link that gives quality rankings of education in the 50 states. Show me where you get that people from the South are poorly educated compared to the NE and West. Looks to me like they put a whole lot into their education systems (which is good), but get very little out of it (which is very bad).

Oh, BTW - I have a degree in Aerospace Engineering from UMD, am working on my Masters in Systems Engineering from Johns Hopkins, am a member of multiple honor societies, and have an IQ of 141. What do you have?
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Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
UrbanPancake said:
These are true fears. Our troops are over extended and Bush has adopted a back door draft. He wants to reform Social Security without coming up with a plan to keep it a float for the baby boomers, and the existing seniors.

X There is no draft. Every military member in active service signed an elistment contract to get there.

X Social Security will not going be denied to any recipient of benefits. And there is a plan in the works and some of your favorite socialists helped with ideas for it's improvement INCLUDING PRIVATIZATION.


jazz lady said:
Thanks for the grey karma: "But we won some key House Seats. UP" :loser:

I know, I know. Obama is going to be the savior of the Democrat party. :duh:

But overall the Democrats LOST 4 seats in the Senate, including Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle, and 1 in the House. Ouch, ouch, ouch. That's a heck of a backlash. The ultra left-leaning Democratic strategy is NOT working and they need to get back in touch with reality if they have any hope in regaining any of the ground they have lost.

Like I have said, in 11 states they had Gay Marriage Referendums on the ballot. Who do you think they were trying to get out and vote? Answer this for me.


My Sweetest Boy
UrbanPancake said:
These are true fears. Our troops are over extended and Bush has adopted a (1) back door draft. He wants to reform Social Security without (2) coming up with a plan to keep it a float for the baby boomers, and the existing seniors.

1 - social fear perpetrated by YOUR candidate

2 - :rolleyes: please explain your candidate's plan