I jumped the gun!


Originally posted by migtig
He has a point. My friend was giving me advice and he said that I was scaring some because they were to shy to approach open friendly me (can you believe that) and that I needed to open my eyes wider, and boy was he right. There are soo many men out there I am amazed.

Mig agreed with me? There is hope after all.


Nothing to see here
Originally posted by sleuth14
See... my criteria aren't that hard to fill.
But you'd be surprised how rare such a specimen is.

Quit worrying bout your criteria checklist and you might be surprised..


Originally posted by Athena1078
I wasn't bashing him for not wanting a relationship.. I was just disappointed. It seems that the guys I wouldn't mind relationships with only want sex, and the guys I wouldn't ever want a relationship with really want one from me. and the height thing, I am attracted to guys taller than me...(the tallest I ever dated was 7') The past 2 guys that I have dated just haven't worked out.. For some reason, guys shorter than me and I just can't get it together.. I am not against anyone for their height.

Sounded like it too me. First he was fine, then after the "not into a commitment" thing you were bashing his "manhood" and then his stature.

Criteria is ok to a point. I personally am not attracted to seriously overweight women and get the "your shallow" drama because of it. I don't think I am shallow, my DNA is just not coded to make me attracted to them. I think that is different than height because weight can be in MOST cases controlled height cannot.

You said that you have "waived" your height requirement 2 times and it didn't work out. Statistically speaking unless you have only dated 1 guy taller than you I bet that taller guys have disappointed you at a higher rate than the 2 short guys.

I am not saying that you being attracted to tall guys and not to short ones it bad, we all have our likes dislikes. It just sounds like you made a blanket statement about short guys, and guys over 32 or so in a previous thread. I have to shake my head at those types of criteria. I had a woman tell me once after she found out I was in the Navy that she wouldn't date a sailor they all cheat. I just looked at her and said thats OK, not many sailors will date Mainer women either. When she got huffy about that I asked her how the 2 statements were different, she just stared off into space.


Originally posted by vraiblonde
I'll bet Otter and Ken King don't waste one second of their day "finding" themselves. That's so boring. Women like guys who are already "found".

Sh!t, I'm over 40, I must've found myself twice by now!:biggrin: But I must be boring because the X told me I was.


PREMO Member
Found themselves???

Some of us never got lost in the first place.


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
Originally posted by giggles04
Perhaps indeed- I've told her about you... she'll probably be getting in touch with you once she's back from Ocean City:biggrin:

We shall see... :wink:


Social Director
Originally posted by dpete2q
Sounded like it too me. First he was fine, then after the "not into a commitment" thing you were bashing his "manhood" and then his stature.

Criteria is ok to a point. I personally am not attracted to seriously overweight women and get the "your shallow" drama because of it. I don't think I am shallow, my DNA is just not coded to make me attracted to them. I think that is different than height because weight can be in MOST cases controlled height cannot.

You said that you have "waived" your height requirement 2 times and it didn't work out. Statistically speaking unless you have only dated 1 guy taller than you I bet that taller guys have disappointed you at a higher rate than the 2 short guys.

I am not saying that you being attracted to tall guys and not to short ones it bad, we all have our likes dislikes. It just sounds like you made a blanket statement about short guys, and guys over 32 or so in a previous thread. I have to shake my head at those types of criteria. I had a woman tell me once after she found out I was in the Navy that she wouldn't date a sailor they all cheat. I just looked at her and said thats OK, not many sailors will date Mainer women either. When she got huffy about that I asked her how the 2 statements were different, she just stared off into space.
He still is fine, just not for me... When I get frustrated I start finding all the things I don't like about him to outweigh all the things that I do so I feel better about the whole situation. Yes, i have been disappointed by tall guys before too.. and I do the same thing to them when I don't get what I want. I am not saying that all short guys are bad, just for now I want a tall one.. and if a short one comes around that knows how to treat me right, we shall see. The whole age thing is just what I feel comfortable with. I don't want someone so much older than me that we are in different stages of our lives.. Just like I would prefer one that hasn't been married before and preferrably doesn't have any children.. just the way I am.. :cheers:


Nothing to see here
Originally posted by Athena1078
The whole age thing is just what I feel comfortable with. I don't want someone so much older than me that we are in different stages of our lives.. Just like I would prefer one that hasn't been married before and preferrably doesn't have any children.. just the way I am.. :cheers:

Damn, I am crushed..:biggrin: