I need advice...Im getting fat......


New Member
UP until 3 years ago I was in pretty good shape. For 9 years I was at a job where I was constantly moving and lifting heavy things. Now I have a sit down job which I feel has been one of the problems of my weight gain. Now I have to head out by 6:30 to get to work by 8 and I get off at 4:30 which brings me home close to 6pm. By the time I get home, I have house stuff to do, help my bf cook dinner, or help cut grass, or do laundry. Its always something. I tried exercising after work, but then that brings me to the 8'oclock hour to start making dinner which I cannot stand to eat that late. I get most of my activity on the weekends and Monday. My bf is a great cook, and we always try to cook healthy. Lots of veggies, turkey, chicken or fish. Now where I work is a very small office. I have a hard time sitting still but I can only go to and from the bathroom. Most of the time I will go to the bathroom alot and pretend Im using it, but I am really in there doing arm raises, or squats or lunges. Just something to help me get a little exercise in . But I am gaining weight like crazy. I have gained 15lbs in 3 years. Now I am getting depressed. I belong to a gym once, but I just cannot afford that anymore and had to cancell. My favriot things to do is bike riding and walking. Are there any office workers who sit all day have any advice for what I can do during the day. Please keep in mind, there are 2 other people in this office with me and they need there piece and quiet. We do not have doors on our rooms so there is no privacy. Help, I need advice.


New Member
I'll send Warnutz over there naked and you can chase him around and try to catch him.


Dream Stealer
I am having the exact same problem..I went from being a nurse's assistant to a desk job...I'm gaining more weight then I did in college! My office has a small room where they have a few cardio machines..I go in there in my lunch break to excersise a little..if you dont have that a walk at lunch time would help...if your building has steps, you could walk up and down them...stuff like that..it is hard and I feel for you...the only thing I have ever had success with..even more so than excersising on my lunch break..is atkins..i lost 7 pounds in 4 days..but it is so hard to stick with...if you find something that works let me know! a job with almost complete inactivity is very hard to work against


They call me ... Sarcasmo
Eat more meals. Go for 5-6 small meals a day and whatever you do DO NOT SKIP BREAKFAST!

snack (low carb snack)
1-2 small snacks during the afternoon

Lower your carb intake, increase your fiber and google "catabolic foods" use those for your snack. Try to work in 30-60 minutes of exercise every day. My wife is doing a program called 10 minute trainer from Beach Body (the P90X people) it is working pretty good for her without sticking to a strict diet and as the name implies it only takes 10 minutes per workout but they suggest doing 2-3 routines a day but you can spread them out over the day.


New Member
Your not allowed to leave your office during your lunch break? What the hell kind of place do you work at?
I work for a construction company and my boss only wants me to answer the phones and I am afraid to walk around here. Im in PG county, and lets face it, probably not safe. Where i used to work, I knew just about everyone around town so I felt safe and would actually walk sometimes to work. This sucks. Im getting old and FAT.


New Member
Eat more meals. Go for 5-6 small meals a day and whatever you do DO NOT SKIP BREAKFAST!

snack (low carb snack)
1-2 small snacks during the afternoon

Lower your carb intake, increase your fiber and google "catabolic foods" use those for your snack. Try to work in 30-60 minutes of exercise every day. My wife is doing a program called 10 minute trainer from Beach Body (the P90X people) it is working pretty good for her without sticking to a strict diet and as the name implies it only takes 10 minutes per workout but they suggest doing 2-3 routines a day but you can spread them out over the day.
I will definately check into this. I also tried getting up at 4 am and exercising but I found myself falling asleep at the wheel. I really think that the 4 am thing would be the best thing for me, but I need to figure out what I can do to stay awake while driving to work. I ve tried going to sleep earlier but that just makes me even more tired. Any suggestions on what I can do to utilize the 4 am schedule?


They call me ... Sarcasmo
I will definately check into this. I also tried getting up at 4 am and exercising but I found myself falling asleep at the wheel. I really think that the 4 am thing would be the best thing for me, but I need to figure out what I can do to stay awake while driving to work. I ve tried going to sleep earlier but that just makes me even more tired. Any suggestions on what I can do to utilize the 4 am schedule?



New Member
Oh no thats no good. Seriously......
Im to google now.... thank you all for your advice. I am going to beat this FAT A-- of mine. I refuse to wear plus size clothes. I know I am heading in that direction, so I have to stay on top of this. I am open to anymore suggestions if you have any.



All Up In Your Grill
Im to google now.... thank you all for your advice. I am going to beat this FAT A-- of mine. I refuse to wear plus size clothes. I know I am heading in that direction, so I have to stay on top of this. I am open to anymore suggestions if you have any.


Easy there bud, you're starting to talk to youself...:eyebrow:
I will definately check into this. I also tried getting up at 4 am and exercising but I found myself falling asleep at the wheel. I really think that the 4 am thing would be the best thing for me, but I need to figure out what I can do to stay awake while driving to work. I ve tried going to sleep earlier but that just makes me even more tired. Any suggestions on what I can do to utilize the 4 am schedule?
You still have to allow a good chunk of time for sleep. Are you really in a position to hit the bed at 9 p.m. each night?