I need advice...Im getting fat......

How am I wrong? The article you use to support your argument justifies genes having a prediposition for controlling weight gain/weight loss (in mice). How does that affect people shoveling high amounts of calories, crap food, sedentary lifestyles, and being a non-exerciser?

It is easy to see the human body's ability to put on weight. The consequence to getting fat? A God-damn hard time getting it off. People know how they got fat and they know how to get rid of it. They just are unwilling to do the hard work.

That seems to me to be more of a pyschological problem than a genetic one.

then explain how a person who is reed thin.. never exercises-- eats mcdonalds and crap never gains an ounce??

I'm not saying that you can stuff your face and lay around- what I am saying is that people have different metabolisms- true you can change that with diet and exercise but for some its always a struggle..

while for others they can eat whatever...

I think its a combo of both theories- but there must be a genetic link.

You can not dispute the research regarding the effects of neuro-transmitters and serotonin re-uptake on food intake ie: THE MOUSE EXPERIMENTS

but again exercise also effects the serotonin levels of the body- "runners high" which tells the brain the stomach isnt hungry..

I think there is a lot to be learned about the genetic links to overweight
I started the low carb thing, Its hard, because I love the produce stands. I can eat so much fruit like its going out of style which it will soon. I love my cantalopes, white peaches, bananas, watermelon and veggies, I love spinach, broc, coliflower, bell peppers, onions, green beans, cucumbers, and tomatoes. I know I shouldn't be eating as much of it as I do. The summer time is real bad for me because I love the fresh produce. Yesturday I had catfish and cucumbers for lunch and I was hungry like an hour later. What do I do about that hunger. Today, I had lunch meat wrapped in cheese for lunch. What brand of yogurts do you eat? Oh I also started doing step which I really love. I do appreciate all of your helpful hints. Please keep them coming.

when u are starting to correct your eating habits, you get back to eating when you are truly hungry- I think when people eat out of boredom they forget what being hungry feels like- and its amazing how small a real "portion" is.

I read an article that said a lot of times when we think we are hungry- we really are just thirsty

I would say have a small serving of cheese or nuts when u get hungry- just a small amount. as time goes on your body will begin to adjust to less food and you will be satisfied with less... just take 1 day at a time and commit to eating healthy "for today" and you wont get fustrated.

not sure what u are eating for breakfast- but you need to get in a high protein breakfast.

if there is something unhealthy that you are craving- pick 1 day of the week and say I can have _____ on saturday .........if I really want it. you will be amazed that by saturday you really don't want it anymore---- but if you still want it-- get it! have one or two bites and throw the rest in the trash!!!

but you cant have anything off program again till that day rolls around again...

yogurt= dannon lite & fit 4oz 60 calories 10 carbs
breyers has a low sugar one also

oh and the sugar free applesauce in flavors is good also, berry, peach etc @ 15 carbs tho & and comes in an individual package
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Luvin Life !!!
Just going to put this out there but after many searches of different programs I have found that Atkins has a low carb, low sugar program that is available online and it's free. You can download the acceptable foods list and carb counter list right to your desktop. They also have a progress tracking center where you can track your progress and daily meals as well as a recipe section for almost any kind of meal you are having. It might be something that would work for you.


New Member
then explain how a person who is reed thin.. never exercises-- eats mcdonalds and crap never gains an ounce??

I've got to agree with Big Fatty. I've known plenty of people who "never seem to gain an ounce", but guess what? It caught up with them! Those I knew years ago who I was so jealous of are now certainly plump, if not fat. On the other hand I have maintained a very good, slim figure, but I can tell you it is NOT my metabolism, because if I start eating all that I want I get thicker and thicker.
I suggest that you accept that the weight will come off slowly. If you want to make a permanent change in eating habits you should make one elimination, or change, at a time.
For me, I first cut out my Cheez Its at night. I was a ritual for me that was super hard to give up, but I did it. Then I changed from my bread and cheese for breakfast (my favorite thing in the world!) to Special K. Lunch found me eliminating mayo from my sandwiches and replacing it with hot chili sauce; I also make sure to throw in spinach or tomatoes when they are on hand. Dinner is the same as my family, but I get a small sandwich plate instead of a big dinner plate. No doubt I am eating waaaayyyy less!
This was what I did without even exercising, when I did start exercising I needed a bit more bulk, so breakfast changed to seasonal fruit: berries, bananas, apples, etc, sprinkled with granola and poured Kefir on top.
I allow myself nachos a couple days a week, but I use beans, corn and salsa, but no meat. I choose either sour cream or cheese, but never both, too fatty.
No fast food, ever, ever, ever! You're better off with a pb and j than a salad from McDonalds.
Lastly, water, water, water.
I have seven children, but you would never know by looking at me (weight wise). But, as I said, it is a fight every day to make good choices, but that is a choice only I can make.

Big Fatty

then explain how a person who is reed thin.. never exercises-- eats mcdonalds and crap never gains an ounce??

I'm not saying that you can stuff your face and lay around- what I am saying is that people have different metabolisms- true you can change that with diet and exercise but for some its always a struggle..

while for others they can eat whatever...

I think its a combo of both theories- but there must be a genetic link.

You can not dispute the research regarding the effects of neuro-transmitters and serotonin re-uptake on food intake ie: THE MOUSE EXPERIMENTS

but again exercise also effects the serotonin levels of the body- "runners high" which tells the brain the stomach isnt hungry..

I think there is a lot to be learned about the genetic links to overweight

Please see Libby's response to you. She said it well. And, I will add, made changes for the better.

I stand firm in my belief here. People are not fat due to gentics. They are fat because of choices they make. The human body is an amazing thing. We take it for granted though.

All this research into genetic links and WHAT NOT really seems irrelavent to me. Almost like fat people are looking for an "out" to being fat. As if they are hoping to find an easier way to lose weight. Pills, surgery, etc. isn't enough?

What happened to working for it? Libby decided she was important and corrected her poor habits. Why can't people see the logic in this?


I am so very blessed
I was fat because I ate too much, ate unhealthy items, and didn't get enough exercise. No surprise there.

High protein, low carb works best for me. :yay:

Big Fatty

I was fat because I ate too much, ate unhealthy items, and didn't get enough exercise. No surprise there.

High protein, low carb works best for me. :yay:

I would bet that damn near 100% of fat folks who lose weight would say the same.


I am so very blessed
I would bet that damn near 100% of fat folks who lose weight would say the same.
If I had taken a careful/thoughtful approach to eating and exercise, I probably wouldn't have gotten fat in the first place. :ilovefood:

Having said that, I am positive that metabolism, genetics and chemical reactions to food does drive our ability to gain and loose weight, but the real driving force in losing weight is eating smaller meals, getting up off your ass, and making better food choices.

Why is something that is so good for you, so hard to do in practice?


If I had taken a careful/thoughtful approach to eating and exercise, I probably wouldn't have gotten fat in the first place. :ilovefood:

Having said that, I am positive that metabolism, genetics and chemical reactions to food does drive our ability to gain and loose weight, but the real driving force in losing weight is eating smaller meals, getting up off your ass, and making better food choices.

Why is something that is so good for you, so hard to do in practice?

Ain't it the truth!!! I've had to really change up my diet and exercise routine over the last few years, but the results are worth it.

Here's a great tip for exercising if you use an ipod....

Motion Traxx

You can download for free and the different episodes change up the beats per minute for different routines and to keep things fresh...plus it's fun music. Enjoy!

Big Fatty

Having said that, I am positive that metabolism, genetics and chemical reactions to food does drive our ability to gain and loose weight

I wouldn't necessarily use the word "drive". I think that metabolism, genetics, and chemical reactions are more similiar to an engine in a car that you "choose" to drive. YOU put gas in the car. YOU steer, accelerate, decelerate, etc. YOU make that engine go. How the car performs is totally up to you. The engine will do nothing without the will of the driver.


New Member
I have to say, that since daisycreek gave me info on what she does, I started just over a week ago and I have lost 2 lbs. I cut so many carbs out, and I have been riding my bicylce and stepping. Now I have tried so many different things. I don't think I have eaten bad in the past, just to much of the good stuff in a sitting. When I was in my 20 after my 2nd child, I lost 37 pounds. I was 180 before that. I had been eating a happy meal it seemed like all the time however, I was a skate guard at the skate station so I was skating 8 to 10 hours a day. So I was really burning some fat and calories that way. I love to skate and wish we still had a roller rink. I have so many exercise things from a stepper, spinning cycle, skates, trikke, treadmill, exercise ball, weights, bicycle, ankle weights for walking, and now I just ordered the damn ad circle pro. My biggest problem is motivation. I recently had an old friend tell me my hips had gotten huge from riding my motorcycle. But thats not it, I was just lazy. I can get motivated for a bit, then I would get lazy again. The hip comment really motivated me and I am getting rid of these hips if it kills me. I would really love to learn to rollerblade. I tried it once and fell down and never tried again. I have too many outdoor exercise toys that I need to utilize. I am not giving up this time. All of you have been really helpful to me and I hope you continue. Thanks ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++


Pitty Party
UP until 3 years ago I was in pretty good shape. For 9 years I was at a job where I was constantly moving and lifting heavy things. Now I have a sit down job which I feel has been one of the problems of my weight gain. Now I have to head out by 6:30 to get to work by 8 and I get off at 4:30 which brings me home close to 6pm. By the time I get home, I have house stuff to do, help my bf cook dinner, or help cut grass, or do laundry. Its always something. I tried exercising after work, but then that brings me to the 8'oclock hour to start making dinner which I cannot stand to eat that late. I get most of my activity on the weekends and Monday. My bf is a great cook, and we always try to cook healthy. Lots of veggies, turkey, chicken or fish. Now where I work is a very small office. I have a hard time sitting still but I can only go to and from the bathroom. Most of the time I will go to the bathroom alot and pretend Im using it, but I am really in there doing arm raises, or squats or lunges. Just something to help me get a little exercise in . But I am gaining weight like crazy. I have gained 15lbs in 3 years. Now I am getting depressed. I belong to a gym once, but I just cannot afford that anymore and had to cancell. My favriot things to do is bike riding and walking. Are there any office workers who sit all day have any advice for what I can do during the day. Please keep in mind, there are 2 other people in this office with me and they need there piece and quiet. We do not have doors on our rooms so there is no privacy. Help, I need advice.

Stress helped me lose 15 pnds :coffee:


I have to say, that since daisycreek gave me info on what she does, I started just over a week ago and I have lost 2 lbs. I cut so many carbs out, and I have been riding my bicylce and stepping. Now I have tried so many different things. I don't think I have eaten bad in the past, just to much of the good stuff in a sitting. When I was in my 20 after my 2nd child, I lost 37 pounds. I was 180 before that. I had been eating a happy meal it seemed like all the time however, I was a skate guard at the skate station so I was skating 8 to 10 hours a day. So I was really burning some fat and calories that way. I love to skate and wish we still had a roller rink. I have so many exercise things from a stepper, spinning cycle, skates, trikke, treadmill, exercise ball, weights, bicycle, ankle weights for walking, and now I just ordered the damn ad circle pro. My biggest problem is motivation. I recently had an old friend tell me my hips had gotten huge from riding my motorcycle. But thats not it, I was just lazy. I can get motivated for a bit, then I would get lazy again. The hip comment really motivated me and I am getting rid of these hips if it kills me. I would really love to learn to rollerblade. I tried it once and fell down and never tried again. I have too many outdoor exercise toys that I need to utilize. I am not giving up this time. All of you have been really helpful to me and I hope you continue. Thanks ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Great job, keep it up! I've also found that cutting back on processed carbs helps melt the pounds away. One of my friends just stopped eating anything white, that was the easiest way for him to lose weight.

I love rollerblading, Long Island has some great paved trails near the water that I really miss. Does anyone know of any good/safe places to rollerblade in somd? I'll have my son in his stroller with me so I'd rather not blade anywhere where I have to duck bullets. :lol:


New Member
Great job, keep it up! I've also found that cutting back on processed carbs helps melt the pounds away. One of my friends just stopped eating anything white, that was the easiest way for him to lose weight.

I love rollerblading, Long Island has some great paved trails near the water that I really miss. Does anyone know of any good/safe places to rollerblade in somd? I'll have my son in his stroller with me so I'd rather not blade anywhere where I have to duck bullets. :lol:
Um, I don't know. I know they are building a 20 or 28 mile trail in St. Marys. Right now there is only like 3 miles of it done so far. Its supose to be real nice when finished. Other than that, Solomons Is is a great place to site see and exercise at the same time. I do not know how to roller blade. But I guess I will learn someday. I will have to stuff my pants with Northern Tissue like the old commercial so I will have padding when I fall down.
Great job, keep it up! I've also found that cutting back on processed carbs helps melt the pounds away. One of my friends just stopped eating anything white, that was the easiest way for him to lose weight.

I love rollerblading, Long Island has some great paved trails near the water that I really miss. Does anyone know of any good/safe places to rollerblade in somd? I'll have my son in his stroller with me so I'd rather not blade anywhere where I have to duck bullets. :lol:

flag ponds park in calvert?