I need advice...Im getting fat......


They call me ... Sarcasmo
Oh no thats no good. Seriously......

:killingme j/k

The 4 am routine is something you have to train your body to do. After a week or two you'll get in the groove.

Eating more meals is supposed to increase your metabolism Your body learns that you will be eating again soon so it burns the fat in the food first and uses the nutrients. When you are eating 2-3 times a day your body stores the fat because it goes into a feast or famine mode.

Do not buy into the colon cleanse hype, just eat properly with an increase in your fiber intake. Instead of sodas or flavored water, try some green tea. Either brew it yourself at home, buy the packets or look for Lipton or Arizona diet green tea (cheaper to brew or use the packets). ZERO calories and green tea is supposed to be an appetite suppressant.


New Member
:killingme j/k

The 4 am routine is something you have to train your body to do. After a week or two you'll get in the groove.

Eating more meals is supposed to increase your metabolism Your body learns that you will be eating again soon so it burns the fat in the food first and uses the nutrients. When you are eating 2-3 times a day your body stores the fat because it goes into a feast or famine mode.

Do not buy into the colon cleanse hype, just eat properly with an increase in your fiber intake. Instead of sodas or flavored water, try some green tea. Either brew it yourself at home, buy the packets or look for Lipton or Arizona diet green tea (cheaper to brew or use the packets). ZERO calories and green tea is supposed to be an appetite suppressant.
ok, so if I try the 4 am thing, should I eat before or after working out?


Well-Known Member
UP until 3 years ago I was in pretty good shape. For 9 years I was at a job where I was constantly moving and lifting heavy things. Now I have a sit down job which I feel has been one of the problems of my weight gain. Now I have to head out by 6:30 to get to work by 8 and I get off at 4:30 which brings me home close to 6pm. By the time I get home, I have house stuff to do, help my bf cook dinner, or help cut grass, or do laundry. Its always something. I tried exercising after work, but then that brings me to the 8'oclock hour to start making dinner which I cannot stand to eat that late. I get most of my activity on the weekends and Monday. My bf is a great cook, and we always try to cook healthy. Lots of veggies, turkey, chicken or fish. Now where I work is a very small office. I have a hard time sitting still but I can only go to and from the bathroom. Most of the time I will go to the bathroom alot and pretend Im using it, but I am really in there doing arm raises, or squats or lunges. Just something to help me get a little exercise in . But I am gaining weight like crazy. I have gained 15lbs in 3 years. Now I am getting depressed. I belong to a gym once, but I just cannot afford that anymore and had to cancell. My favriot things to do is bike riding and walking. Are there any office workers who sit all day have any advice for what I can do during the day. Please keep in mind, there are 2 other people in this office with me and they need there piece and quiet. We do not have doors on our rooms so there is no privacy. Help, I need advice.

Invest in some tupperware/ziploc storage pieces and prep your meals ahead of time. You should eat a smaller meal every 2-3 hours (probably every 3 hours if you're not getting enough physical activity) which could consist of:

3 boiled eggs (toss out the yolks) & 1/2 cup of oatmeal or cream of wheat

Apple slices with some peanut butter

4oz of chicken, fish or steak with some veggies and a 1/2 cup of brown rice


You may want to invest in some protein powder, but that's better suited for first thing when you wake up or right after working out.

Anyway, by prepping your meals ahead of time (you could always do it for dinner too), you can heat up dinner fairly quickly and have the rest of the evening to take care of things or go for a walk or whatever.


Well-Known Member
Ok, so what should I eat before and then after and should there be a time frame of doing so?

Pre-Workout (1-2 hours prior to working out):

4oz chicken, steak or fish with some veggies and a small portion of carbs

Post-Workout (within 45 minutes of finishing your workout): Whey protein shake (if you have access), if you can't get a shake, try protein that breaks down quickly - eggs or maybe some sliced turkey or something.


New Member
UP until 3 years ago I was in pretty good shape. For 9 years I was at a job where I was constantly moving and lifting heavy things. Now I have a sit down job which I feel has been one of the problems of my weight gain. Now I have to head out by 6:30 to get to work by 8 and I get off at 4:30 which brings me home close to 6pm. By the time I get home, I have house stuff to do, help my bf cook dinner, or help cut grass, or do laundry. Its always something. I tried exercising after work, but then that brings me to the 8'oclock hour to start making dinner which I cannot stand to eat that late. I get most of my activity on the weekends and Monday. My bf is a great cook, and we always try to cook healthy. Lots of veggies, turkey, chicken or fish. Now where I work is a very small office. I have a hard time sitting still but I can only go to and from the bathroom. Most of the time I will go to the bathroom alot and pretend Im using it, but I am really in there doing arm raises, or squats or lunges. Just something to help me get a little exercise in . But I am gaining weight like crazy. I have gained 15lbs in 3 years. Now I am getting depressed. I belong to a gym once, but I just cannot afford that anymore and had to cancell. My favriot things to do is bike riding and walking. Are there any office workers who sit all day have any advice for what I can do during the day. Please keep in mind, there are 2 other people in this office with me and they need there piece and quiet. We do not have doors on our rooms so there is no privacy. Help, I need advice.

Wii Active. I'm down 8 lbs. Oh and don't eat anything.


New Member
Pre-Workout (1-2 hours prior to working out):

4oz chicken, steak or fish with some veggies and a small portion of carbs

Post-Workout (within 45 minutes of finishing your workout): Whey protein shake (if you have access), if you can't get a shake, try protein that breaks down quickly - eggs or maybe some sliced turkey or something.
Im confused now. Before working out at 4 am, what should I eat?


New Member
Wii Active. I'm down 8 lbs. Oh and don't eat anything.
Really does it work. I tried the wii fitness and that thing sucked. So I was afraid to try the active. I do love my dance revolution, baseball and boxing. What do you mean, do not eat at all?


Well-Known Member
I don't think they are looking to bulge like you do :shrug:


I know, but if the caloric intake is less than what the body is burning, then there should be some fat loss... unless there's a lot of heavy lifting going on there won't be much muscle gained, mostly toning. 20 minutes of weight training and 40 minutes of cardio... that sort of scheme.


New Member
Ooooh... 4am workout... Hmmm...

1/2 cup of oatmeal or cream of wheat and 4oz of chicken, fish or steak... or 6-8 egg whites.
Wow I feel stuffed just ready that. I am going to try this starting on Tuesday. I will be away and my schedule will be all jacked up. So when I get home on Monday night, I will go to bed early and start my 4 am training. Boy I hope I can dragg these hips out of the bed. I have a spin cycle, but I have not been able to find any videos that I like. Spinning kept me in shape also. Lots of fun if you have the right person to yell at you to go faster. I need a Jillian to be mean to me.


Pre-Workout (1-2 hours prior to working out):

4oz chicken, steak or fish with some veggies and a small portion of carbs

Post-Workout (within 45 minutes of finishing your workout): Whey protein shake (if you have access), if you can't get a shake, try protein that breaks down quickly - eggs or maybe some sliced turkey or something.

:yikes: She'd have to get up at 2am to workout at 4am to leave for work at 6:30am to get to work by 8am to work all day with no break to leave by 4pm to get home by 6:30pm to get house duties done, dinner cooked, watch tv, get some nookie to be in bed by 9pm to get up by 2am.


Well-Known Member
:yikes: She'd have to get up at 2am to workout at 4am to leave for work at 6:30am to get to work by 8am to work all day with no break to leave by 4pm to get home by 6:30pm to get house duties done, dinner cooked, watch tv, get some nookie to be in bed by 9pm to get up by 2am.

I didn't read the entire thread. :doh:



New Member
:yikes: She'd have to get up at 2am to workout at 4am to leave for work at 6:30am to get to work by 8am to work all day with no break to leave by 4pm to get home by 6:30pm to get house duties done, dinner cooked, watch tv, get some nookie to be in bed by 9pm to get up by 2am.
Well I will have to take some of that out of my schedule. Hhhhmmmmm :confused: