I was told


off the shelf
Wheelin' said:
You male or female? Meaning :drama: queen or :drama: king :shrug:

according to the handbook(chapter 12, section 48, subsection 58B)

*clearing throat*

"You(meaning you) are not to ask said question of anyone(meaning us) till you have at least 50(fifty) post count and 107,000 karma points. You(meaning you) are to answer any and all questions till said post count and karma points have been established"


onebdzee said:
according to the handbook(chapter 12, section 48, subsection 58B)

*clearing throat*

"You(meaning you) are not to ask said question of anyone(meaning us) till you have at least 50(fifty) post count and 107,000 karma points. You(meaning you) are to answer any and all questions till said post count and karma points have been established"

subsection 59b says that DougsterMD and APS can grill you at will :jameo:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Kevlar said:
I got out of detox/rehab recently, and I am jonesing real hard right now. I'm going to a meeting tonight, but what do the rest of you do to cope when it's nagging at you?
Hopefully you did go to your meeting tonight and aren't sitting there getting hammered.

Call your sponsor - that's what they're there for. And find something to do that doesn't involve drinking or thinking. Go bowling or to the movies until it passes. And it will pass. My Mom's got 33 years this May :yay:


off the shelf
FireBrand said:
...and green means you have been bad :yay: very bad.......:hot:

apparently YOU didn't read the section in your handbook about karma and NOT telling newbies what it really means

*shaking her head walking away*


Kevlar said:
Thanks for your concern. I just got back from my meeting. It's working a day at a time.

I'm doing the best thing I know of to avoid thinking: I'm posting.

check your PMer


off the shelf
Dead Eye said:
Go to a busy sidewalk (like the mall) and skip to maloo or ring around the roses wile you suck your thumb. This is GR8 therapy..For added effect drop your pants to and hop about in the skivvys :razz:

You're from Ridge.....aren't cha? :eyebrow:


New Member
Dead Eye said:
Go to a busy sidewalk (like the mall) and skip to maloo or ring around the roses wile you suck your thumb. This is GR8 therapy..For added effect drop your pants to and hop about in the skivvys :razz:

Stupid stuff like that can get you arrested and have to register as a sex offender. :ohwell: Public hysteria and all.


New Member
Richard Cranium said:
Hey, Pandora. Since some people missed the lunar eclipse, will you get in a helicopter and block out the moon for all of SoMD?

As soon as you go and play in traffic. :yay:

Plus, I don't even have access to a helicopter. :shrug: