Sorrychernmax said:Topic???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Sorrychernmax said:Topic???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
I guess my point with that was how little the Sheriff actually has to do with locking up criminals and reducing crime rates.chernmax said:Topic???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Restrictor plates. Reprogram their cars computers.vraiblonde said:If it were me, I'd put pressure on judges to actually sentence traffic offenders instead of sloughing them off or giving them a pat on the rear. Some bonehead causes an accident because he was driving aggressively or drinking or whatever, and the judge doesn't take away his license because then how's the guy going to get to and from work (or whatever)?
I say that's their problem - they should have thought of that before they got behind the wheel. You read all the time about people with 6 and 7 DWIs still out on the roads. Dozens of speeding tickets and still on the road.
You mean like those who go and plead no contest or something and pay court costs and beg for community service washing police cars or passing out basketballs in lieu of points?vraiblonde said:I guess my point with that was how little the Sheriff actually has to do with locking up criminals and reducing crime rates.
Cops can catch speeders/road ragers/drunk drivers all day long, but if they appear before a judge and get no punishment, that's not the Sheriff's fault.
Its called blocking the box and is illegal.Ken King said:Doesn't the law state that if you are in the intersection prior to the light going RED you are legal? So it isn't like those vehicles are running the light they just got stuck by it.
As to what I would do as a sheriff would be to work with the State Police to aggressively patrol and ticket violators and then petition the legislature to make changes in how the DMV gives points for infractions and maybe change it to get many of the people that willingly pay the fines and increased insurance costs off the road a long time before they get the 8 or so points requiring a DMV adminstrative review. For DUI/DWI - immediate and longterm suspension; causing an accident simply because you were stupid - immediate and longterm suspension; running a red light - immeidate and longterm suspension.
Exactly.Pete said:You mean like those who go and plead no contest or something and pay court costs and beg for community service washing police cars or passing out basketballs in lieu of points?
Ken King said:Doesn't the law state that if you are in the intersection prior to the light going RED you are legal? So it isn't like those vehicles are running the light they just got stuck by it.QUOTE]
They have a different law that says you need to be be sure you can go through the intersection before entering it.
Pete said:what would YOU do to attempt to quell the "rush to death" it seems so many have, if you were appointed Sheriff today?
If my light turns green and folks are streaming thru from the intersecting road, I'm pretty dayum sure they're running a red light.Ken King said:Doesn't the law state that if you are in the intersection prior to the light going RED you are legal? So it isn't like those vehicles are running the light they just got stuck by it.
I was just complaining to Larry about the same thing with the roads up here. It's like the people who designed them don't drive themselves and have no idea what annoys motorists and makes it harder on them.Toxick said:The road system around here looks like my three year old scribbled on a map. There is no sense of purpose or efficiency to any of them.
less lights and less left turns mean higher speeds, more room for acceleration between the lights..vraiblonde said:I was just complaining to Larry about the same thing with the roads up here. It's like the people who designed them don't drive themselves and have no idea what annoys motorists and makes it harder on them.
Texas has access roads all over the place and it is very cool. So, like, on 235 you'd have two thru lanes in both directions, then an access lane on each side for those who want to exit/enter. This gets rid of most of the lights, which clog things up, and eliminates all the left-turn signals.
Exactly. The same idgits that rip and race up and down 235 obey the driving laws on base because they know odds are they will get busted and they won't be able to "work it off".itsbob said:ENFORCE the little crimes..