itsbob said:
That would be taking it to the stupid level.. but making a road 8 lanes wide, straight as an arrow with NO lights would be just as stupid now wouldn't it!
No, actually. That would be a "freeway" and I love driving on those.
Would it be feasible around here - doubt it. But I don't think the concept of a freeway is, in any way, stupid.
The problem with controlling speed by clogging up a roadway with stoplights - especially stoplights like those on 235 which are designed to maximize the wait time - is they appear to serve no purpose other than being an impediment. This will invariably piss people off and that is why you get aggressive drivers, and people running red lights.
Sure it's fun to say, "Screw them" and try to squash their attempts to move along quickly and bend them to our collective will whether they like it or not - but realistically all that will do is exacerbate the problem instead of controlling or eliminating it. People just want to get the eff home after work, and I don't think that it's useful or in any way 'good' to make the trip back and forth to work a punishing experience.
And right now, any trip up Rt 5 or 235 during rush hour is extremely punishing.
And therefore more dangerous.
itsbob said:
There was place experimenting with tuned rumble strips.. if you drove the speed limit it made a pleasant sound or even played a song, you went over the speed limit and it got annoying, and more obnoxious the faster you went
I won't say this is the silliest idea I've ever heard, but it's got to be in the top 10.