Ignorant Things Heard On MSNBC


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
Has anyone figured out exactly how the R’s are killing democracy? I’ve heard they’re doing it, but I just don’t see it.


Well-Known Member
Has anyone figured out exactly how the R’s are killing democracy? I’ve heard they’re doing it, but I just don’t see it.

All their ideas have caused a mess, so they blame the other party for standing in the way of making it worse.


PREMO Member

MSNBC Brings on a Famous Anti-Semite to Discuss Anti-Semitism

Increasing the oddity of the whole affair is the fact that Trump’s statement isn’t really anti-Semitic. Am I anti-American if I say that Americans need to get their act together and appreciate what they have in the U.S. before it’s too late? But Hasan and Omar steadfastly pretended that Trump was not only egregiously anti-Semitic but that he had unjustly tarred Omar with the label: “You have been demonized in recent years as an antisemite by many,” Hasan told Omar, “especially by Donald Trump and the GOP over your criticisms of Israel and of Jewish groups’ support of Israel, some of which you have regretted and apologized for, that you should have been more careful with some of your language in the past.”

Was that all it was? Criticism of Israel? Omar tweeted back in 2012: “Israel has hypnotized the world, may Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel.” She famously claimed in Feb. 2019 that support for Israel in the United States was “all about the Benjamins baby” and charged that the American-Israel Public Affairs Committee paid American politicians to support Israel.


PREMO Member

Interference! MSNBC Pushes for Foreign Countries to Run Our Elections

In an apparent attempt to outdo her outrageous segment from last week, MSNBC Deadline: White House host Nicolle Wallace used part of her show not to condemn foreign interference in our elections but to call for other countries to administer them for us. She said this to Democratic Congressman Jim Himes (CT) who seemed to suggest that, while he was opposed to the idea now, he could be open to it at some point.

“I don't want to get off topic but if you read through the papers this weekend, the threats to our elections in – what, two and a half weeks – are so pervasive and they’re dire and they include violence,” she proclaimed, without evidence.

She then suggested that the U.S. needed other countries to come in and run our elections for us and treat us like a destabilized, war-torn country. “I mean, do you think it's time to ask for friends and allies to come over and help us monitor our elections? We used to do that in other burgeoning and threatened democracies,” she pressed.

Instead of giving a full-throated rejection of the outrageous idea, Himes said he’s “not there yet.” A suggestion that he could be open to it at some point.

“And I know why you're asking what you're asking and you're not wrong,” he added, with the understanding that Republicans were the problem. He then suggested, without evidence, that there are places in America where armed observers were intimidating voters like we’re a “third-world country”:

I mean, the kind of intimidation that is threatened around polling places. I mean, you've seen the pictures of the guys with assault weapons near boxes. That stuff is intimidating. And again, that used to be sort of the province of – I hate to use the term, but “third world countries” that didn't care about democracy.

“But no, look, this is something for us to work out ourselves,” he told Wallace.

He then argued that America needs to treat Republicans like they’re a foreign threat like Russia or China:

At some point, the United States is going to need to collectively decide that not only are we going to oppose Russians and Chinese and North Koreans, and Iranians messing around with our elections, we are not going to allow the Republican Party to do it either.

Of course, this got nothing but silent agreement from Wallace.


PREMO Member

‘Morning Joe’ melts down after focus group resoundingly rejects Democrats’ J6 narrative

The unwelcome intrusion of reality into the bubble inhabited by the coastal cultural and political elite isn’t sitting well with many, including MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough who was flummoxed by the responses of a focus group of ordinary Americans who clearly weren’t impressed by the establishment propaganda.


“You know, this is… I really don’t know where to start here,” he began. “It’s Nancy Pelosi’s fault. It’s Democratic operatives’ fault. It’s the police, Capitol Police’s fault. You go through all of this, Elise. And then we hear things like it’s a fundamental right to peacefully protest that they were peaceful protests and these people are political prisoners that are locked up.”

“And that, again, they’re saying it just that they were mainly peaceful protests and that nobody died except for a protester, there are four cops who died, and one of those cops died after an interaction here, and his family sure as hell believes he died the next day, that it was directly related to this. I really, I don’t really know. This is just one of these moments.” Scarborough added, misrepresenting the death of officer Brian Sicknick who wasn’t murdered by protesters despite media reports.


Later in the segment, during the panel discussion both Scarborough and his wife and “Morning Joe” co-host Mika Brzezinski likened the focus group to cult members.



PREMO Member

Infuriating MSNBC Panel Calls Americans 'Nazis' - for Caring About Crushing Inflation

Democrats and their fellow travelers are getting truly desperate at this point, with all the polls and the momentum pointing to a GOP win of the House in the midterms–and likely, the Senate as well. That’s even before any mention of them losing a host of other seats across the country.

So, what have they been doing? Resorting to claiming that Republicans are a “threat to democracy.” They’re bordering on hysterical at this point. We wrote earlier about Hillary Clinton’s crazy rant on the subject–that was fact-free and attacked the Constitution by going after the Electoral College. Then, there was this little piece of contradictory lunacy from “conservative” Max Boot.

How are Republicans “Nazis”? Because they care about the economy and inflation like most of America? How silly do you look when you make arguments like this, that voting to stop inflation is being a Nazi? Hitler drank water, so if you drink water, you’re a Nazi too! But Americans are tired of this nonsense–when Democrats don’t care about the issues they care about, but instead push this divisive malarkey.

Is Dowd saying Democrats don’t care about the economy and inflation with this? Because if you care, you’re a Nazi. Biden passed the “Inflation Reduction Act.” So, does that mean he’s a Nazi? Or does he get a bye, because it was a lie and doesn’t truly reduce inflation?

On top of all that, Dowd is wrong historically as well, since Germany’s hyperinflation had been addressed by the time Hitler came to power; they were dealing more with depression at that point.


black dog

Free America

What's hilarious is that Biden can make covid go away within one second - tell the media tards to stop reporting on it. POOF. Gone.
I stopped in my local State Farm office in town to get a new trust notarized. They keep the front door locked and you need to put on a mask and sanitize on the way in.
When you leave they spray the offices down.
I said are you kidding me? WTF
I then went to the bank to get it done.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
I stopped in my local State Farm office in town to get a new trust notarized. They keep the front door locked and you need to put on a mask and sanitize on the way in.
When you leave they spray the offices down.
I said are you kidding me? WTF
I then went to the bank to get it done.
The Covid BS has given license to every hypochondriac to go full retard.

My dentist office is still like that.

Must wear a mask for the 3 mins you are at the desk, then get in the chair and take it off for the next hour plus.



Just sneakin' around....
Still in major force at the Bean center. Temp taken at the door, questionnaire filled out, masks needed the entire time you're in there.

So stupid. As soon as every one of those doctors, nurses, aides, etc.... leave the front door, the masks come off and it's business as usual, including going shopping and running into everyone unmasked who were just in that building masked.


PREMO Member

Frequent MSNBC Guest Takes Action To ‘Strip’ Elon Musk Of His U.S. Citizenship, Gets Mocked Instantly

“If he consents, I will share the file,” Obeidallah tweeted. “If he refuses to consent then we must ask: What is Elon hiding?!”

Political commentator Tatjana Pasalic mocked Obeidallah, writing, “People breathless about fascism on the reg openly promoting stripping @elonmusk of US citizenship because he disagrees with them. Amazing.”

“I did everything by the books when I moved here & now watch the US immigration turn into a joke: open borders, toying with ideas of illegals voting, free money/abortions/IDs-all OK on our tax $$ but @elonmusk disagreeing with a lib?” she continued. “He must be sent back! Much tolerant, very wow.”


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Sounds like they are following CNNs footsteps. And blasting your former employer, way to burn bridge's. I can't imagine who would pick up such a loose cannon.