Ignorant Things Heard On MSNBC


Well-Known Member
If it's important to you, you find a way to get to the polls. Those that are too ****ing lazy to get off their fat asses and brush the cheeto dust off of themselves, shouldn't have a voice in politics.

Those are the people accepting those free cheetos .


PREMO Member

MSNBC: 'White Christian Nationalist' DeSantis Believes God Chose Him

“Here's the thing with DeSantis. It's not just rhetorical. Right? It actually–this idea seeps into his governance,” Menendez cried.

Turning to MSNBC columnist and author Anthea Butler, Menendez wanted her to talk through the ridiculous argument she just made.

“it seeps into his governance because the way he thinks about the world is that God has put him in that place to rule over Florida. And so when you see this, when he’s against trans kids, and the don't say gay bill, and all of this, this is part and parcel of what he sees his Christian nationalism to be,” Butler falsely claimed.

Continuing to smear DeSantis and proving what an anti-Christian bigot she is, Butler huffed that DeSantis “thinks that he has dominion over this Earth and God has given it to him.”


PREMO Member

According to Omarosa, who rose to fame as a contestant on former President Donald Trump’s reality show, The Apprentice, and later disgraced herself as a member of Trump’s administration, the timing of Ivanka’s announcement, which coincided with her father’s official 2024 declaration, was meant to cause “damage.”

“Ivanka is very, very strategic,” Omarosa opined. “I would say she’s his favorite child, so the fact that she chose that timing, that moment to announce she wasn’t going to support him was her opportunity to be very much like her father and take the spotlight and let the narrative be about her.”

“She knew that would damage him,” she stated.

Wildly speculative and drenched in bitter envy, it’s exactly the sort of thing you’d expect Omarosa to say.



PREMO Member

Dave Zirin wrote:

Sue Hovey, former ESPN executive editor and co-author of Brittney Griner’s 2015 memoir “In My Skin: My Life On and Off the Basketball Court” sent me this note via email:
“Brittney’s detainment in Russia also once again shines the spotlight on an unfortunate truth: that the vast majority of WNBA players earn their living overseas. A lot of casual sports fans still don’t know this, which kind of blows my mind. But that just shows you how much more work needs to be done when it comes to raising awareness around equity issues in women’s sports.”

Whether we are talking about oil or women’s basketball, the question comes down to what we, a country of 300 million people, are willing to support and what we are willing to sacrifice. Prior to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the U.S. had been happy to get cheap Russian oil as much as the WNBA was fine with seeing the comparatively meager salaries of their players subsidized by traveling overseas. Now that the global climate has changed, it’s time to restructure our economic decisions and investments.



Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
The average wnba salary is $130,000. How many Americans make that much or more a year? Then a few of them get endorsements or other paying gigs. But if you want to whore yourself out to the person that is willing to pay more for your talent, that isn't my fault. I know the concept of personal responsibility is difficult for the left to comprehend, but they should give it a try.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
I'll try to make this simple for you. If the women's sports are as good as any Men sport's teams, if the female athletes are as good, as agile, as strong, as powerful and can do things what any professional male athletes can do, then you have a point but since they are not..

You know if women's sports are just as tough as men's sports there wouldn't be men dressing as women and getting to the top of the women's league


PREMO Member

Stephanie Ruhle Is Out With Yet Another Ignorant Take on Conservatives and Hate Crimes

MSNBC's Stephanie Ruhle is no stranger to terribly ignorant takes, including and especially as it has to do with blaming conservatives for attacks on LGBT Americans, and other hate crimes. Last month, for instance, she blamed those who dare to speak out against drag shows catered to minors for the shooting at Club Q. This was even after it was revealed that the suspect claims to be non-binary and so uses they/them pronouns and goes by Mx. Anderson Aldrich.

Ruhle is at it again, this time when it comes to blaming "attempts to ban books" for "hate crimes."

During Monday night's episode of "The 11th Hour," Alex Christy highlighted the segment for NewsBusters, Ruhle and Frank Figliuzzi, the former assistant director for counter intelligence, pondered as to if there is "any connection between hate crimes that are targeting race, sexual orientation, or gender identity, and attempts to ban books on these very topics."


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
These people try so hard to stir up violence by the right.

Fortunately for the right, it only stirs up violence by the left.


PREMO Member

MSNBC Analyst Claims ‘One Side’ Of The GOP Is ‘Completely Pro-Putin’

Congress added $45 billion in aid to Ukraine as part of a $1.7 trillion omnibus spending bill passed by the Senate Thursday. Previous aid to Ukraine totaled more than $52 billion, and some House Republicans, led by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia, want to conduct an audit of the aid already sent.

“And so what you see with these lawmakers mirrors what you hear from Republican voters, who one side completely is pro-Putin, the other side is very traditional Republican, ‘we’ve got to counter Russian aggression,’” Jordan, a former National Security Council staffer and Republican strategist, continued. “And so in this new fight, who is going to prevail? That’s the big question, looming question that I’m watching in 2023 when Congress resumes.”


PREMO Member

MSNBC: Ketanji Brown Jackson, first black female Harvard president set up to tumble off ‘glass cliff’

On Saturday’s edition of the “The Mehdi Hasan Show,” a segment was devoted to the so-called “glass cliff,” a theory that women who achieve leadership roles often are allowed to do so during times of crisis and as a result, the increased chance that they will fail has already been pre-baked into the cake.

Filling in for the show’s namesake, guest host Melissa Murray welcomed Fatima Goss Graves who heads up the National Women’s Law Center, and Christy Glass, a Utah State University sociology professor to engage in a discussion of why the groundbreaking appointment of Gay at the prestigious Ivy League institution of learning as well as Jackson’s ascension to the nation’s highest court may not actually be good things.

“History is being made at Harvard. The Ivy League university named its 30th president last week, and the honor went to political scientist Claudine Gay who currently serves as the dean of Harvard’s faculty of arts and sciences. She’s set to become only the second woman to lead Harvard, and the first person of color to serve in that role in the school’s nearly 400-year history,” noting how it is a “remarkable” achievement considering the institution’s racist past.


PREMO Member

MSNBC 'Shockingly' Digs up Guest With Holocaust Ties to Blame Trump for Santos Lies

As reported by NewsBusters, Kay’s guest was Democrat Congressman-elect Jared Moskowitz of Florida, who has tweeted that, in contrast with Santos, he actually does have relatives who were Holocaust victims.


Needless to say, Moskowitz was loaded for bear. Make that Santos and Trump (emphasis, mine):

Not surprising, unfortunately, because this is what folks on his side of the aisle have learned. They have learned this from, you know, the leader of their party. That you can traffic in these lies and you can get away with it.

Ah, we’ll revisit that trafficking in lies and getting away with it part in a minute.

The horror of the Holocaust aside, exploiting it for political purposes is pretty despicable. But let’s pick up on Moskowitz’s point about leaders of political parties trafficking in lies and getting away with it. I’m gonna agree with you, Jared, with just two words: Joe Biden.

As I reported on Wednesday, Joe Biden has lied throughout his 50 years in D.C. politics, including blatantly plagiarizing entire speeches. In my article, I included a short “greatest hits” list of some of Biden’s more memorable whoppers:

Let’s do a quick refresh, shall we? Here’s a partial summary of Joe’s lies:

  • Made multiple lies about his academic background. Among them was his claim to have graduated in the top half of his law school class. He graduated 76th out of 85.
  • Fabricated his family background, plagiarizing a story from Brit Neil Kinnock’s speech about his family bio.
  • Lied about his wife and daughter being killed by a drunk driver.
  • Lied about quitting the Delaware football team in order to visit his girlfriend. In fact, he quit because of poor grades.
  • Lied in saying, “I got started out of an HBCU, Delaware State.” He never attended Delaware State or any historically black college or university.
  • Lied about his involvement in the civil rights movement.
  • Lied about being arrested in South Africa while trying to visit Nelson Mandela in prison.

So, Mr. smug Democrat Congressman-elect? If politicians who traffic in lies shouldn’t get away with their serial lying? Then why is Joe Biden still in office? Take your time making up predictable hypocritical crap —


PREMO Member

Is MSNBC panicked about Biden documents scandal?

Well, MSNBC apparently doesn’t think so. They have gone into full panic mode on Twitter for some reason. Maybe it is just that they are a bunch of juveniles who once again thought they had Trump dead to rights only to find out that he was, once again, that wascally wabbit evading their Elmer Fudd.

Whatever the cause of their obsession, the “news” outlet has tweeted out 7 different things about the document story, whacking Trump, defending Biden, clarifying…you get the idea.

This is a really really big deal to them. For most Republicans it is a useful way to deflect from Trump’s document scandal and point out hypocrisy, but nobody thinks Biden will go to jail or anything. Most Americans barely care. Eggs cost too much.

But MSNBC has a bee in its bonnet for some reason.



PREMO Member

MSNBC’s Johnson: House GOP a ‘Terrorist Organization’ — McCarthy Has ‘No Love for This Country’

Johnson said, “It’s one thing to say, that’s my work wife. Right? And it’s something else when you have Stockholm Syndrome. That’s what we have here. This guy’s been beat down by the far-right and his own party for so wrong that he’s convinced himself that he’s in love with Marjorie Taylor Greene. Now, look, I make no judgment on who people line up with, but if you want to be in love with the terrorist sympathizer, that speaks volumes about whether or not you should be equipped to be potentially third in line to leave this country and case of a tragedy.”

He added, “I don’t really care objectively if the best friends, if their BFFs if they’re in their top five, I don’t care. What concerns me is any degree to which people who have committed themselves to the violent overthrow of our government are in any shape, way, or form normalized by the elected leadership of our government. I don’t care if that’s Jim Jordan, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Paul Gosar, or hundreds of other Republicans who voted to not verify the 2020 election. So whether or not McCarthy has a particularly special relationship with Marjorie Taylor Greene speaks to the fact that I have been saying for years that you don’t have a Republican Party. You have a dime-store front for a terrorist organization. And this is just the public attempt to watch that relationship and pretend that they’re running a party under the guise of this brand-new BFF love relationship that they have because McCarthy has no spine and no love for this country.”


PREMO Member

Financially Strapped MSNBC Staffers FUMING At Rachel Maddow's $30 Million Contract Following Mass Layoffs

MSNB-see ya later! Morale is at an all-time low at MSNBC after nearly 70 behind-the-scenes staffers were kicked to the curb — and the mass firing has left survivors fuming over cable host Rachel Maddow's $30 million deal, RadarOnline.com has learned.

MSNBC hotshot Maddow, 49, hauls home the hefty annual salary — despite whittling down her on-air responsibilities at the network to one day per week after inking her 2021 deal.

"Rachel has gone from being the hero of the network to the most hated," dished an insider.

"People in TV are not rich. The hosts are rich. Everyone else is struggling to pay their rents and raise their families," the source added.

The staffing shuffle even ousted Noah Oppenheim, who headed NBC Universal's broadcast news division, and pushed MSNBC news gal Hallie Jackson from her 3 PM on-air slot to NBC New's streaming app, where she'll host Hallie Jackson NOW.