Illegal Immigrants...another view...


Well-Known Member
2ndAmendment said:
FDR (elected to 4 but died and Truman served the last year of his last term) is one of the worst if not the worst presidents we have ever had. He is the reason we now live in a socialist country instead of a republic despite the technicalities. He thought of the "little people" meaning people like you and I as serfs.

With the Country suffering from the ravages of the Depression, what is it that you would have done differently? I'm referring to the programs he instituted then, not what welfare has morphed into since.


24/7 Single Dad
dems4me said:
I think welfare is good for folks temproarily down on their luck. I'm not against it, I just think the system has just gotten out of hand over the years.
Unfortunatly, it's become the lifestyle of choice for many
dems4me said:
I'm sure there's a lot of Dems that say enough is enough. :smile: just the same as any sensible person would.
Don't often see Dems and sensible in the same sentence. The democrats power base consists of the people on the government dole and those taht feel it's our duty to support them.
dems4me said:
I think its outlandish though to move somewhere to a foreign country illegally live there, have your people start changing the language of said country, etc...
This is the only country in the world where that happens.
dems4me said:
they are here illegally and from what the issue with asp is, and others, is that they want it to be a misdemeanor not a felony... well sorry, tough luck, that's the law.
The issue is a proposed bill that will change it from a misdomenor to a felony. The dems don't want to make it impossible for a large block of their potential voters ineligable to vote.
dems4me said:
Kind of like if I were to up and move and take up residence in someones house (or with asp for example) and say...
Thanks, now I'm going to have nightmares.


vraiblonde said:
Not exactly the American Dream other immigrants come here for, is it?

You've called me a bigot on the subject of illegal immigration, but I will submit to you that at least I do not expect nor do I condone Mexican immigrants living like swine.

You say it's okay to have illegals, because they live like trash, 6 families to an apartment, and they take the #### jobs that us oh so rich and upper-class Americans wouldn't touch with a ten-foot pole.

I find that offensive.

You find that way of life "offensive"? Geeze... what a princess! That's the way that I lived for the first year or so I was in the Navy serving my country... including you (except I lived with 70-80 guys in the square footage of a three bedroom apartment) and we got crappy food that we didn't have to pay for. Also, I never said that it's okay to have illegals because they live like trash. Where did you come up with that from? My point is that when you're talking about a "living wage", most American kids think that they need to live like their parents. They want a 3/2 with cable, central air, and a two-car garage right out of high school or college. This is why so many kids today are going seriously into debt at such a young age trying to buy a house like mom and dad have, when mom and dad lived in apartments and bought tiny houses until they were in their 30s/40s or so. You go to most kids and tell them that they need to live like illegals, and our military, do, and they are going to tell you to F off. So what's the option? Pay some kid $25/hr to pick lettuce all day instead of paying some illegal $4/hr because the American has grown up with a sense of entitlement that dictates they need a house, car, cable, XBox, Nikes, etc., just to survive, and there's no way they're going to do that hard work for low wages? I don't think so.

The bottom line is that you pay the prices at the store that you do, for all products, because someone, somewhere, was willing to suck it up and do work for a certain level of money. If you drastically increase the costs at any point along the chain, it's going to result in dramatic price increases at the cash register and plenty of infaltion overall. Illegals are able to survive with the salaries they receive because they're very creative in how they manage their money, rather than sitting on their azzes complaining that they need more money or quitting their jobs after a few days or weeks, ala most Americans at that level.

And your condoning or not condoing how illegals have to live in order to survive and support their families back home has nothing, zip, nada, to do with being a bigot. I called you a bigot because you tend to make sweeping stereotypical comments assigning character attributes to people based on their ethnicity, religion, etc., rather than focusing blame and accountability on the minority of these people who do the bad deeds.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Bruzilla said:
You find that way of life "offensive"? Geeze... what a princess!
Shows what you know. Anyone who knows anything about me knows that I am about as far from a "princess" as it gets.

And it's not that way of life that I find offensive. I've done my time. What I find offensive is your assumption that that's the way Mexicans live and the way they WANT to live. Like they're less than human or something.

"Yeah, they're the only ones who will do the #### jobs and rent homes that better people wouldn't touch. Let's keep 'em!"

I find that offensive and beneath you.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
willie said:
With the Country suffering from the ravages of the Depression, what is it that you would have done differently? I'm referring to the programs he instituted then, not what welfare has morphed into since.
I would have done nothing for individuals which is what the Constitution allows. I might have accelerated some legitimate projects on the federal level in order to create some demand for workers, as he did, but with the expressed provision that these were jobs only for the duration of the projects and subsequent work would have to be found.

The Depression bailout accelerated the lack of personal responsibility we have in this country. Would I have personal compassion for the people? Yes. Would I realize that under the Constitution I could do nothing about it on the personal level? Yes. The point is FDR did not care what limits were placed on the Executive or Legislative branches by the Constitution. He was "king" and he would have his way or heads would roll.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Bruzilla said:
... My point is that when you're talking about a "living wage", most American kids think that they need to live like their parents. They want a 3/2 with cable, central air, and a two-car garage right out of high school or college. This is why so many kids today are going seriously into debt at such a young age trying to buy a house like mom and dad have, when mom and dad lived in apartments and bought tiny houses until they were in their 30s/40s or so. You go to most kids and tell them that they need to live like illegals, and our military, do, and they are going to tell you to F off. So what's the option? Pay some kid $25/hr to pick lettuce all day instead of paying some illegal $4/hr because the American has grown up with a sense of entitlement that dictates they need a house, car, cable, XBox, Nikes, etc., just to survive, and there's no way they're going to do that hard work for low wages? I don't think so.
Bad parenting! Very bad parenting! We make our boys pay for their own car insurance, cell phones, earn money to go out, do chores around the house, and generally pitch in to help when asked. They have a very good work ethic and know that money is not that easy to come by. I have had people that my sons work for comment that they are extremely hard workers and do what the are told and don't slack off. One of my sons coworkers get mad at him, because he makes them look bad because he accomplishes so much more than they do in a day.


Super Genius
2ndAmendment said:
Bad parenting! Very bad parenting! We make our boys pay for their own car insurance, cell phones, earn money to go out, do chores around the house, and generally pitch in to help when asked. They have a very good work ethic and know that money is not that easy to come by. I have had people that my sons work for comment that they are extremely hard workers and do what the are told and don't slack off. One of my sons coworkers get mad at him, because he makes them look bad because he accomplishes so much more than they do in a day.
My Dad's favorite phrase..."save your money". :yay:


I was watching Hanity and Colmes :crazy: last night at the pool hall, no sound but they did have captions... did I read this correctly, one of the persons on there last night said that Ronald Reagan did something very similiar concerning the immigrants and gave them "amnesty" is this correct?