Well that's where we differ. I am for welfare (wasn't it FDR the one that created it, the president that served 4 or 5 terms because he was soo popular and liked by the people?) I think welfare is good for folks temproarily down on their luck. I'm not against it, I just think the system has just gotten out of hand over the years. Immigrants though are just NOT down on their luck and the US makes sure of that. I'm sure there's a lot of Dems that say enough is enough.

just the same as any sensible person would.
I think its outlandish though to move somewhere to a foreign country illegally live there, have your people start changing the language of said country, etc... I'm more in line of "when in Rome, do as the Romans do" kind of thing, if you don't like it leave or get out we didn't ask you to come here. The whole thing irratates me with illegal immigrants, they are here illegally and from what the issue with asp is, and others, is that they want it to be a misdemeanor not a felony... well sorry, tough luck, that's the law.
Kind of like if I were to up and move and take up residence in someones house (or with asp for example) and say... hey!!! I like it here, screw what you (the owner of this place thinks) this should be legal -- Hey!! You are treating me unfair!! Let me go protest because I want what you have....

Where's the logic in that?