Illegal Immigrants...another view...

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
dck4shrt said:
Agreed. That's one of the things they aren't talking about. How much will it cost us, both in taxes/debt and in expenses/hit to our economy. I could really care less if there are Mexicans here or not trying to make better for themselves, but I will care if its going to cost me a lot of money.
So your ok with people sneaking into our country illegally so long as it doesn't crap your style.


Bustem' Down said:
What about all of the legal hard working citizens who rallied also? I guess them missing work is ok then and disrupting other having to work.. I reject your 2 cents.

The fact still remains that a bunch of people whether legal or not,choose to take a day off of work to persuade folks they are a hard working class of people and deserve rights/citizenship. They still impacted other non-affiliated innocent hard working citizens and disrupted their jobs that day as well -- all so they could proove a point which would have perhaps been better received on a weekend. In case you are still a little slow on the uptake today, I'll dumb this down further -- they took off of work and had a three day weekend all on the guise of prooving they are hard workers and disrupted other hard workers that did go to work on Monday. Are you not able to see ANY of the irony in this?
Yes, BD, if the legal hard working citizens among them did the same.. then yes, I could see why they would support these "hard workers", after all they are doing the same thing and could see no wrong in this. :shrug:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
dems4me said:
if they are really all generally hard workers than why in the heck did they take off on a Monday to go protest.
Bustem can reject your two cents, but I think this is an excellent observation.

Why don't people like me drop what they're doing and run off to protest during the week? Because we have jobs and we're not going to take off just to rant around with a bunch of loonies.

And as for Bustem's "hard working legals" who rallied, how does he know they have jobs at all? The people they showed on TV looked like they were either unemployed or worked at jobs that aren't typical 9-5 Mon-Fri.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
dems4me said:
The fact still remains that a bunch of people whether legal or not,choose to take a day off of work to persuade folks they are a hard working class of people and deserve rights/citizenship. They still impacted other non-affiliated innocent hard working citizens and disrupted their jobs that day as well -- all so they could proove a point which would have perhaps been better received on a weekend. In case you are still a little slow on the uptake today, I'll dumb this down further -- they took off of work and had a three day weekend all on the guise of prooving they are hard workers and disrupted other hard workers that did go to work on Monday. Are you not able to see ANY of the irony in this?
Yes, BD, if the legal hard working citizens among them did the same.. then yes, I could see why they would support these "hard workers", after all they are doing the same thing and could see no wrong in this. :shrug:
I get it. Your saying they're not allowed to be lazy until they're citizens. Well thanks for clearing that up. I forgot that anyone not a legal american was supposed to work 25 hours a day 8 days a week.


vraiblonde said:
Bustem can reject your two cents, but I think this is an excellent observation.

Why don't people like me drop what they're doing and run off to protest during the week? Because we have jobs and we're not going to take off just to rant around with a bunch of loonies.

And as for Bustem's "hard working legals" who rallied, how does he know they have jobs at all? The people they showed on TV looked like they were either unemployed or worked at jobs that aren't typical 9-5 Mon-Fri.


Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
vraiblonde said:
Bustem can reject your two cents, but I think this is an excellent observation.

Why don't people like me drop what they're doing and run off to protest during the week? Because we have jobs and we're not going to take off just to rant around with a bunch of loonies.

And as for Bustem's "hard working legals" who rallied, how does he know they have jobs at all? The people they showed on TV looked like they were either unemployed or worked at jobs that aren't typical 9-5 Mon-Fri.
I don't know. But as long as we're throwing around assumptions and guesses I thought I'd join in the fun.


Bustem' Down said:
I get it. Your saying they're not allowed to be lazy until they're citizens. Well thanks for clearing that up. I forgot that anyone not a legal american was supposed to work 25 hours a day 8 days a week.

Are you being serious? Their laziness affected not only their employers and coworkers, but also innocent people that were really trying to get in and out of their place of employment... I give up, you are right, I can't think of a better way to proove the point that you really care about the american workforce than disruppting several places of employment all at once in one fail swoop and on a self-proclaimed three day weekend :yay:

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
dems4me said:
Are you being serious? Their laziness affected not only their employers and coworkers, but also innocent people that were really trying to get in and out of their place of employment... I give up, you are right, I can't think of a better way to proove the point that you really care about the american workforce than disruppting several places of employment all at once in one fail swoop and on a self-proclaimed three day weekend :yay:
Well then let's add some others to the list.
Pro-Life Rallies
Pro-Choice Rallies
Gay pride rallies
Anti-Gay pride rallies
Ant-war rallies
Pro war rallies.

This is not about work. The cost of rounding up, incarcerating, deport all of these people would be immense and I gaurantee the govt. isn't even thinking of that. It's about security. If Jose Blow can jump the boarder than so and any jerk with a bomb.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Bustem' Down said:
Well then let's add some others to the list.
Pro-Life Rallies
Pro-Choice Rallies
Gay pride rallies
Anti-Gay pride rallies
Ant-war rallies
Pro war rallies.
Yep to all. I always assume that people who attend these things during the week are either unemployed or professional protesters. And, yes, there is such a thing as a "professional protester". They're generally called "activists" and they get paid by various organizations to get the word out.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
vraiblonde said:
Yep to all. I always assume that people who attend these things during the week are either unemployed or professional protesters. And, yes, there is such a thing as a "professional protester". They're generally called "activists" and they get paid by various organizations to get the word out.
I generally call them "idiots" :lol:

There's no proof that all of those people were illegal. Matter a fact, I'm willing to bet the majority either had work visa's or were actually citizens.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Bustem' Down said:
There's no proof that all of those people were illegal. Matter a fact, I'm willing to bet the majority either had work visa's or were actually citizens.
That's another thing I always assume - that the majority of the people at these things aren't what they say they are.

Supposedly all these military mothers showed up to march with Cindy Sheehan. Then you find out that most of them were really Communist activists, anti-Semites and Democratic gofers - Leftists in general who had no ties to the military whatsoever. The kicker is when they're supposed to be Gold Star Mothers, and one of them is holding a sign that says "Jews out of Palestine NOW!"

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I figured...

dck4shrt said:
The thought that he was a threat to us is completely off base, and playing up to the mess that we now call pre-war 'intelligence'. Get over it. He wasn't coming after us and he was hemmed in. Mother Theresa he was not, but he was under wraps. The alternative of having a dysfunctional nation is not much better and to date has not been worth the cost, especially if the outcome doesn't improve, dramatically. In fact, 10 or 15 years of mayhem in Iraq followed by a long stretch of a nice peaceful nation may not be worth the cost as we couldn't have predicted how long Hussein would have stayed in power and the cost to keep him under wraps.

...there were people who actually though that, but never did I figure anyone would actually say it out loud.

So, just to be nice to you as you are new and have demonstrated that you haven't read a word of the exisitng threads on this stuff, let's play 'what if'.

What if we had not invaded, what would Saddam be doing now?

Would you say that he had already corrupted the UN? Please agree, because that is a fact.

Would you say that he was trying to get us off his back?

Would you say he had a reasons for wanting to get out of his cease fire agreements?

Would you speculate on what those reasons were?

Would you say he retained the ability to jump start his WMD programs?

Would you say that he, in time, was going to renew his stated goals of dominating the region?

Would you say that that, his domination of the region, would not be in our national interest?

Would you say it's better to deal with a problem before it gets out of hand?


24/7 Single Dad
dems4me said:
The fact still remains that a bunch of people whether legal or not,choose to take a day off of work to persuade folks they are a hard working class of people and deserve rights/citizenship.
This wasn't about proving they're hard working. It was to protest the change in the penality of being an illegal alien from a misdemonr to a felony. Once you have a felony conviction there is NO chance of ever immigrating legally.
What ticked me off was the folks waving mexican flags while saying they want to be an American. :crazy:


aps45819 said:
This wasn't about proving they're hard working. It was to protest the change in the penality of being an illegal alien from a misdemonr to a felony. Once you have a felony conviction there is NO chance of ever immigrating legally.
What ticked me off was the folks waving mexican flags while saying they want to be an American. :crazy:

I have heard most people say basically what BD said "I'll tell you that the majority do work and work hard", I was just pointing out that the majority of people in this protest (you know the hard workers) choose a work day (Monday - a work day) to do their protest. :razz:

My definition is illegal is illegal, no matter how much someone wants to play semantics or change the level of illegality. Illegal does mean illegal. Its breaking the law. Their are consequences for breaking the law... I don't think being illegal in another country should be a mere misdemenor. The person knows full well they are there illegally. They don't accidentally move to another country and take up residence without them being aware of themselves doing such?

While we are at it, I think the US treats legal immigrants that come over here very well, a little too well at times. When was the last time you seen a Mexican, Chineese, Iranian or Japennese bum on the streets or panhandling? You just don't see it. They really can't be THAT bad off here in the US. Look in the homeless shelters, nope won't find a lot in there either. :shrug: Sadly, its mostly white or black americans that you see in there down on their luck. I think we cater too much to the immigrants and this is just one more cowtowing that Uncle Sam will do for them. BTW, is that line of thinking more aligned with how dems think or republicans :confused:


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
dck4shrt said:
Agreed. That's one of the things they aren't talking about. How much will it cost us, both in taxes/debt and in expenses/hit to our economy. I could really care less if there are Mexicans here or not trying to make better for themselves, but I will care if its going to cost me a lot of money.
Right. Wrong. Legal. Illegal. Who cares as long as it doesn't effect you. Selfish aren't you?


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
Yep to all. I always assume that people who attend these things during the week are either unemployed or professional protesters. And, yes, there is such a thing as a "professional protester". They're generally called "activists" and they get paid by various organizations to get the word out.
Yep. There are usually two paid activists from the Brady Bunch at the hearings in Annapolis on all the gun control bills. Many, like myself, do take leave from work to participate by testifying before the committees; we don't get paid. When we are lucky, the hearing runs past 5 and the the paid activists don't get overtime, so the leave. :lmao: :jameo: Bad guns :jameo: bad guns ... until it gets to quiting time. :killingme


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
dems4me said:
I have heard most people say basically what BD said "I'll tell you that the majority do work and work hard", I was just pointing out that the majority of people in this protest (you know the hard workers) choose a work day (Monday - a work day) to do their protest. :razz:

My definition is illegal is illegal, no matter how much someone wants to play semantics or change the level of illegality. Illegal does mean illegal. Its breaking the law. Their are consequences for breaking the law... I don't think being illegal in another country should be a mere misdemenor. The person knows full well they are there illegally. They don't accidentally move to another country and take up residence without them being aware of themselves doing such?

While we are at it, I think the US treats legal immigrants that come over here very well, a little too well at times. When was the last time you seen a Mexican, Chineese, Iranian or Japennese bum on the streets or panhandling? You just don't see it. They really can't be THAT bad off here in the US. Look in the homeless shelters, nope won't find a lot in there either. :shrug: Sadly, its mostly white or black americans that you see in there down on their luck. I think we cater too much to the immigrants and this is just one more cowtowing that Uncle Sam will do for them. BTW, is that line of thinking more aligned with how dems think or republicans :confused:
You are becoming more conservative every day.
Vrai, I think we are due for a handle change here. dems4me -> repubs4me