Illegal Immigrants Plan Nationwide Boycott


But wait, there's more...
"We're not officially coordinating a work stoppage. We are leaving it up to every individual. We don't want people to lose a job, but we want to encourage people to stand up for their rights," said Maria Rodriguez, head of the Florida Immigrant Coalition.

I thought the rights belong to those who are CITIZENS ... illegal aliens aren't "citizens". That's the problem! Legalize yourself and pay taxes (vs. sending the money home to Mexico) and we can talk about your "rights". :duh:

I think the only "right" illegals should have is the right to a speedy deportation back to where ever they're from. :ohwell:


crabcake said:
I think the only "right" illegals should have is the right to a speedy deportation back to where ever they're from. :ohwell:
:yeahthat: But that will never happen in this country I'm sorry to say.


But wait, there's more...
Why don't we just take over Mexico already? :shrug: It's clear most of their people think the government sucks, or they'd stay put and help initiate change vs. risking life and limb to come to the U.S. Let's take it over, get a few companies to go down and create jobs for the people there, and make it easier on us to travel to someplace with clear blue water. :yay:

Maybe we oughta help the illegals overthrow their own government ... then we'd be doing these people a real service vs. handing them healthcare, welfare, and free citizenship here for simply crossing the border. :shrug:


24/7 Single Dad
crabcake said:
I think the only "right" illegals should have is the right to a speedy deportation back to where ever they're from. :ohwell:
There was some clown on the news comparing this to the civil rights marches of the '60s. :rolleyes:
Since those were about getting your legal rights, these folks should have the right to a legal deportation.


Routinely Derailed
I say, let's US boycott THEM! Turn 'em in to the INS and send 'em home....or chase them there. Being here illegally is living a lie. Their protesting the fact that we don't like illegals is very much like a thief getting angry that people don't like him stealing from them.


Football season!
there was a show on the other night and it was talking about a mother who came here awhile back to try and "make a better life" for her and her kids. Blah blah blah story. At the end it talks about how she was pulled over by the cops. She of course didn't have a license. Her only identification was her mexican license. She was arrested. She gets on there crying that they treated her like a criminal.
well, YOU ARE! You are here illegally, driving a vehicle without a license, god knows what else.


crabcake said:
Why don't we just take over Mexico already? :shrug: It's clear most of their people think the government sucks, or they'd stay put and help initiate change vs. risking life and limb to come to the U.S. Let's take it over, get a few companies to go down and create jobs for the people there, and make it easier on us to travel to someplace with clear blue water. :yay:

Maybe we oughta help the illegals overthrow their own government ... then we'd be doing these people a real service vs. handing them healthcare, welfare, and free citizenship here for simply crossing the border. :shrug:
Because they would not like it. They would have to pay our fuel tax, income tax, death tax, social security tax, medicare tax, property tax, ad valorem tax, and the various other taxes we pay and don't realize like the extra $5 on your phone bill, cable bill, utility bill. All these taxes support an infrastructure unparalleled anywhere in the world. Right now, they get to reap the benefits of our superior infrastructure without contributing a dime to it. If they became citizens, and had their income burdened with the same taxes we are they would not like it.


crabcake said:
I thought the rights belong to those who are CITIZENS ... illegal aliens aren't "citizens". That's the problem! Legalize yourself and pay taxes (vs. sending the money home to Mexico) and we can talk about your "rights". :duh:

I always chuckle when I hear someone saying illegals should get legal and pay their taxes. What taxes do you think these folks are going to pay? 99% of them don't make enough to pay taxes. Every dime they make would come right back to them, along with a lot of other dimes in the form of earned income tax credits and childcare credits. At least as long as they're illegal the money that goes to the IRS from their withholding gets to stay with the government.


New Member
Pete said:
Because they would not like it. They would have to pay our fuel tax, income tax, death tax, social security tax, medicare tax, property tax, ad valorem tax, and the various other taxes we pay and don't realize like the extra $5 on your phone bill, cable bill, utility bill. All these taxes support an infrastructure unparalleled anywhere in the world. Right now, they get to reap the benefits of our superior infrastructure without contributing a dime to it. If they became citizens, and had their income burdened with the same taxes we are they would not like it.

Interesting points. I think we have to make a decision if we want to pay for their social services (via taxes), or if we want to pay for higher priced goods and services if we throw 'em out. Maybe it's a null sum game.

That's separate from figuring out how much it will cost to round up 11 million people and ship them home (after lengthy legal processing for each one, no doubt).


Dancing Up A Storm
Railroad said:
I say, let's US boycott THEM! Turn 'em in to the INS and send 'em home....or chase them there. Being here illegally is living a lie. Their protesting the fact that we don't like illegals is very much like a thief getting angry that people don't like him stealing from them.

Quote ST:
there was a show on the other night and it was talking about a mother who came here awhile back to try and "make a better life" for her and her kids. Blah blah blah story. At the end it talks about how she was pulled over by the cops. She of course didn't have a license. Her only identification was her mexican license. She was arrested. She gets on there crying that they treated her like a criminal.

well, YOU ARE! You are here illegally, driving a vehicle without a license, god knows what else.

:patriot: :yeahthat: I don't get it!

What part of the concept that "you are here in this country illegally" do they not get???

We sure as hell couldn't pull the same act in Mexico as they are here. :duh:


Well-Known Member
I'm sick to death of articles that use "illegal immigrants" and "immigrants" interchangeably.

Despite all the sobbing, the majority of Americans are furious with them - but would have ZERO problem with them if they just came here through proper channels and respected the way things are done here. I don't know WHAT is going through the minds of people who think waving the Mexican flag, singing our anthem in Spanish (with a few lyric *changes*) and trying to intimidate us by holding a 'boycott' (early guess - it will be felt *very* weakly). Why don't they just try to annex the Southwest and be done with it?

If Mexico is so hot over how illegals are treated here, they should re-consider how *LEGAL* immigrants are treated *there*.


You know what is really starting to bother me at this point with all this crap is the fact they keep getting Monday's off. :mad: I'm an American I want off and if they are that critical to society as they are the ones delineating themselves, not us... let them run the country for one Monday every month and let us have off. I'm really tired of this crap. It's getting old and its starting to sound more and more like they DON'T want to work or something. I want a monday off too :bawl: :mad:


Bruzilla said:
I always chuckle when I hear someone saying illegals should get legal and pay their taxes. What taxes do you think these folks are going to pay? 99% of them don't make enough to pay taxes. Every dime they make would come right back to them, along with a lot of other dimes in the form of earned income tax credits and childcare credits. At least as long as they're illegal the money that goes to the IRS from their withholding gets to stay with the government.
Social security, unemployment and medicare would not go back to them.



All the work that I need done isn't getting done, and we're losing all sorts of money - it's like a money hemmhorage here!


Actually, I haven't noticed any iota of difference in my life today.



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
SamSpade said:
(early guess - it will be felt *very* weakly).
This is another one of those "which is it?" situations.

"Illegal immigrants do crap jobs no one else wants and they make next to nothing doing it."

"Illegal immigrants are such a huge part of our economy that a one-day boycott will be felt hard."

Which is it?


Rocky Mountain High!!
They DO keep Walmart and the liquor stores in business :lol: They get paid in cash (no taxes or culpability, bennies, etc. on the part of their employers), or go to the liquor store and get their checks cashed (for a fee of course), knowing a % will go back into the store before they even walk out the door.

What impact do you think it will have on the infrastructure of our area? Or the actual day to day stuff? Any? A lot? I'll miss Monterey if it's not open :frown:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
happyappygirl said:
I'll miss Monterey if it's not open
I'll bet the owners of Monterey will miss their revenues a lot more than anyone will miss them for one day.

Is this confirmed that Monterey is closed today? Or just speculation?