"I'm having a hard time finding a job"


Active Member
"OMG I sat here on the computer for an hour and nobody will hire me! :drama:"
This proves that you either have the IQ or reading comprehension of a dying fish, so my assertion that it's baffling you have the same voting power as me still stands. I clearly stated "5-7 hours per day" and you couldn't get it through to the hamster wheel in your head.
So I totally think you should lay around on your ass playing games on the internet and bitching to strangers on social media sites, hoping some rando will recognize your brilliance and offer you a job as an influencer.
Another point in my favor that you are physically incapable of comprehending a viewpoint that does not align with yours. Whatever small rodents are running the operations in your brain just can't handle the workload of someone else's experiences that don't match up with yours. I make pharmaceuticals for over 100,000 per year. I know you won't listen, so this is going to be my last post on this thread. Keep laughing to yourself, I'm sure that when you have to go to the retirement home, if you keep up this attitude you have towards young people, I'm sure those young people would love to take care of you.
You know what, I don't think I did work any of the big holidays. The family that ran the place was very religious and also very patriotic.
Vraiblonde seems to believe that when I talk about holidays, I'm talking about the ones schoolchildren got off of, like Columbus Day. I'm not talking about those days. I'm talking about the big religious and national holidays. There weren't any days off at my first job. I missed multiple Christmases, Thanksgivings, July 4ths, because large companies can't fathom closing for one holiday.
Well, squiddie won't be back.
If I get banned, I get banned.
By the way, that is a DATPIFF? I looked and still don't understand it.
Before the time of music streaming, upcoming music artists would upload music to sites like Bandcamp to have a place to show off and sell their music. DatPiff.com was one of those sites, but instead of how Bandcamp catered more towards indie artists and bedroom bands, it catered to rappers who made late-2000s trap music. Gucci Mane, one of the all-time greats in trap music, used to almost exclusively release his mixtapes and songs on DatPiff.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
When I was a teenager, we made money, mowing lawns, raking leaves, shoveling, snow, etc. etc. etc. Some others had newspaper routes before school, or they worked at some other labor type job after school.

parents out there need to be pushing their kids to do these things these days so that they know how good they’ve got it later on in life.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
This proves that you either have the IQ or reading comprehension of a dying fish, so my assertion that it's baffling you have the same voting power as me still stands. I clearly stated "5-7 hours per day" and you couldn't get it through to the hamster wheel in your head.

Another point in my favor that you are physically incapable of comprehending a viewpoint that does not align with yours. Whatever small rodents are running the operations in your brain just can't handle the workload of someone else's experiences that don't match up with yours. I make pharmaceuticals for over 100,000 per year. I know you won't listen, so this is going to be my last post on this thread. Keep laughing to yourself, I'm sure that when you have to go to the retirement home, if you keep up this attitude you have towards young people, I'm sure those young people would love to take care of you.

Vraiblonde seems to believe that when I talk about holidays, I'm talking about the ones schoolchildren got off of, like Columbus Day. I'm not talking about those days. I'm talking about the big religious and national holidays. There weren't any days off at my first job. I missed multiple Christmases, Thanksgivings, July 4ths, because large companies can't fathom closing for one holiday.

If I get banned, I get banned.

Before the time of music streaming, upcoming music artists would upload music to sites like Bandcamp to have a place to show off and sell their music. DatPiff.com was one of those sites, but instead of how Bandcamp catered more towards indie artists and bedroom bands, it catered to rappers who made late-2000s trap music. Gucci Mane, one of the all-time greats in trap music, used to almost exclusively release his mixtapes and songs on DatPiff.

Another one of Sapidus, marine themed, aliases.


Well-Known Member
This proves that you either have the IQ or reading comprehension of a dying fish, so my assertion that it's baffling you have the same voting power as me still stands. I clearly stated "5-7 hours per day" and you couldn't get it through to the hamster wheel in your head.

Another point in my favor that you are physically incapable of comprehending a viewpoint that does not align with yours. Whatever small rodents are running the operations in your brain just can't handle the workload of someone else's experiences that don't match up with yours. I make pharmaceuticals for over 100,000 per year. I know you won't listen, so this is going to be my last post on this thread. Keep laughing to yourself, I'm sure that when you have to go to the retirement home, if you keep up this attitude you have towards young people, I'm sure those young people would love to take care of you.

Vraiblonde seems to believe that when I talk about holidays, I'm talking about the ones schoolchildren got off of, like Columbus Day. I'm not talking about those days. I'm talking about the big religious and national holidays. There weren't any days off at my first job. I missed multiple Christmases, Thanksgivings, July 4ths, because large companies can't fathom closing for one holiday.

If I get banned, I get banned.

Before the time of music streaming, upcoming music artists would upload music to sites like Bandcamp to have a place to show off and sell their music. DatPiff.com was one of those sites, but instead of how Bandcamp catered more towards indie artists and bedroom bands, it catered to rappers who made late-2000s trap music. Gucci Mane, one of the all-time greats in trap music, used to almost exclusively release his mixtapes and songs on DatPiff.
A serious question... You make pharmaceuticals?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I missed multiple Christmases, Thanksgivings, July 4ths, because large companies can't fathom closing for one holiday.

Poor you. :poorbaby:

Small business owners
HVAC professionals
Hotel workers

That is just a short list of professions that do not get holidays off. Ever. The best *you* can hope for is that GamGam will remember all those Christmas dinners you attended and leave you something in her will.

Honestly, now I have to put you on ignore. My days of trying to talk sense into lazy entitled spoiled teenagers is over and it's really up to your parents to instill a work ethic in you.


Well-Known Member
I kinda sorta wish we still had tobacco fields to separate the men from the boys. 3/4 of the kids today would never make it till noon.
Today's soy boys would drop dead of heat stroke... Squiddie would've dropped by 6:00 AM on day 1.
BTW, Squiddie?... that would be after just 1 hour after starting your day, sweetie....the rest of us would have to carry your sorry ass until the day was over...that would be 8:00 PM sweetheart...


Well-Known Member
You know what, I don't think I did work any of the big holidays. The family that ran the place was very religious and also very patriotic.
Vraiblonde seems to believe that when I talk about holidays, I'm talking about the ones schoolchildren got off of, like Columbus Day. I'm not talking about those days. I'm talking about the big religious and national holidays. There weren't any days off at my first job. I missed multiple Christmases, Thanksgivings, July 4ths, because large companies can't fathom closing for one holiday.
I think maybe you got the wrong take-away from my comment. While I didn't work holidays in that particular job, that wasn't the usual state of affairs. We used to call those bank holidays, because only the bank (and other large business/white collar workplaces) were closed on those days. Most everyone else still had to work because life doesn't stop for holidays.


Well-Known Member
It is unequivocally true. You just haven't experienced it so you wouldn't know. When I was unemployed and with bills creeping up on me, I was on online job boards 5-7 hours a day, every day, applying for anything that I could get my application out to. This went on for a total of two months, applying even to entry level jobs at restaurants and stores like Staples. If you step outside your bubble of out of touch people in their golden years, you'll find hundreds, if not thousands of stories that echo mine. It's even covered in the news.

Also, do you realize how retarded your rhetoric is? "I see people working, therefore it's easy to get a job" is probably one of the most profoundly stupid things I've ever had the displeasure of reading and I'm stunned you have the same voting power as me. For all the people you see working, there's a large chunk of young people unemployed and desperate for work, yet getting rejected by company algorithms for positions that are already filled.

I do have a job, and I am blessed by the Lord to have one that is able to support myself to live semi-comfortably debt-free. I am in the minority of younger people, as very few younger than 30 are making above 100,000/yr like I am. It's satisfying to see that you doubled down on your shitty attitude of looking down your nose to younger people who had to stay with their parents because its economically unfeasible for the majority of young adults to support themselves with a job. I would hate to be near someone as vile as yourself, as the sheer lack of empathy towards those who have a differing viewpoint would be unbearable to be in a ten foot radius of.

This is another verifiable fact, this time from NASDAQ. "In 1980, the median monthly rent, according to iPropertyManagement, was $243. For comparison, the nationwide average monthly rent in August 2022 was $1,388." Adjusted for inflation, that $243 is now $930.40. It was quite literally cheaper to live in the 1970s and 1980s than it is in 2024. You can deny all you want, but it is undeniable fact that salary has not kept up with the price of living.

It is not entitlement to expect to be able to have a brief period of rest, when it is proven standing for long periods of time leads to various health conditions. It is not entitlement to not want to be reprimanded for a serious, unavoidable medical emergency like what happened to me.

This is just proof that you want young people to be mindless slaves to corporations to feed your entitled, luxurious lifestyle because you had it easier when it was your time to transition from child to adult. The fact that you want young people to work their lives away for less than commensurate standards of living and an inferior life experience than their parents. You don't care that not being able to socialize with friends and family has verifiable health negatives. You don't care, because you didn't have to experience it, and it doesn't affect you personally.

Many people entering the workforce were fed the lie that an entry level job is both easy to obtain and something that you could make work until you found a better one. Now they're experiencing that they were deceived, and are now facing people like you who sneer at their contempt and mock them. The facts that I put up won't make you think. You look down at me because I had the nerve to share my experience that didn't line up with your delusions. I understand it now, and I now know how I can be more caring, and less like you.

The sheer nerve to say all of this, even calling me entitled, is astounding. I must applaud the balls it took to seriously write all of this, look it over, and not look inward on yourself once during this. It's impressive the arrogance, ignorance, and sheer ineptitude you put on display in this thread.

I would hate to be you.
I see SMCtwat is back...
Whining, crying, & Lying as much as ever...


Active Member
Today's soy boys would drop dead of heat stroke... Squiddie would've dropped by 6:00 AM on day 1.
BTW, Squiddie?... that would be after just 1 hour after starting your day, sweetie....the rest of us would have to carry your sorry ass until the day was over...that would be 8:00 PM sweetheart...
It's a damn shame labor laws exist, right? Think of all the children that could be exploited 15 hours a day if those pesky anti-child labor laws never existed.

I see SMCtwat is back...
Whining, crying, & Lying as much as ever...
I really would like to see the part where I lie. Entertain me, please.


Well-Known Member
It's a damn shame labor laws exist, right? Think of all the children that could be exploited 15 hours a day if those pesky anti-child labor laws never existed.


I really would like to see the part where I lie. Entertain me, please.
It's a damn shame you & your ilk refuse to become adults..
Oh, BTW...you're a friggin Meth cook. Stop trying to get people to believe ANYTHING you wrote.
Every other sentence was a contradiction to the bullchit you typed right before...

55-60 hrs. a week in a grocery store? How can my stepson get those hours? He's lucky if they give them 20hrs/wk.
Broke & not paying your bills until you JUST got into pharma tech? Making $100,000k/yr in an industry that typically caps at around $85K a year...

You're a whiny lil Beta that's sitting in a parents' or grandparents basement, lying thru your teeth on here.
You're pissed off because you have no skills, no motivation to get any skills, and are too white to get Gov't handouts.
You're pathetic...

And now to put your filthy, lying Marxist Twunt on ignore....


PREMO Member
Look at the current year. You don't go to jobs with a resume in hand anymore and get accepted because the manager likes your firm handshake. The only way to get a job now is if you have connections. This vision that anyone off the street can walk into a store and get a job within a week is a ****ing lie that has been dead for years.

back around 2005 a discussion came up one day,

you COULD NOT get White Kids in Ashburn Va to work at McDonald's .... mommy and daddy spoiled them


Active Member
55-60 hrs. a week in a grocery store? How can my stepson get those hours? He's lucky if they give them 20hrs/wk.
Broke & not paying your bills until you JUST got into pharma tech? Making $100,000k/yr in an industry that typically caps at around $85K a year...

You're a whiny lil Beta that's sitting in a parents' or grandparents basement, lying thru your teeth on here.
You're pissed off because you have no skills, no motivation to get any skills, and are too white to get Gov't handouts.
You're pathetic...
I didn't say I was a pharma tech, you illiterate dunce. I don't work in pharmacies, I work in laboratories. It's adorable that you call me pathetic yet you don't even have the mental capacity to read and understand the difference between pharmaceutical scientist and pharmacy tech. I truly feel sorry for anyone nearby you, it must be agonizing to be within touching distance of a babbling idiot like yourself.

Watching you make posts is like watching a monkey with a typewriter. Just typing things up without even knowing what you're saying. Go yell at the TV again, gramps. I'm sure the news anchors will listen this time.

Hilarious that you put me on ignore by the way. Does it shake you to your core to see someone who looks at the world a different way then you? That's cute.
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Stubborn and opinionated
When I was a teenager, we made money, mowing lawns, raking leaves, shoveling, snow, etc. etc. etc. Some others had newspaper routes before school, or they worked at some other labor type job after school.

parents out there need to be pushing their kids to do these things these days so that they know how good they’ve got it later on in life.
Those of us that worked tobacco fields when we were young know exactly what you're talking about.