"I'm having a hard time finding a job"


Well-Known Member
Sounds to me like you blew the interview.

If you came off at the interview like you do here, I can see why they wouldn’t wanna hire you.

Thank you for the clarification on your response. I appreciate it. Thank you for abstaining on giving an opinion on getting a job, because the situation has changed in those 50 years you have been working. Some people do not understand that, and it's like trying to talk to a brick wall.

In the same vein, there are a ton of places that are chronically understaffed despite said 4% unemployment rate. It doesn't really tell the whole story with one figure, sadly enough.


Well-Known Member
It is unequivocally true. You just haven't experienced it so you wouldn't know. When I was unemployed and with bills creeping up on me, I was on online job boards 5-7 hours a day, every day, applying for anything that I could get my application out to. This went on for a total of two months, applying even to entry level jobs at restaurants and stores like Staples. If you step outside your bubble of out of touch people in their golden years, you'll find hundreds, if not thousands of stories that echo mine. It's even covered in the news.

Also, do you realize how retarded your rhetoric is? "I see people working, therefore it's easy to get a job" is probably one of the most profoundly stupid things I've ever had the displeasure of reading and I'm stunned you have the same voting power as me. For all the people you see working, there's a large chunk of young people unemployed and desperate for work, yet getting rejected by company algorithms for positions that are already filled.

I do have a job, and I am blessed by the Lord to have one that is able to support myself to live semi-comfortably debt-free. I am in the minority of younger people, as very few younger than 30 are making above 100,000/yr like I am. It's satisfying to see that you doubled down on your shitty attitude of looking down your nose to younger people who had to stay with their parents because its economically unfeasible for the majority of young adults to support themselves with a job. I would hate to be near someone as vile as yourself, as the sheer lack of empathy towards those who have a differing viewpoint would be unbearable to be in a ten foot radius of.

This is another verifiable fact, this time from NASDAQ. "In 1980, the median monthly rent, according to iPropertyManagement, was $243. For comparison, the nationwide average monthly rent in August 2022 was $1,388." Adjusted for inflation, that $243 is now $930.40. It was quite literally cheaper to live in the 1970s and 1980s than it is in 2024. You can deny all you want, but it is undeniable fact that salary has not kept up with the price of living.

It is not entitlement to expect to be able to have a brief period of rest, when it is proven standing for long periods of time leads to various health conditions. It is not entitlement to not want to be reprimanded for a serious, unavoidable medical emergency like what happened to me.

This is just proof that you want young people to be mindless slaves to corporations to feed your entitled, luxurious lifestyle because you had it easier when it was your time to transition from child to adult. The fact that you want young people to work their lives away for less than commensurate standards of living and an inferior life experience than their parents. You don't care that not being able to socialize with friends and family has verifiable health negatives. You don't care, because you didn't have to experience it, and it doesn't affect you personally.

Many people entering the workforce were fed the lie that an entry level job is both easy to obtain and something that you could make work until you found a better one. Now they're experiencing that they were deceived, and are now facing people like you who sneer at their contempt and mock them. The facts that I put up won't make you think. You look down at me because I had the nerve to share my experience that didn't line up with your delusions. I understand it now, and I now know how I can be more caring, and less like you.

The sheer nerve to say all of this, even calling me entitled, is astounding. I must applaud the balls it took to seriously write all of this, look it over, and not look inward on yourself once during this. It's impressive the arrogance, ignorance, and sheer ineptitude you put on display in this thread.

I would hate to be you.
Got to tell you in 1990 I filled out an application for every store in the mall and didn't get a single call, the only job I got was through a friend that worked at a grocery store and yea it was exactly the same then as what you are describing you experienced at a grocery store.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
I haven't read this whole thread but, I have worked since I was 15, I never had much trouble finding employment. Some of the early jobs were sh!t, but you have to start somewhere. I was also laid off in November and didn't start looking until after Thanksgiving. I was contacted by several companies and accepted an offer mid December. I went back to work last week after a nice long break. My PM said I have a great reputation, so there's that.



Well-Known Member
I haven't read this whole thread but, I have worked since I was 15, I never had much trouble finding employment. Some of the early jobs were sh!t, but you have to start somewhere. I was also laid off in November and didn't start looking until after Thanksgiving. I was contacted by several companies and accepted an offer mid December. I went back to work last week after a nice long break. My PM said I have a great reputation, so there's that.

You don't have to read the thread. Squiddie or whatever the f the name is is bored and angry. I do not believe it is 18-25 , brilliant and makes 100k as a Pharma Scientist. Bottom line it is looking for attention. Boomers bad. It hates everyone and needs to spend time with all their friends. If whoever it is whines like this, they have no friends. I would listen to that sh*t for about 4 minutes..... then move on to real life. F that. Life is too short . Good luck to it.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
You don't have to read the thread. Squiddie or whatever the f the name is is bored and angry. I do not believe it is 18-25 , brilliant and makes 100k as a Pharma Scientist. Bottom line it is looking for attention. Boomers bad. It hates everyone and needs to spend time with all their friends. If whoever it is whines like this, they have no friends. I would listen to that sh*t for about 4 minutes..... then move on to real life. F that. Life is too short . Good luck to it.
Glad go be a Gen X! I don't give a phuck! 😂

My kid went GOV CIV at the age of 23. She's doing well!


Well-Known Member
Glad go be a Gen X! I don't give a phuck! 😂

My kid went GOV CIV at the age of 23. She's doing well!
Both my 30 something kids are good too. If they ever disparaged older people like that I'd smack them into next week. As a young person the older people were my my favorites. The meaner and crotchety the better. They taught me so much....


Active Member
You don't have to read the thread. Squiddie or whatever the f the name is is bored and angry. I do not believe it is 18-25 , brilliant and makes 100k as a Pharma Scientist. Bottom line it is looking for attention. Boomers bad. It hates everyone and needs to spend time with all their friends. If whoever it is whines like this, they have no friends. I would listen to that sh*t for about 4 minutes..... then move on to real life. F that. Life is too short . Good luck to it.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
When you need and want a job - finding employment BECOMES your job.

When I moved to New England, I couldn't find a damned thing for about nine months, and the job I eventually secured paid about HALF the job I left (my first, out of college). Back then, the best means of finding jobs was the paper - and I made it a point to personally visit an average of 15 places a week. I went there - I didn't waste time sending mail. Sometimes I found myself literally walking into an office, because they had NO receiving area - just open the door right into the office pod area and walk until I found someone to talk to.

I think during that time, I must have had around 70 interviews. The job I eventually got was through a friend.

Out of college, I went on every interview they offered on campus. Once, it was duing a blizzard and I had to call the university to see if the companies were still there. They said they'd be there until noon, so I bundled up my suit and shoes, and made the walk from East Riverdale to the University of Maryland in near knee deep snow. Took around an hour. When I got there, I changed into my suit - and found that NO ONE WAS THERE. It had never been open. Whoever told me didn't know crap. Three weeks later, I got a rejection letter from the company, but thanked me for meeting with their representative on campus.

This kind of crap went on for months.

Many years later, I returned from New England and worked tarring roofs while I looked for real employment, Back then I typed cover letters and mailed out an average of 25 letters a week. That actually only took about four months, but I had a lot of interviews.

I guess what I am trying to say is - EXPECT rejection. Expect that most will never bother to answer you, and like the snowstorm example - some are just full of sht. They have hundreds of applicants. They're not under any obligation to tell you that they did NOT consider you. Your best solution is to be doggedly determined.

In the last set of stories - I almost didn't send in one job place - the offer was low - it was for a GS-5 back in the early 90's - but it's where I am now and it pays great.

black dog

Free America
Finding a job is different from actually getting it. It's dead easy to "find" a job, but becoming an employee is a whole other beast.
Funny, my 25 yr old grew up in Dodsonville, he's never had any problems finding a job.
At 14, Ace hardware in Leonardtown, then the USMC and now he's working in Baghdad.

Seems you just made poor choices.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member

FWIW - I think the country is moving slowly to a shorter work day. We are having a bit of saturation with some jobs - and the United States is way ahead of other nations in terms of hours worked and way behind hours for leave - and those nations remain competitive.

I don’t know why that’s true because it seems counterintuitive. How does an industrialized nation maintain parity in productivity and output with us, and still give lots of leave and with shorter work weeks?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I don’t know why that’s true because it seems counterintuitive. How does an industrialized nation maintain parity in productivity and output with us, and still give lots of leave and with shorter work weeks?

What are the countries?

My first reaction is that those employees are more productive when they *are* at work, rather than goofing off and taking breaks.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
What are the countries?

My first reaction is that those employees are more productive when they *are* at work, rather than goofing off and taking breaks.
I've been reading this for years, but this page gives a good idea --

Most of Western Europe, Canada, Australia - they have shorter work weeks, more generous leave and vacation.
These are some of the most productive nations per capita on the planet.

Nations like China are up and coming - but they've already run into difficulties, because you can't run a nation with 1.5 billion people like a sweatshop - coastal elites are making more demands comparable to their Western Europe counterparts.

I wasn't trying to make a case for slackers - I am saying that we're reaching a kind of point where more hours per week doesn't seem to result in more productivity.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I wasn't trying to make a case for slackers - I am saying that we're reaching a kind of point where more hours per week doesn't seem to result in more productivity.

Because of the burnout factor. That's why I was wondering how on the job productivity compares 40hrs vs. 30hrs.

But working 30 hours and getting pay and bennies for 40 is just a hefty raise. I personally think companies should ditch the billionaire owner and bloated middle management model, and pay their boots on the ground better. But I'm overwhelmingly outvoted by those who think the person who worked to build the business should hog the money and pay their workers as little as they can get away with.

I'm thinking about a wealth share model, profit sharing or whatever, to invest workers in the business and encourage them to care. As it stands right now a lot of young workers are all, why should I bust my ass for that arrogant billionaire? And they have a point. Amazon, for example, could easily pay their pickers and shippers and whathaveyou more, but companies like that funnel the money up and don't invest in their team.

I'm a socialist at heart - I think most people are - but the problem with that is it never works as advertised. Like, ever. There will always be ambitious folks who bust ass and lazy goodfornothings who lay around and whine, and they shouldn't have the same outcome because that's not fair. And there will always be greedy aholes who pay their people minimum wage so they can buy another mansion or yacht.

I could go on and on about this because as I'm typing I'm remembering various incidents in my work experience. Like my recent co-worker who wanted a promotion (that she never got) so to prove herself she put herself on call 24/7 and frequently assisted guests off the clock because we had a strict 40hr/wk the end no more NO overtime period policy. And I was like, help me understand why you're working for free for a billionaire? If there was a reward, or even an atta girl, in it for her I could understand it, but Soulless Inc could not have cared less. Her ass was passed by so fast it left a vapor trail.

I'm also thinking about when garbage guys go on strike. Metro areas don't value their sanitation workers....until they have to do without them. The head honcho could drop dead and nobody would notice, but you let a garbage pickup guy call in sick and it's a crisis.

People should be paid commensurate with that but they rarely are.


If I may ...
For your consideration ...

Short of getting a degree in a needed field, learn a marketable skill, (any type of service technician), or apprentice in one of the trades, and there will always be work to be easily found. And if one isn't stupid and fat and can pass the ASVAB, the military services always have slots to fill.


Well-Known Member
I l
Because of the burnout factor. That's why I was wondering how on the job productivity compares 40hrs vs. 30hrs.

But working 30 hours and getting pay and bennies for 40 is just a hefty raise. I personally think companies should ditch the billionaire owner and bloated middle management model, and pay their boots on the ground better. But I'm overwhelmingly outvoted by those who think the person who worked to build the business should hog the money and pay their workers as little as they can get away with.

I'm thinking about a wealth share model, profit sharing or whatever, to invest workers in the business and encourage them to care. As it stands right now a lot of young workers are all, why should I bust my ass for that arrogant billionaire? And they have a point. Amazon, for example, could easily pay their pickers and shippers and whathaveyou more, but companies like that funnel the money up and don't invest in their team.

I'm a socialist at heart - I think most people are - but the problem with that is it never works as advertised. Like, ever. There will always be ambitious folks who bust ass and lazy goodfornothings who lay around and whine, and they shouldn't have the same outcome because that's not fair. And there will always be greedy aholes who pay their people minimum wage so they can buy another mansion or yacht.

I could go on and on about this because as I'm typing I'm remembering various incidents in my work experience. Like my recent co-worker who wanted a promotion (that she never got) so to prove herself she put herself on call 24/7 and frequently assisted guests off the clock because we had a strict 40hr/wk the end no more NO overtime period policy. And I was like, help me understand why you're working for free for a billionaire? If there was a reward, or even an atta girl, in it for her I could understand it, but Soulless Inc could not have cared less. Her ass was passed by so fast it left a vapor trail.

I'm also thinking about when garbage guys go on strike. Metro areas don't value their sanitation workers....until they have to do without them. The head honcho could drop dead and nobody would notice, but you let a garbage pickup guy call in sick and it's a crisis.

People should be paid commensurate with that but they rarely are.
I loved your rant, but once again it comes down to the average American is a moron.

They would rather the government or the unions take care of them without any thought of the future.
My point is this the unions have been around since what the 20s which I would imagine if they had taken the union dues and bought stock in the company's that they work for they would by now have a controlling interest in those industries and have a lot more say in what the pay and benefits they are given.

The companies are not beholden to their employees they are beholden to their shareholders and that is the rub.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
Because of the burnout factor. That's why I was wondering how on the job productivity compares 40hrs vs. 30hrs.

But working 30 hours and getting pay and bennies for 40 is just a hefty raise. I personally think companies should ditch the billionaire owner and bloated middle management model, and pay their boots on the ground better. But I'm overwhelmingly outvoted by those who think the person who worked to build the business should hog the money and pay their workers as little as they can get away with.

I'm thinking about a wealth share model, profit sharing or whatever, to invest workers in the business and encourage them to care. As it stands right now a lot of young workers are all, why should I bust my ass for that arrogant billionaire? And they have a point. Amazon, for example, could easily pay their pickers and shippers and whathaveyou more, but companies like that funnel the money up and don't invest in their team.

I'm a socialist at heart - I think most people are - but the problem with that is it never works as advertised. Like, ever. There will always be ambitious folks who bust ass and lazy goodfornothings who lay around and whine, and they shouldn't have the same outcome because that's not fair. And there will always be greedy aholes who pay their people minimum wage so they can buy another mansion or yacht.

I could go on and on about this because as I'm typing I'm remembering various incidents in my work experience. Like my recent co-worker who wanted a promotion (that she never got) so to prove herself she put herself on call 24/7 and frequently assisted guests off the clock because we had a strict 40hr/wk the end no more NO overtime period policy. And I was like, help me understand why you're working for free for a billionaire? If there was a reward, or even an atta girl, in it for her I could understand it, but Soulless Inc could not have cared less. Her ass was passed by so fast it left a vapor trail.

I'm also thinking about when garbage guys go on strike. Metro areas don't value their sanitation workers....until they have to do without them. The head honcho could drop dead and nobody would notice, but you let a garbage pickup guy call in sick and it's a crisis.

People should be paid commensurate with that but they rarely are.
I don’t really have any issue with someone starting a business and getting rich, but when you get to the point that you have more money than you can spend in 200 lifetimes it’s time to give some back.