I'm not saying Happy Holidays!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I used retail employment as an example. I said Merry Christmas anyways and didn't have any problems. I'm not biased to another religion or celebration but it's obvious from this thread that even if I was the customer and I was to say Merry Christmas to one of ya'll posting in this thread you would get offended so this issue obviously goes much deeper then retail stores.

Where are you getting this nonsense????? People say Merry Christmas to me all the time and I do not get offended. In fact, I've never heard of a real life incident where anyone has - just anecdotal crap that some religious person made up so they could feel all persecuted and such.


The point is being missed here.

OP is upset (although she says she doesn't care, but apparently she does) that checkout people are required to say Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas. SHE wants to be told Merry Christmas. Personally, I would tell her something else, but that's beside the point.

She indicated that she worked retail in the past? And wanted to tell people Merry Christmas instead of the more inclusive and professional Happy Holidays. Several of us explained to her that she doesn't get to make that decision when she's on the job - she should do what her employer asks.

Cashiers shouldn't have to ask your religion before they greet you. Happy Holidays shouldn't offend you, unless you're a kook.

No one is telling you not to wish people Merry Christmas in your personal life. And if you say Merry Christmas in your personal life, and someone gets offended, that is their problem and not yours.

So, to sum it all up, if your employer wants you to greet your customers with Happy Holidays, that is what you should greet them with and shut up about it. Very similar to if your employer wants you to answer the phone with, "Thank you for calling Super Sub 13th and E, this is Vraiblonde, how may I help you?" THAT is how you answer the phone. Not, "Yeah, whaddaya want?" or "Hello?" You have a script, the end.

The other issue is the overreacting zealots who get offended by someone saying Happy Holidays to them instead of Merry Christmas. And they can piss up a rope because if I wished someone Happy Holidays and they had a fit, my only other greeting to them would be "DIAF".

Holy$**t. How many times have I said in this thread that I do not get offended when people say Happy Holidays to me. It's great, fantastic, wonderful!!!!

All I'm saying is I have the freedom of speech and if I want to say Merry Christmas i'm gonna da^^n well say it. I used retail as an example and it obviously has stuck in everyones head and no one reads anything else. If I was a customer and said merry christmas to the cashier and you VRAI were the cashier you would probably have a fit. :cds: It's ridiculous that people can't express themselves anymore without everyone getting offended.


Where are you getting this nonsense????? People say Merry Christmas to me all the time and I do not get offended. In fact, I've never heard of a real life incident where anyone has - just anecdotal crap that some religious person made up so they could feel all persecuted and such.

Yes it has happened and it didn't bother me. I felt sorry for them for being so uptight. I wouldn't feel "prosecuted and such".


Harley Rider
Vrai just loves us McNamara boys! :howdy: You've turned into quite the rebel in your old age haven't you? :lol: Enyaw --- oh btw - Merry Christmas!
Yeah buddy! Hey Enyaw, Merry Christmas!
Especially since Jesus himself was all about inclusiveness. Too bad his so-called followers can't find that generosity of spirit in their own lives.
You don't get it either.
I truly get tired of people casting around for something to raise a stink about.
Like you never have??? You've made some serious rants on here about trivial things too my friend. Executive privilege maybe???
Where I work I answer phones and tell people as I see them "Happy Holidays!". Whatever they celebrate is there choice and Im just letting them know to whatever they do make it happy. This shouldnt even be an argument or an issue. People say what they want or what there company wants them to say. Im not told what to say as far as this matter I just thought I would say something rather than nothing at all. This seems so petty, but I do hope no matter who celebrates what or doesnt...Have a safe happy, and blessed Holiday!
Simply put, "the things of God are foolishness to those who are perishing".
So it might be petty to you who don't understand but it's a big deal to us who do!
why, should we not shop somewhere because they're trying to be politically correct? :bonk:
It's actually funny how silly you people can be about something like this. Nobody tells me "Happy Chanukah" when I'm out shopping. Does that offend me? Not in the least. They tell me "Happy Holidays" and I'm just fine. If they say merry christmas...well I couldn't give a rats ass, but it's rude for them to not be accomodating... So all of us Jews, Muslims, African Americans (Kwanza), and other random religions...we don't care if you don't say happy hanukah, jolly kwanza, or whatever...yet you guys freak out when someone doesn't wish u a merry xmas? Get over yourself!
I guess the bottom line for you who are clueless about why we object to it is this: how would you feel if people came to your birthday celebration and ignored you? Not a great example but you're ignoring Jesus Christ (the reason for the season) not just some person. Clear? Probably not.
ItalianScallion said:
Lighten up would you lady!!? Why all the drama? The point I'm making that you missed was that, in trying not to offend anyone, they've offended almost everyone by trying to be PC.
You're all for free speech, what's the problem? There are laws against employers discriminating against people's "religious" beliefs. I think that's where get4real was going with this one.
That is exactly what i'm trying to say.
I know. :buddies:
Perhaps it is just me but I have noticed since the beautiful full moon the other night, that the forums have gotten a bit wired with many of us becoming short-tempered or intolerant of others' opinions (including myself as I've been cranky too!). Perhaps we should all just agree to disagree on this issue and go forth and spread some "holiday" cheer (pick your own holiday & greeting here).
Of course, that would totally kill this thread and I seem to be getting pretty good at doing that (unintentional really) so, since I am home with a sick child and enjoy the entertainment here, never mind & carry on!
Free speech only works one way with liberals on here that's why we get so much flak from them. They can't and never will see that we're the ones getting kicked out of many places in society for our beliefs but let a muslim ask for something and they get prayer rugs in airports and other amenities.
How is saying happy holidays offending anyone? How is including ALL holidays (instead of just picking one and excluding others) a bad thing? How is this discrimination when it includes ALL holidays? If an employer wants employees to include ALL holidays, how is it religious discrimination?
It isn't.
Being told you may NOT say "Christmas" - or Kwanzaa - or Hannukah - or Saturnalia - is. We all seem to understand that sanitizing your speech for the sake of "not offending" people is absurd. The whole POINT of free speech is having the freedom to say things where someone might be offended by it.
If freedom of speech means you may only be permitted to say things that there is consensus on, it ain't free at all.
And - let's be honest - no Christmas - no 'holidays'. I'm not talking the religious aspect of it - I'm saying if there weren't any jingle bells, trees, wreaths, elves, Santa, reindeer, gifts, mistletoe, carols, fruitcake, the whole deal - NOBODY is gonna rush out and buy dreidels and kinaras. Nobody gets worked up over any other holiday the way they do over Christmas. Nobody breaks the bank over Passover or Yom Kippur or Ramadan or even Easter.
OMG! Someone finally gets it??? :notworthy:
Well, when one's employer is instructing them to include *everyone* in their greeting/salutation, one better listen or find a new job. Employers also have the right to dictate what an employee can wear, how they do their hair, or whether or not they can wear piercings or tattoos. If the employee doesn't like it, then he/she can quit. The employee is welcome to do what he/she wants on his/her own time.

:coffee: I don't see how that can be argued.
CLUELESS while mouth is moving. Shouldn't continue but I'll help you out. The issue here is religious beliefs cupcake, not what they wear or their hairstyle. There are many legal battles going on every day fighting religious discrimination in the workplace so it is a HUGE issue but you wouldn't know about these things with you head in some horses a$$! I worked for an employer who wanted me to work on Sunday. That would be pretty hard since I had to be preaching in church on Sunday. Fortunately, when I was scheduled, I was able to give any Sunday away easily because it was time and a half pay. If it ever got ugly, I could actually take legal action against the company because it is such an big issue. It's even backed up by the government.
Why do the hiring codes say things like: "...can't discirminate because of race, gender, CREED, RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION, etc? It IS a big deal cupcake!
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Methodically disorganized
This thread got busy since yesterday... :lol:

Christmas is one day. The holidays is the whole season, from Thanksgiving to New Years. Is it not possible that they wish you good cheer for not only the one day, but the whole shebang? *Must* it be an attack on Jesus?
I see your point, but I think you're missing the bigger picture. I think it's a principle-based argument; Christians want their holiday acknowledged for what it is, and many people seem resistant to doing so. No one or their beliefs is being 'damaged' by saying one thing over another, but the holiday is what it is. And I see no problem applying "Merry Christmas" to the entire season as well as the specific day, but apparently that thought is not universal.

And yes, sometimes it *is* an attack on Jesus. Depends on the case and the circumstances, but sometimes people are doing this to actively oppose the religion.

(I'll make a mental note to remember this thread as one time you, vrai, agreed with the Libbies. I guess spirituality trumps politics.)

And I just can't wait til the terminally ill patient who is going to die on Dec 24 sues the hell out of some store for wishing them a merry day on the day that they won't see for unwelcome stress.
How would they know when they're going to die? And wouldn't it make sense that, if they know they will die on the 24th, their family specially plans their own Christmas so the patient doesn't miss out?

Being the owners of a business, their main focus is to make money. Obviously they felt by adopting a generic Holiday sollicitation they would be inclusive to all their Money Paying customers instead of exclusive to some of them. The fact that this practice continues, even with the Chicken Littles, shows it hasnt affected the bottom line.
Ever hear of the "path to hell being paved with good intentions"? What's wrong with calling the holiday what it is? I have no more problem with "Merry Christmas" than I do any other two-word combination.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
e freedom of speech and if I want to say Merry Christmas i'm gonna da^^n well say it.

So say Merry Christmas in your personal greetings - who is stopping you???

If I was a customer and said merry christmas to the cashier and you VRAI were the cashier you would probably have a fit.

What the hell are you talking about? People say Merry Christmas to me all the time and I don't have a fit. Now you're just projecting so you can fill your little victim mode and wave your banner.

That's annoying when people sit around and make up situations that would offend them if they happened, then get it in their head that it actually DID happen, when nothing of the sort occurred.

It's nutty. And makes Baby Jesus weep when you act like that.


Well-Known Member
Where are you getting this nonsense????? People say Merry Christmas to me all the time and I do not get offended. In fact, I've never heard of a real life incident where anyone has - just anecdotal crap that some religious person made up so they could feel all persecuted and such.

Have you noticed that the ONLY ones causing a little :drama: scene on the forums are the CHRISTIANS!! :roflmao: I have not seen one thread by an athiest or any other religion posting about somebody 'disrespecting Jesus' by saying happy holidays. :rolleyes:

CLUELESS while mouth is moving. Shouldn't continue but I'll help you out. The issue here is religious beliefs cupcake,

And that is where I stopped reading your condescending bull#### post.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
(I'll make a mental note to remember this thread as one time you, vrai, agreed with the Libbies. I guess spirituality trumps politics.)

I am against silly extremism no matter where it comes from.

My final word on the matter:

I will celebrate Christmas if I want, and there's not a damn thing you can do to stop me, so HA!

I will wish people Happy Holidays if I want to and there's not a damn thing you can do about that, either.


Feel free to get as offended as you want - you can amuse me with your tantrums. :razz:


Well-Known Member
What makes me mad is that when you work in retail they don't want you to say Merry Christmas you need to say Happy Holidays so you don't offend anyone. I'm pretty sure 90% of the population celebrates christmas but I'm supposed to not say it so I don't offend the other 10%.

Well you know what?

My boss is Jewish, so I say Happy Holidays to him, and try to respect him, and his friends.


That's annoying when people sit around and make up situations that would offend them if they happened, then get it in their head that it actually DID happen, when nothing of the sort occurred.

It's nutty. And makes Baby Jesus weep when you act like that.

So now all of a sudden you know everything that happens in the world?? I didn't know you had that power. I guess you have one of those big crystal balls like Santa Clause on the movie Fred Claus. Wait can I say Santa Claus???

Your comments about Jesus aren't going to get me uptight. This just proves my whole point about the 10 maybe 15% of the population that expects the world to change for them.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Have you noticed that the ONLY ones causing a little :drama: scene on the forums are the CHRISTIANS!! :roflmao: I have not seen one thread by an athiest or any other religion posting about somebody 'disrespecting Jesus' by saying happy holidays. :rolleyes:

They're trying to pretend there was some law passed that makes it illegal for them to say Merry Christmas. I have heard of no such law.

Then Tomcat comes in pretending that some poor innocent guy got thrown out of the Wal-Mart simply for saying "Christmas lights", which is such transparent bull#### that it's not even a good story.

I have no idea what the purpose of these tall tales might be.


I am against silly extremism no matter where it comes from.

My final word on the matter:

I will celebrate Christmas if I want, and there's not a damn thing you can do to stop me, so HA!

I will wish people Happy Holidays if I want to and there's not a damn thing you can do about that, either.


Feel free to get as offended as you want - you can amuse me with your tantrums. :razz:

That's great! You forget, I'm not the one trying to control what people say or don't say.



Well-Known Member
I have no idea what the purpose of these tall tales might be.

Entertainment? :shrug: I think it's absolutely hysterical when Christians ##### and moan about feeling left out :)drama:) when people use terminology to *include* everyone. :lmao:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
That's great! You forget, I'm not the one trying to control what people say or don't say.

For the 4,385th time:

Nobody is trying to control what you say in your personal life. If you are at work, and your employer wants you to use the more inclusive Happy Holidays, you do what you're told or quit.


Harley Rider
The point is being missed here. By you & others.
The other issue is the overreacting zealots who get offended by someone saying Happy Holidays to them instead of Merry Christmas.
See? Ok to offend us but not them. :banghead:
I see your point, but I think you're missing the bigger picture. I think it's a principle-based argument; Christians want their holiday acknowledged for what it is, and many people seem resistant to doing so. No one or their beliefs is being 'damaged' by saying one thing over another, but the holiday is what it is. And I see no problem applying "Merry Christmas" to the entire season as well as the specific day, but apparently that thought is not universal.
And yes, sometimes it *is* an attack on Jesus. Depends on the case and the circumstances, but sometimes people are doing this to actively oppose the religion.
Ever hear of the "path to hell being paved with good intentions"? What's wrong with calling the holiday what it is? I have no more problem with "Merry Christmas" than I do any other two-word combination.
:yay: Hvp. That's entirely the issue. We're not talking about your birthday or mine but the MOST important birth ever in all of history. People wouldn't call the CEO of a major corporation by his last name but they would disrespect the name of Jesus (God) by taking His name out of the holiday without batting an eye.
Question: do the Jews go Hanukkah shopping and give Hanukkah presents? I doubt it.
Do Kwanzaa people go Kwanzaa shopping and give Kwanzaa presents? Hardly but why then did they put their RIVAL celebration right near Christmas? Think about it! Jews don't believe in Jesus and Kwanzaa folks want Jesus to be black. There ARE underlying motives and to say that it should be all inclusive is pure and total BS!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Question: do the Jews go Hanukkah shopping and give Hanukkah presents? I doubt it.
Do Kwanzaa people go Kwanzaa shopping and give Kwanzaa presents? Hardly


This is what I get for not really putting you on ignore.


Read up on Hanukkah and Kwanzaa, then get back to me,.