I'm not saying Happy Holidays!


Harley Rider
Have you noticed that the ONLY ones causing a little :drama: scene on the forums are the CHRISTIANS!! :roflmao: I have not seen one thread by an athiest or any other religion posting about somebody 'disrespecting Jesus' by saying happy holidays. :rolleyes:
And that is where I stopped reading your condescending bull#### post.
Have YOU noticed that only you unbelievers don't see anything wrong with not saying Merry Christmas? How many atheists care to waste their time on this issue? They'd be more likely to try to get everyone TO say happy holidays or seasons greetings.
And my condescending bull****? You're the one degrading the Holiday baby doll!:love:
My boss is Jewish, so I say Happy Holidays to him, and try to respect him, and his friends.
I think that's a cop out. If you KNOW he's Jewish, then wish him happy Hanukkah. :smack:


Well-Known Member
See? Ok to offend us but not them. :banghead:

:yay: Hvp. That's entirely the issue. We're not talking about your birthday or mine but the MOST important birth ever in all of history. People wouldn't call the CEO of a major corporation by his last name but they would disrespect the name of Jesus (God) by taking His name out of the holiday without batting an eye.

Have YOU noticed that only you unbelievers don't see anything wrong with not saying Merry Christmas? How many atheists care to waste their time on this issue? They'd be more likely to try to get everyone TO say happy holidays or seasons greetings.
And my condescending bull****? You're the one degrading the Holiday baby doll!:love:

I'm sorry you Christians are so insecure that you constantly need other people to say the word Christmas in order for you to feel you have a purpose in life, little Pooh Head Peabrainkins.


Harley Rider
They're trying to pretend there was some law passed that makes it illegal for them to say Merry Christmas. I have heard of no such law.
How much time do you spend reading what the ACLU and other anti God groups are doing each day to remove God from everything? I spend each day reading up on this and it is getting ugly. We just haven't felt it fully yet but it is coming!
Entertainment? :shrug: I think it's absolutely hysterical when Christians ##### and moan about feeling left out :)drama:) when people use terminology to *include* everyone. :lmao:
You'll see what left out means one day when you get the surprise of your life that God DOES NOT include everyone.
This is what I get for not really putting you on ignore.


Read up on Hanukkah and Kwanzaa, then get back to me,.
My point is not that they don't give presents but that they don't call it what we do. CHRISTMAS tree, CHRISTMAS shopping, CHRISTMAS presents. Hanukkah & Kwanzaa doesn't call them by those names. Do you see why it is NOT meant to be all inclusive???
how is it offensive to you?

Happy Holidays

christmas being one of them ....
Again, my point is that all people are not going to be "included" in Heaven so why include them in the Christmas season?
I am quoting this so that if anyone ever questions his intellect I can quickly find this and confirm that he is indeed an idiot.
Read what I told Vrai in the post above here hampster brain! The most clueless fool on the forum calling people names?! Amazing the blindness.


New Member
Again, my point is that all people are not going to be "included" in Heaven so why include them in the Christmas season?



how can you even begin to call yourself a christian with that attitude?

that is something like the exact opposite of what jesus would say.

I'm really almost speechless.

Read what I told Vrai in the post above here hampster brain! The most clueless fool on the forum calling people names?! Amazing the blindness.

yeah, you are a fool .... there were hanukkah presents before there were christmas presents.


New Member
That is awesome, because if I had to spend eternity with people like you, I'd rather go to hell.

no worries .... christ would probably puke all over his sandals if he heard what IS just said.

He'll be down below if he keeps that garbage up.


They're out to get us
I guess the bottom line for you who are clueless about why we object to it is this: how would you feel if people came to your birthday celebration and ignored you? Not a great example but you're ignoring Jesus Christ (the reason for the season) not just some person. Clear? Probably not.
Ignored? How? The reason for the season? Uhh no. "Happy Holidays" encompasses Christmas, Hanukah, Kwanza, the New Year, and whatever else is covered. I mean sure, I guess you can say Happy Chrismahanukwanzakuh year or something. But that's just silly. And you're right -- I *AM* ignoring Jesus Christ. He's not my god. He's your god. I could go around and say Happy Hanukah to everyone because that's what I believe in, but I don't...I say happy holidays. If you want, I can only wish you a happy hanukah and I can just #### on you and your holiday of christmas that I don't believe in, but I'm not like that. Evidently you are. (ok fine I'm gonna be that way!) Have a happy hanukah and a jolly kwanza!

See? Ok to offend us but not them. :banghead:

:yay: Hvp. That's entirely the issue. We're not talking about your birthday or mine but the MOST important birth ever in all of history. People wouldn't call the CEO of a major corporation by his last name but they would disrespect the name of Jesus (God) by taking His name out of the holiday without batting an eye.
Question: do the Jews go Hanukkah shopping and give Hanukkah presents? I doubt it.
Do Kwanzaa people go Kwanzaa shopping and give Kwanzaa presents? Hardly but why then did they put their RIVAL celebration right near Christmas? Think about it! Jews don't believe in Jesus and Kwanzaa folks want Jesus to be black. There ARE underlying motives and to say that it should be all inclusive is pure and total BS!

Answer: You've just proven yourself too ignorant to discuss this topic any further. The answer is YES, Jews DO go Hannukah shopping and give Hanukkah presents. Heck, some people give their kids 1 for each of the 8 nights.

As for the Jews and their "rival" celebration, HANUKAH WAS FIRST!! Not only did it actually occur when it is celebrated (opposed to Christmas actually happening in June), but it occurred about 160 years before Jesus's birth and has been celebrated for at least 500+ years longer, because I don't think a feast to celebrate the nativity ever occurred until around the year 300. So again, thanks for showing us how little you know. :clap:


Harley Rider
how can you even begin to call yourself a christian with that attitude?
that is something like the exact opposite of what jesus would say.
I'm really almost speechless.
yeah, you are a fool .... there were hanukkah presents before there were christmas presents.
I don't make the rules I just repeat them What I say is what Jesus said so how could I piss Him off?
Ok, so maybe there are Hanukkah presents but the stores have never had signs up about them that I've ever seen. I've always seen Christmas related signs.
That is awesome, because if I had to spend eternity with people like you, I'd rather go to hell. :smile:
You WILL get your wish so be careful what you say.
no worries .... christ would probably puke all over his sandals if he heard what IS just said.
He'll be down below if he keeps that garbage up.


New Member
What I say is what Jesus said so how could I piss Him off?

find me where jesus says the exact words you said.

of course your religious knowledge is nonexistent (seriously, how could you not know the basics of hanukkah) so I have little doubt you'll find some way to twist a verse to your meaning (or more likely drag in a couple bits while completely ignoring the overlaying message of peace, love and forgiveness).


Harley Rider
Ignored? How? The reason for the season? Uhh no. "Happy Holidays" encompasses Christmas, Hanukah, Kwanza, the New Year, and whatever else is covered. I mean sure, I guess you can say Happy Chrismahanukwanzakuh year or something. But that's just silly. And you're right -- I *AM* ignoring Jesus Christ. He's not my god. He's your god. I could go around and say Happy Hanukah to everyone because that's what I believe in, but I don't...I say happy holidays. If you want, I can only wish you a happy hanukah and I can just #### on you and your holiday of christmas that I don't believe in, but I'm not like that. Evidently you are. (ok fine I'm gonna be that way!) Have a happy hanukah and a jolly kwanza!
Answer: You've just proven yourself too ignorant to discuss this topic any further. The answer is YES, Jews DO go Hannukah shopping and give Hanukkah presents. Heck, some people give their kids 1 for each of the 8 nights.
As for the Jews and their "rival" celebration, HANUKAH WAS FIRST!! Not only did it actually occur when it is celebrated (opposed to Christmas actually happening in June), but it occurred about 160 years before Jesus's birth and has been celebrated for at least 500+ years longer, because I don't think a feast to celebrate the nativity ever occurred until around the year 300. So again, thanks for showing us how little you know. :clap:
Ok, so maybe I misspoke about the present thing but my point it not so much about the giving or which came first, it's about what we celebrate in December and what it is called. It's THE CHRISTMAS SEASON, nothing else. No one got a week off from school or work for the Jewish or the Kwanzaa celebration and they don't get a week off for Easter because of the easter bunny. This is why I say it is NOT all inclusive.
And now I know that he is not your God so it really doesn't matter what you say for the holiday, your fate is sealed. OK? Now whose too ignorant to discuss this topic any further? I'd rather be wrong about how your people celebrate Hanukkah than be wrong about Jesus.


Well-Known Member
Ok, so maybe I misspoke about the present thing but my point it not so much about the giving or which came first, it's about what we celebrate in December and what it is called. It's THE CHRISTMAS SEASON, nothing else. No one got a week off from school or work for the Jewish or the Kwanzaa celebration and they don't get a week off for Easter because of the easter bunny. This is why I say it is NOT all inclusive.

OMG, do you read what you write?! Nothing else is celebrated in December?! Do you think it's fair that schools aren't closed for Hannukah? *Try* to be a little less selfish here and realize that it's a GOOD thing people say Happy Holidays to EVERYONE because it's a nice thing to wish good cheer on EVERYONE, not just those who celebrate Christmas.


Harley Rider
just because you say it, doesn't make it so.
What's wrong Xaq, run out of lines? That is soooo old and I have shot it down many times before.
find me where jesus says the exact words you said.
of course your religious knowledge is nonexistent (seriously, how could you not know the basics of hanukkah) so I have little doubt you'll find some way to twist a verse to your meaning (or more likely drag in a couple bits while completely ignoring the overlaying message of peace, love and forgiveness).
Which exact words? Of course even if I find them they'd be in the Bible and I see no need to quote it to you.
The basics of Hanukkah are in the Bible but some of what they do isn't. Besides, the Jews don''t believe the Bible in it's entirety so they can add or take from it as they wish.