I'm not saying Happy Holidays!


New Member
And now I know that he is not your God so it really doesn't matter what you say for the holiday, your fate is sealed. OK?

oh look.

IS is speaking for god again.

I'm sure god really loves that some random idiot is spouting off on the internet, barely able to throw together a coherent thought, while at the same time being completely wrong on the subject at hand.

Dye Tied

Garden Variety Gnome
I thought school closed for THE HOLIDAYS, as many people travel between the holidays (up to New Years) to be with family. I never remember calling it Christmas vacation. :shrug:


They're out to get us
Ok, so maybe I misspoke about the present thing but my point it not so much about the giving or which came first, it's about what we celebrate in December and what it is called. It's THE CHRISTMAS SEASON, nothing else. No one got a week off from school or work for the Jewish or the Kwanzaa celebration and they don't get a week off for Easter because of the easter bunny. This is why I say it is NOT all inclusive.
And now I know that he is not your God so it really doesn't matter what you say for the holiday, your fate is sealed. OK? Now whose too ignorant to discuss this topic any further? I'd rather be wrong about how your people celebrate Hanukkah than be wrong about Jesus.

:lmao: :killingme

It's the holiday season. It's winter. It's not the christmas season. I've never actually heard it called that before. It's just terminology. Christmas is one day (two if you count xmas eve). Hanukah is 8 days. Which one do you think fits better for getting an entire week of school off? :whistle:

either way, people get the winter time off for the holiday season. they get a spring break...it's not easter break. It's SPRING break. It might have originated from the holidays, but that is far from the reason now. Winter break splits between semesters, spring break often splits between quarters...or gives a break in the middle of the semester. Many schools get a fall break too. So tell me oh wise one, which holiday does that fall on? Presents are presents. they aren't CHRISTMAS presents. You really are that ignorant, aren't you? You're pretty hateful...and you think you're getting to heaven because your beliefs are "right". You wish, buddy.

I'm not even gonna get into the argument about how it's pretty ridiculous to think everyone not believing in a certain something is going to "hell" (which was only created in the middle ages, thanks to that last book) when there is no god or jesus running around the earth saying "all of u, listen to me, believe in me or u will burn!" -- because hey, if that happened, i'd believe whatever they want me to believe. but until then, the idea is using religion to be a good person...not to be a hateful #######. that's more important than any specific religious belief anyway.


New Member
What's wrong Xaq, run out of lines? That is soooo old and I have shot it down many times before.

-see the quoted-

Which exact words? Of course even if I find them they'd be in the Bible and I see no need to quote it to you.
The basics of Hanukkah are in the Bible but some of what they do isn't. Besides, the Jews don''t believe the Bible in it's entirety so they can add or take from it as they wish.

I will translate this from ye olde IS

"Which exact words?"

I will feign ignorance even though I just quoted what was asked of me

"Of course even if I find them they'd be in the Bible and I see no need to quote it to you."

I looked for a couple minutes .... realized they aren't in there, so I came back to pretend I'm above it. I'll say "I see no need" to make it look like I just don't want to do it.

"The basics of Hanukkah are in the Bible but some of what they do isn't."

I never bothered to study any other religion so I filled in the blanks by myself. The fact that I'm wrong doesn't matter.

"Besides, the Jews don''t believe the Bible in it's entirety so they can add or take from it as they wish."

They're wrong! .... of course I can offer no proof or evidence either way .... but I thought it so it's true.


They're out to get us
Which exact words? Of course even if I find them they'd be in the Bible and I see no need to quote it to you.
The basics of Hanukkah are in the Bible but some of what they do isn't. Besides, the Jews don''t believe the Bible in it's entirety so they can add or take from it as they wish.

Wow i totally missed this line somehow. Christians don't believe the bible in its (learn how to spell, dummy!) entirety either. That whole OLD TESTAMENT...yeah, christianity basically changed a crapload of rules in that new testament. Which means ya don't believe in the old rules. Heck, who's to say the new testament isn't just some pissed off people who decided to add or take from it as they chose? Isn't it a little hypocritical to start poo slinging? Silly monkey!

nobody follows the entire thing. everyone takes from it as they choose.


Harley Rider
It's THE CHRISTMAS SEASON, nothing else. No one got a week off from school or work for the Jewish or the Kwanzaa celebration and they don't get a week off for Easter because of the easter bunny. This is why I say it is NOT all inclusive.
OMG, do you read what you write?! Nothing else is celebrated in December?! Do you think it's fair that schools aren't closed for Hannukah? *Try* to be a little less selfish here and realize that it's a GOOD thing people say Happy Holidays to EVERYONE because it's a nice thing to wish good cheer on EVERYONE, not just those who celebrate Christmas.
You're the one who can't follow what I write. I quoted myself for your sake. I didn't say nothing else is celebrated in December, I said it's the Christmas season, nothing else. That is what most (not all) folks celebrate in December.
It doesn't matter what I think as to why schools aren't closed for Hanukkah. Maybe the founders knew that it wasn't a Christian holyday, who knows, but the truth is there. SADLY, you can't (chose not) to see it but that doesn't change anything. People of almost all "faiths" will be very sorry one day and why? All because of pride, hard headedness and listening to lies. There is only one God and one truth. Whether you celebrate Christmas or not doesn't matter. Who you believe in does. I'll leave it at that since this is a Christmas thread.


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
I thought school closed for THE HOLIDAYS, as many people travel between the holidays (up to New Years) to be with family. I never remember calling it Christmas vacation. :shrug:

We're talking A.D. times here Dye, not B.C. :dye:


Harley Rider
I thought school closed for THE HOLIDAYS, as many people travel between the holidays (up to New Years) to be with family. I never remember calling it Christmas vacation. :shrug:
Either you're too young to remember or didn't pay attention.
:lmao: :killingme
It's the holiday season. It's winter. It's not the christmas season. I've never actually heard it called that before. It's just terminology. Christmas is one day (two if you count xmas eve). Hanukah is 8 days. Which one do you think fits better for getting an entire week of school off? :whistle:
either way, people get the winter time off for the holiday season. they get a spring break...it's not easter break. It's SPRING break. It might have originated from the holidays, but that is far from the reason now.
So tell me oh wise one, which holiday does that fall on? Presents are presents. they aren't CHRISTMAS presents. You really are that ignorant, aren't you? You're pretty hateful...and you think you're getting to heaven because your beliefs are "right". You wish, buddy.
I'm not even gonna get into the argument about how it's pretty ridiculous to think everyone not believing in a certain something is going to "hell" (which was only created in the middle ages, thanks to that last book) when there is no god or jesus running around the earth saying "all of u, listen to me, believe in me or u will burn!" -- because hey, if that happened, i'd believe whatever they want me to believe. but until then, the idea is using religion to be a good person...not to be a hateful #######. that's more important than any specific religious belief anyway.
It was always called Christmas and Easter break before the PC crowd took over. Just because you're too young to know that doesn't negate it.
And, as a matter of fact, hell DOES await those who chose not to believe in Jesus (this "certain something" you spoke of) ESPECIALLY the Jews (the chosen people). I don't care if it pisses you off, it's the truth. If you can't handle the truth you shouldn't be in here. Read John 8 and see where your people stand. Ever heard of YOUR Pharisees, Saducees or the Essenes? Read up little man, then get back to me!


They're out to get us
You're the one who can't follow what I write. I quoted myself for your sake. I didn't say nothing else is celebrated in December, I said it's the Christmas season, nothing else. That is what most (not all) folks celebrate in December.
It doesn't matter what I think as to why schools aren't closed for Hanukkah. Maybe the founders knew that it wasn't a Christian holyday, who knows, but the truth is there. SADLY, you can't (chose not) to see it but that doesn't change anything. People of almost all "faiths" will be very sorry one day and why? All because of pride, hard headedness and listening to lies. There is only one God and one truth. Whether you celebrate Christmas or not doesn't matter. Who you believe in does. I'll leave it at that since this is a Christmas thread.

So if there is only one truth, then even each sect of Christianity is competing against each other, no? How did you come to your beliefs? Did you look through each and every religion when you were old enough to decide what you thought was the correct religion, or were you spoonfed something from birth and decided that you were born under the absolutely correct religion and you must be right and everyone else is absolutely positively wrong. How did you come to this realization? Did Jesus come to you and say "you are of the correct religion, my son. Praise you! You are going to heaven!" or something like that? Or are you going solely based on blind faith and stories from ancient times that may or may not be correct?

And another thing, only one God...ok, so is Jesus not a God? Explain this holy trinity (and Catholics with the praying to different saints) if there is only supposed to be 1 deity and no others. Just confuses me, but I'm ignorant of such things :shrug:


Harley Rider
Maybe you should rethink your sources? (just a thought)

What was the "Anti-God" ACLU doing in these instances?
Dude you're sooooooooooo BLIND so why do you keep making a fool of yourself here?
The devil works perfectly through his people down here. These are instances of him "masquerading as an angel of light" as the Bible says. Just more deception for you his fools to miss! People like you can't and won't ever see it! Ever wonder why a gay person marries a person of the opposite sex? Same thing. Give it up son!


New Member
Dude you're sooooooooooo BLIND so why do you keep making a fool of yourself here?
The devil works perfectly through his people down here. These are instances of him "masquerading as an angel of light" as the Bible says. Just more deception for you his fools to miss! People like you can't and won't ever see it! Ever wonder why a gay person marries a person of the opposite sex? Same thing. Give it up son!

1 + 1 is really EIGHTEEN!

the devil wants you to think it's two.



Harley Rider
Wow i totally missed this line somehow. Christians don't believe the bible in its (learn how to spell, dummy!) entirety either. That whole OLD TESTAMENT...yeah, christianity basically changed a crapload of rules in that new testament. Which means ya don't believe in the old rules. Heck, who's to say the new testament isn't just some pissed off people who decided to add or take from it as they chose? Isn't it a little hypocritical to start poo slinging? Silly monkey!

nobody follows the entire thing. everyone takes from it as they choose.
What did I spell wrong dummy?
Again, since you are not saved, you wouldn't understand why some of the OT is no longer used.
You can't even see how the OT books that YOU read speak of the Messiah that you "know it alls" missed entirely. That's why you're still waiting for yours. Rock on kid!


They're out to get us
Dude you're sooooooooooo BLIND so why do you keep making a fool of yourself here?
The devil works perfectly through his people down here. These are instances of him "masquerading as an angel of light" as the Bible says. Just more deception for you his fools to miss! People like you can't and won't ever see it! Ever wonder why a gay person marries a person of the opposite sex? Same thing. Give it up son!

SOMEONE! ANYONE! Cleanup on aisle 666! :killingme