I'm sorry...so sorry...please accept my apology...


Board Mommy
PREMO Member

Newsweek magazine said on Sunday it erred in a May 9 report that U.S. interrogators desecrated the Koran at Guantanamo Bay, and apologized to the victims of deadly Muslim protests sparked by the article.
Editor Mark Whitaker said the magazine inaccurately reported that U.S. military investigators had confirmed that personnel at the detention facility in Cuba had flushed the Muslim holy book down the toilet.

The report sparked angry and violent protests across the Muslim world from Afghanistan, where 16 were killed and more than 100 injured, to Pakistan to Indonesia to Gaza. In the past week it was condemned in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Bangladesh, Malaysia and by the Arab League.

On Sunday, Afghan Muslim clerics threatened to call for a holy war against the United States.

"We regret that we got any part of our story wrong, and extend our sympathies to victims of the violence and to the U.S. soldiers caught in its midst," Whitaker wrote in the magazine's latest issue, due to appear on U.S. newsstands on Monday.
I'm sure that will be a great comfort to the loved ones of those killed. :ohwell:


New Member
This is the best part.

Whitaker said last night that "whatever facts we got wrong, we apologize for. I've expressed regret for the loss of life and the violence that put American troops in harm's way. I'm getting a lot of angry e-mail about that, and I understand it."</NITF>
Poow baby is getting some angwy emaiw!


Baby blues

All those people that had to die because some stupid magazine didn't make absolutely sure they were right. :angry:

Do you think they'll be be able to convince the Muslim countries that it's not true?
Do you think it would have any affect if I cancelled my subscription... :shrug: I had been a subscriber for over 5 years now and I am pizzed enuff to tell them to F themselves.


New Member
For my money, "anonymous source" means you do not have corroboration. But really, have you seen the Koran? Unless they have giant-sized toilets in Cuba it is not getting flushed. In fact I defy you to flush almost any book down a toilet. They might as well have reported that an Amtrak sleeper car had been flushed down a toilet. And Muslims are retards for rioting over a wet book anyway.


Lovin' being Texican
Bogart said:
For my money, "anonymous source" means you do not have corroboration.

And then because the Pentagon official (read: janitor) didn't wave them off, they knew they were on to the real deal.


Fighting like a girl
Lenny said:
...and if they want to insist on the same punishment they demand of the U.S. Army for its wartime mistakes, everyone who owns stock in Newsweek magazine should be put in jail.

Well considering Newsweek is a subsidiary of The Washington Post you should be locking up Post stockholders...I doubt many on this board will disagree with that idea.


professional daydreamer
Bogart said:
For my money, "anonymous source" means you do not have corroboration. But really, have you seen the Koran? Unless they have giant-sized toilets in Cuba it is not getting flushed. In fact I defy you to flush almost any book down a toilet. They might as well have reported that an Amtrak sleeper car had been flushed down a toilet. And Muslims are retards for rioting over a wet book anyway.

Maybe they don't have toilets and have no idea that this would be impossible. :shrug:


I know this may appear to sound far-fetched to y'all or that I'm joking but... couldn't it be a possibility that what they reported WAS the truth and they had to redact everything and do a huge coverup? :shrug:


professional daydreamer
dems4me said:
I know this may appear to sound far-fetched to y'all or that I'm joking but... couldn't it be a possibility that what they reported WAS the truth and they had to retract everything and do a huge coverup? :shrug:

Dems, can you flush a book down your toilet?


Football addict
dems4me said:
I know this may appear to sound far-fetched to y'all or that I'm joking but... couldn't it be a possibility that what they reported WAS the truth and they had to redact everything and do a huge coverup? :shrug:
The thought popped in my head as well. Sure you cannot flush a huge book down the toilet but you can still 'flush' it.


elaine said:
Dems, can you flush a book down your toilet?

Actually I did mean the word "redact"... :lol:

No, can't flush a book down the toilet... many report cards years ago but no books. :lol:

I'm sorry...so sorry too ...please accept my apology...:lol:

As y'all were....:smile:

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New Member
Until it is corroborated, they have no business reporting it. Wait, I keep forgetting we are talking about 'news' organizations.