Immigration Rallies Draw Thousands Nationwide


Football season!
vraiblonde said:
I never said soldiers weren't dying in Iraq. I said that it's not as prevalent as the press is making it out to be.

But now we are supposed to believe the media numbers?
I pretty much agree with your views on this topic, just your reasoning contradicts what you normally spout off about.

For me, I think people don't understand the "illegal" part of the term "illegal immigrant".
Thanks for coming, get the hell out. the line for legal immigration is right over there...


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
SmallTown said:
Are you that retarded?
Apparently I am.

So you're saying that, because I mistrust the opinion pieces that pass for reporting in the mainstream media, I must now disbelieve EVERY story from EVERY news source?

Interesting concept. I'll consider it.


Football season!
vraiblonde said:
Apparently I am.

So you're saying that, because I mistrust the opinion pieces that pass for reporting in the mainstream media, I must now disbelieve EVERY story from EVERY news source?

Interesting concept. I'll consider it.
You're well on your way. You discredit the media whenever it opposes your way of thinking, which apparantly is often. You really can't expect people to listen to you when you use this same media to defend one argument. Sure, for the newbies who haven't seen your past rants about the media, they probably buy into your story. But for the rest of us, it brings up the major :bs: flag. After all, there are so many other ways to support your idea, I really don't see why you would need to turn to the liberal media to support your ideas.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
SmallTown said:
After all, there are so many other ways to support your idea, I really don't see why you would need to turn to the liberal media to support your ideas.
The liberal media is more likely to underreport minorities getting busted for crimes, not overreport it.

But you could be right. All those news stories about Mexican gangs and drug lords could be completely fabricated. I, personally, have never seen a Mexican gang member, so they might not even exist. And I've never bought drugs from Mexico, so that's probably false as well.

And that kid was killed in Waldorf when he tried to shoot the cop? Probably a lie.

George Bush isn't even a real person. I've never seen him in real life - have you?


Football season!
vraiblonde said:
George Bush isn't even a real person. I've never seen him in real life - have you?
actually, yes. But I didn't get to touch him. maybe it was a halogram :shrug:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
SmallTown said:
actually, yes. But I didn't get to touch him. maybe it was a halogram
Could have been someone in disguise. Maybe even a blow-up doll. You never know.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Now that I think about it, I've never even been to Mexico. Maybe there's no such place.

You know how the media lies....


Football season!
vraiblonde said:
Now that I think about it, I've never even been to Mexico. Maybe there's no such place.

You know how the media lies....
Joke all you want. Making absurd statements like this is only a desperate attempt to desensitize your extememly obvious bias against the media... except for this one case. The next thing you know, you'll be getting all of your news straight from the DU! :lmao:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
SmallTown said:
Making absurd statements like this is only a desperate attempt to desensitize your extememly obvious bias against the media...
I make no bones about my distrust of the media. Any thinking person should mistrust what they make a big deal in the media about because 99% of the time it's proven false or WAY overblown after the story's over and nobody cares.

This Duke lacrosse rape is a prime example.

But you're right - when the media reports that Mexican gangs and drug runners have been busted, it could be a complete lie. However, if that's a lie, then how am I to believe there's even any such thing as an illegal immigrant? I, personally, have never seen one. So there may be no such thing.


Football season!
vraiblonde said:
if that's a lie, then how am I to believe there's even any such thing as an illegal immigrant? I, personally, have never seen one. So there may be no such thing.
you haven't seen that "american racist" video, have you? :lmao:

If you want to see some, check out a 7-11 in the morning between 6 am and 8am. I'm sure you'll find some.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
SmallTown said:
you haven't seen that "american racist" video, have you?
I have no idea what that is.

If you want to see some, check out a 7-11 in the morning between 6 am and 8am. I'm sure you'll find some.
How would I know if they were illegal or not?


Football season!
vraiblonde said:
I have no idea what that is.

How would I know if they were illegal or not?
Yell out you have some work to do around the house, and you'll pay $25 for the whole day.
Then you will know.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
SmallTown said:
Yell out you have some work to do around the house, and you'll pay $25 for the whole day.
Then you will know.
But if someone accepted, then I'd be tempted to hire them. And I'd be illegal, too. :frown:


Well-Known Member
vraiblonde said:
But if someone accepted, then I'd be tempted to hire them. And I'd be illegal, too. :frown:
Ironic isn't it...

"The land of the free, the home of the brave..."

Awesome words...


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
SmallTown said:
I think that guy's a forum member.

I also think I might be missing something about this whole illegal immigration flap. It was my understanding that the proposed immigration bill (like we need another law when we don't even follow the ones we've got) basically said "get legal or be deported". That seems reasonable to me.

But all these protestors last night were only focusing on the "deported" part of that. This chickie was on TV saying that she wants to be an American and doesn't think it's fair that she should be kicked out. an American - what seems to be the problem? You spend an afternoon down at wherever you go, you apply for citizenship, you take your test and get your background check, and viola - no more threat of deportation.

If you can get across a country's border and find your way to middle America, you certainly can find your way to an immigration office. It's not rocket science - hundreds of thousands of people do it every year.

There is absolutely no reason for people to be working in this country illegally.