Immigration Rallies Draw Thousands Nationwide



vraiblonde said:
Why are you insulting me? It's a fact that drug runners come across the border from Mexico. It's a fact that gang members come across the border from Mexico. It is a fact that the cops have busted Mexicans who are wanted for crimes in Mexico.

Or do you think all those stories they report in the newspapers are made up? Maybe you think that if you call me a bigot enough times, your fantasy about all these illegal immigrants holding hands and singing Kumbaya will come true?

I agree 100% with your comments above, but they're quite a bit different from your more sweeping previous condemnation, which was "When in fact, many of these illegals are drug runners, gang members and criminals avoiding punishment and not a particular boon to society." While I agree with you that there are some of this miscreants in the mix, they are a far cry from being "many." That's like saying many Black people are criminals ala Archie Bunker.

Of course, one comment doesn't mean much, but you were also the one who was so certain that the Iraqis and other Arabs in Calvert County were all terrorists, and that some poor woman here in Florida must be a terrorist because she doesn't want to show her face, or is certain that the folks at DPW must be in cahoots with terrorists just because they are from a Muslim county. Me, I don't make sweeping indictments against any culture, race, or nationality. I prefer to judge individuals based on the personal merits, not on the actions of a small minority of people who share some commonalities with them. So sorry, but I never worried about Iraqi doctors swimming across the river to attack NAS Pax, I never thought that the woman in Florida was a terrorist, and I never worried about the DPW port issue, and I don't think that many illegals are drug-dealing, gang-banging, terrorists. A few may be, but certainly not many. But that's just me.

And as I said before, aside from some KKK guys I've met, I've never met a bigot who thought they were a bigot.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Bruzilla said:
... and I never worried about the DPW port issue, and I don't think that many illegals are drug-dealing, gang-banging, terrorists. A few may be, but certainly not many. But that's just me.

And as I said before, aside from some KKK guys I've met, I've never met a bigot who thought they were a bigot.
Look! A good man doing nothing.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Bruzilla said:
I've never met a bigot who thought they were a bigot.
Please explain to me why wanting immigrants to follow the laws that all the rest of us have to follow makes me a bigot?


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
There's now a link on Drudge dealing with the Mexican flag thing. I don't think those that waved it really understand why it was offensive.

They bring up the Irish waving the Irish flag - the Italians waving the Italian flag.

Try to imagine how they'd feel if millions of Americans crossed the border into Mexico - illegally - and gathered in a mob a million strong waving the American flag?

They'd say "Gringo, go home - we are not your 51st state!".

Why don't we feel offended, then, by the Irish?

Because they are Irish Americans, either naturalized - which means they took the time to learn our laws, history and culture, and accepted the responsibilities of citizenship - or they were born here. There's no underlying perception that they want to make THIS country an extension of theirs. They don't make demands that government programs be done in Gaelic. And there aren't 10-11 million of them; hell, there probably haven't been 10-11 million Irish on the planet at any time. We have close a million Mexicans cross the border EVERY YEAR. The whole POINT of the day is to say, we're Americans, yes, but we're Irish too. Illegals waving their own flag can't make that statement until they become Americans.

Waving their flag during such a demonstration went counter to what they claim they wanted - recognition and having legitimate rights as part of this country. It was intepreted as "I'm Mexican, I'm here, screw y'all". It may not have been what they wanted to communicate, but it's a little late now.

Try to imagine if such a demonstration had been done in Beijing - or Moscow - and people were waving the American flag. They'd have been FURIOUS - for the same reason.

You want a little sympathy? Wave our flag, sing our anthem, put your hand over your heart - try however meagerly to demonstrate that you want to be American.


Super Genius
Ed Zachary!

Also, when do people pull out Irish or Italian flags? Irish...St. Patty's Day...understandable. Italian...can't say that I've ever seen it in a demonstration/parade/celebration :shrug:


25 pages!!! :faint: Can anyone just tell me how many people they are expecting up here today and what time? :confused: :flowers:


Anyone want any of these? I can throw a few in the back on the way home :yay:


vraiblonde said:
Please explain to me why wanting immigrants to follow the laws that all the rest of us have to follow makes me a bigot?

Aye carumba... Vrai, that doesn't make you a bigot. What makes you a bigot is the way you make sweeping character attributions based on religion or national origin. There is absolutely zero evidence that anyone associated with DPW is in any way connected to terrorists, yet you don't want them being involved in US ports... why? Because they are from Dubai and Muslim. There was no evidence that any Muslims in Calvert County were in any way connected to terrorists, yet you made plenty of comments about them being a threat after 9/11. You were steadfast against Muslim women wearing veils for DL photos not because of any laws but because they are Muslim and might be terrorists... despite the fact that there is no evidence of that relationship.

I look at your comments in the same way as I look at those of a guy who was in the news recently because some Immigration protester pulled down his American flag during a march. He was all upset about "those protesters this", "those protesters that", etc. But it wasn't "the protesters" who tore his flag down, it was one or two of them that did it, so shouldn't his anger be directed towards the scumbag who tore his flag down, rather than on the protesters as a whole?

When you consistently attribute behavior to a group, rather than just those who are guilty of the behavior, you are a bigot.


Football season!
vraiblonde said:
Or do you think all those stories they report in the newspapers are made up? Maybe you think that if you call me a bigot enough times, your fantasy about all these illegal immigrants holding hands and singing Kumbaya will come true?
I haven't ready this whole thread, but from your history I assume this comment is completely tongue in cheeck... After all, you go off on the media all the time about how skewed their views are on the war in iraq, bush's approval ratings, dems support, etc...


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
SmallTown said:
After all, you go off on the media all the time about how skewed their views are on the war in iraq, bush's approval ratings, dems support, etc...
Um...those would be "views" and "opinions", not actual news stories where batches of illegal Mexicans have been arrested.

Did you want a piece of me? :boxing:


Nothing to see here
dems4me said:
most folks just ignored me :shrug: :lol:

Thats because we left at 3 before the crowds.. :smack:

Cut thru the mall on 7th st.(?)about 330 and it was packed, glad we left when we did.


Football season!
vraiblonde said:
Um...those would be "views" and "opinions", not actual news stories where batches of illegal Mexicans have been arrested.

Did you want a piece of me? :boxing:
We hear actual news about people in iraq blowing up our troops on a daily basis, but you claim your son on the front lines disagrees and that everything is fine.


Lobster Land
In the early 60's the local shrub nursery people would go through the paperwork to get Puerto Ricans for summer work. No problem and everything worked well. Today, my hometown and old neighborhood has being taken over by Mexicans. Do not read the daily crime reports in the hometown paper because it's filled with names such as Cruz, Guiterez and the like. You will never convince me these people came here to live the American dream. They came to earn the American dollar only which I don't blame them for, but they refuse to assimulate into the American society. Heard on the news this evening, "I bean here 11 years" and am working as a plumber. Good for you, but would you please learn how to speak English a little better. I am not against people coming to our country for a better life, but they have to do it legally and become Americans and follow our laws.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
SmallTown said:
We hear actual news about people in iraq blowing up our troops on a daily basis, but you claim your son on the front lines disagrees and that everything is fine.
Don't be stupid, please. I've had enough of that for one day.

I never said soldiers weren't dying in Iraq. I said that it's not as prevalent as the press is making it out to be. And, when you crunch the numbers, I'm right (quelle surprise!).