Immigration Rallies Draw Thousands Nationwide

Larry Gude

Strung Out

vraiblonde said:
Stop being ridiculous or suffer the consequences. :bonk:

Let me refresh your memory: When Vito Andolino came into this country, he came through Ellis Island, which was typical of immigrants during that time period. Even in the opening scene, when Bonasera is delivering his monologue, he says he came to this country to be an American and do things the American way.

So your Godfather comparison sucks. Try again.

...he had a piece of paper stuck to his jacket! Yeah, I'll just bet each and every immigrant was documented just so.

And it is a good analogy because people had the same fears then as you do now.


Larry Gude said:
Now, if I look at an issue from your viewpoint and that is also suspect.

I thought you and I were suspect because we're nothing more than Kennedy/Clinton-style Democrats. :lmao:


vraiblonde said:
You have this romanticized picture of illegal immigrants as these turn-of-the-century Ellis Island types - tired, poor huddled masses yearning to breathe free. When in fact, many of these illegals are drug runners, gang members and criminals avoiding punishment and not a particular boon to society. QUOTE]

Sounds like just the kind of prejudiced statement one woulde expect to hear from a bigot. I can't imagine why Vrai would be using that kind of language. :confused:


2ndAmendment said:
As to Bru and the pickup pulling down the fence, if I were planning a fence it would be inside my territory. If someone tried to pull it down or otherwise breach it, they are on my territory and would be subject to all the penalties that entailed. In a personal issue, trespassing, destruction of personal property, and illegal entry at the least. In the cast of the U.S., illegal entry into the U.S., destruction of public property, illegal use of a vehicle, I am sure there are others, so now we have grounds to not only deport them but to lock them up for a while before we do.

So what? Put your fence up all the back and around NYC or LA for all the illegals care. If they want to get in they'll find a way. These folks are already damaging and destroying personal property, so I'm guessing your signs hanging on your fence won't do much more good than the ones they are using now. All those laws you listed are already laws that are being broken, so once again... so what? Perhaps if you threatened with double-secret probation maybe that would work. :lmao:

If you want to stop people from breeching your barrier, there's only one way to do it, and that's a very real threat of death. Anything less and you're just wasting time and money.
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Larry Gude

Strung Out
I didn't get accused...

Bruzilla said:
I thought you and I were suspect because we're nothing more than Kennedy/Clinton-style Democrats. :lmao:

...of being a Clinton. How come you got accused of more than me? That's not fair.

Gun toting, football loving, free market Democrats. That's us.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I have to defend her on the bigot charge...

Bruzilla said:
vraiblonde said:
You have this romanticized picture of illegal immigrants as these turn-of-the-century Ellis Island types - tired, poor huddled masses yearning to breathe free. When in fact, many of these illegals are drug runners, gang members and criminals avoiding punishment and not a particular boon to society. QUOTE]

Sounds like just the kind of prejudiced statement one woulde expect to hear from a bigot. I can't imagine why Vrai would be using that kind of language. :confused:

...because she's not. If anything, ANYTHING smacks of rule breaking it don't matter who you are; race, color, creed or socio-economic status. The other day, she pulled herself over for throwing a cigarette butt out the window. Citizens arrest. Quite the scene.

I told her don't sweat it; the witness isn't likely to show up to her trial, so, she'll beat it.

She said that's not right.

I told her if she shows up as the witness, then that means the accused won't show and will be jailed for failure to appear.

She said 'serves her right!'


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Bruzilla said:
Sounds like just the kind of prejudiced statement one woulde expect to hear from a bigot. I can't imagine why Vrai would be using that kind of language.
Why are you insulting me? It's a fact that drug runners come across the border from Mexico. It's a fact that gang members come across the border from Mexico. It is a fact that the cops have busted Mexicans who are wanted for crimes in Mexico.

Or do you think all those stories they report in the newspapers are made up? Maybe you think that if you call me a bigot enough times, your fantasy about all these illegal immigrants holding hands and singing Kumbaya will come true?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
In fact, Bruzilla, let me tell you something:

It's fairly typical for people who are losing a debate to start slamming around terms like "bigot" and "racist". They hope that their opponent will now start defending themselves against these attacks and forget about the debate.

It surprises me that you would stoop to that level but, regardless, it won't work with me. You can call me a bigot all day long and not make me feel one single bit of remorse, except remorse that you've devolved into name-calling immaturity.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
It's true...

vraiblonde said:
In fact, Bruzilla, let me tell you something:

It's fairly typical for people who are losing a debate to start slamming around terms like "bigot" and "racist". They hope that their opponent will now start defending themselves against these attacks and forget about the debate.

It surprises me that you would stoop to that level but, regardless, it won't work with me. You can call me a bigot all day long and not make me feel one single bit of remorse, except remorse that you've devolved into name-calling immaturity.

..this one Saturday, I was really bored. REALLY bored. So, I called her a bigot all day long. All day.


Larry Gude

Strung Out
I learned that...

vraiblonde said:
Tell the class what you just learned, Larry. :whistle:

...a green card entitles you to live and work here for 10 years at which time you can apply for citizenship or gethe####out.

It is, I think, a lottery system right now, which explains much.

I also learned that Vrail bought a seashell swim suit for summer and that if you put it up to your can hear her scream. I thought I'd hear the ocean, but not over that woman.

Thank you, Tater.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Bruzilla said:
So what? Put your fence up all the back and around NYC or LA for all the illegals care. If they want to get in they'll find a way.
Yeah, that's why I not only leave my doors unlocked all the time, I leave 'em wide open with a big *WELCOME* sign to anyone who wants to just come on in. We even put out a water bottle if they get thirsty crossing the lawn.

What's the point in locking your door or putting up a fence at all?And it's violating their rights to ask 'em to leave after they've moved in your house with their friends and relatives.


Super Genius
vraiblonde said:
In fact, Bruzilla, let me tell you something:

It's fairly typical for people who are losing a debate to start slamming around terms like "bigot" and "racist". They hope that their opponent will now start defending themselves against these attacks and forget about the debate.

It surprises me that you would stoop to that level but, regardless, it won't work with me. You can call me a bigot all day long and not make me feel one single bit of remorse, except remorse that you've devolved into name-calling immaturity.
Bruz isn't a Kennedy...he's a McKinney! :jet: :killingme

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I would have prefered...

...that sentence as a stand alone, not at the end of a last attempt to score points, but, as with brothers, the bruises heal and what remains in common is deeper and lasting.



Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
...that sentence as a stand alone, not at the end of a last attempt to score points, but, as with brothers, the bruises heal and what remains in common is deeper and lasting.

Truce. :sincerehandshake: because I am not sending flowers.


SamSpade said:
Yeah, that's why I not only leave my doors unlocked all the time, I leave 'em wide open with a big *WELCOME* sign to anyone who wants to just come on in. We even put out a water bottle if they get thirsty crossing the lawn.

What's the point in locking your door or putting up a fence at all?And it's violating their rights to ask 'em to leave after they've moved in your house with their friends and relatives.

There is no point to putting up a fence unless you're going to go to the effort to defend it. Where you put it makes no difference.