

Well-Known Member
Yeah, crumbling. Like you believed it was with the Mueller investigation :lol:

I was talking specifically about Sondland. His initial testimony, that there was no quid pro quo, was corroborated with his text to Taylor. His 180 testimony has no such corroboration.
A bunch of people are in jail over the mueller investigation and I bet there is at least one article of impeachment that references the obstruction outlined in the report.
And I was talking specifically about the other people who were in that meeting where Sondland now admits he told Ukraine it was a QPQ. Jennifer Williams was in that meeting and on the infamous call, and the guy who resigned last night was in that meeting with Pence too. The people surrounding that event are cooperating with the inquiry.

I have no idea what your first sentence means.

I have explained it... several times. It's my belief, because of Schiff's overt dishonesty, that the whole thing is a dirty, rotten, stenching pack of lies. As with everything else thrown at Trump, this too will turn out to be nothing. And Schiff will pull another trick out of his barrel of tricks.
I know, it’s hard to understand, but just replace speeding with QPQ and that is the defense you are making about trump.
I get it, you think schiff is dirty and the impeachment is fake news. That doesn’t explain how schiff could pressure Sondland into lying. What could schiff possibly threaten to get sondland


Resident PIA
A bunch of people are in jail over the mueller investigation and I bet there is at least one article of impeachment that references the obstruction outlined in the report.
Keep reading the headlines in Pravda comrade.
They are in jail over unrelated findings, most of which would not have been found without a witch hunt of a special prosecutor and a grand jury.
You do understand in law enforcement circles the saying goes that a prosecutor could indict a ham sandwich with a grand jury.
Given a grand jury, I could probably find some irregularity in your past to earn you jail time or at the least fines.
All of which started over what is turning out to be illegal surveillance and entrapment of US citizens.


PREMO Member
Former ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch 'used her personal email to message Democrat staffer who asked her about a "time-sensitive" and "delicate issue" a month BEFORE whistleblower's complaint was made public'

The former US ambassador to Ukraine used her personal email account to message a Democratic staffer over a 'delicate issue' a month before the whistleblower complaint was made public, according to Fox News.

Marie Yovanovitch testified under oath she had not replied to Democratic congressional staffer Laura Carey.

Three-time ambassador Marie Yovanovitch, who was abruptly recalled from Kiev in May, gave a closed-door deposition on October 11 to three congressional committees investigating whether there were grounds to impeach Trump.

She is a key witness in House Democrats' impeachment inquiry which began on September 24 after a whistleblower's allegations that Trump pressured Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to investigate unsubstantiated corruption charges against Democratic political rival Joe Biden and his son Hunter.

Carey's emails and Yovanovitch's reported replies will raise questions of who knew about the whistleblower complaint before it was made public and which Democrats were warned of its contents. It will also lead to question on whether Yovanovitch committed perjury.


Well-Known Member
Former ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch 'used her personal email to message Democrat staffer who asked her about a "time-sensitive" and "delicate issue" a month BEFORE whistleblower's complaint was made public'

The former US ambassador to Ukraine used her personal email account to message a Democratic staffer over a 'delicate issue' a month before the whistleblower complaint was made public, according to Fox News.

Marie Yovanovitch testified under oath she had not replied to Democratic congressional staffer Laura Carey.

Three-time ambassador Marie Yovanovitch, who was abruptly recalled from Kiev in May, gave a closed-door deposition on October 11 to three congressional committees investigating whether there were grounds to impeach Trump.

She is a key witness in House Democrats' impeachment inquiry which began on September 24 after a whistleblower's allegations that Trump pressured Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to investigate unsubstantiated corruption charges against Democratic political rival Joe Biden and his son Hunter.

Carey's emails and Yovanovitch's reported replies will raise questions of who knew about the whistleblower complaint before it was made public and which Democrats were warned of its contents. It will also lead to question on whether Yovanovitch committed perjury.
If that is what constitutes perjury trump and his entire admin are in serious trouble.
That being said, her email to Carey basically said ‘I have forwarded your request to the appropriate authority. They will be in contact’.
That’s hardly incriminating. Not to mention she did not testify she had not replied to that email. But don’t let reality stand in the way


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member


Well-Known Member
LOL, you're not very good at the thread hijacking thing are you? None of what you said has one thing to do with anything.

So to remind you...............

Harvard Law Professor: ‘More Than Enough Evidence Now’ Against Trump
Actually it was you who hijacked the thread when you said I would brag about my kid going to Harvard.
I just answered your hijack by referring to how people get their kids into Harvard.
Perhaps if you paid attention to the thread you would know what was going on.

The Boss

Active Member
Actually it was you who hijacked the thread when you said I would brag about my kid going to Harvard.
I just answered your hijack by referring to how people get their kids into Harvard.
Perhaps if you paid attention to the thread you would know what was going on.
LOL, no it was you trying to discredit Harvard University . ......try to keep spinning.

The Boss

Active Member
Mulvaney in deep............

Gordon Sondland, the ambassador to the European Union, “blurted out” that Mulvaney had approved the meeting if the Ukrainians announced an investigation of Burisma, a gas company that formerly employed Hunter Biden, the former vice president’s son, said Fiona Hill, a national security council member who was deposed last month by the congressional committees pursuing an impeachment inquiry against Trump.


I know, it’s hard to understand, but just replace speeding with QPQ and that is the defense you are making about trump.
I get it, you think schiff is dirty and the impeachment is fake news. That doesn’t explain how schiff could pressure Sondland into lying. What could schiff possibly threaten to get sondland

Schiff more than dirty. He's shitty. He has lied about everything. He's on record with his lies. What else would you call that?

And I'm not defending any quid pro quo. The problem is, it isn't there. It didn't happen. I gave you the quote from Sondland stating Trump was adamant about no quid pro quo. Then the 180 happens. Imagine that.

Schiff could do all sorts of things to Sondland if he doesn't cooperate. Contempt of congress. Tricked into purjury. Have him fired. What, you think Schiff doesn't know people, has no power?


Well-Known Member
Schiff more than dirty. He's shitty. He has lied about everything. He's on record with his lies. What else would you call that?

And I'm not defending any quid pro quo. The problem is, it isn't there. It didn't happen. I gave you the quote from Sondland stating Trump was adamant about no quid pro quo. Then the 180 happens. Imagine that.

Schiff could do all sorts of things to Sondland if he doesn't cooperate. Contempt of congress. Tricked into purjury. Have him fired. What, you think Schiff doesn't know people, has no power?
So if you hire a hit man all you have to do is say ‘let me be clear, I am not paying you to kill my wife’ and it’s not a crime?

Sondland is a trump appointee, trump is the only one who can fire him as far as I am aware. As for worries over perjury, I agree that is what drove Sondland to revise his testimony. He did so because his lawyers explained he was going to be subject to perjury charges once Jennifer Williams testified. She was in the room when he explained the qpq to Ukraine and she was on the infamous call.


So if you hire a hit man all you have to do is say ‘let me be clear, I am not paying you to kill my wife’ and it’s not a crime?

Sondland is a trump appointee, trump is the only one who can fire him as far as I am aware. As for worries over perjury, I agree that is what drove Sondland to revise his testimony. He did so because his lawyers explained he was going to be subject to perjury charges once Jennifer Williams testified. She was in the room when he explained the qpq to Ukraine and she was on the infamous call.

Being repetitive because you seem to not pay attention: Sondland is on record stating Trump demanded no quid pro quo. He testified to this. Yet you believe he perjured himself in his first line of testimony and believe his second is the truth, even though there is nothing to corroborate his second testimony? You're making my point, that Schiff will accuse him of perjury even when his first testimony is corroborated. Schiff will accuse Sondland of purjury when he's told the truth. This is absolute proof that you want there to be a quid pro quo. You want Trump impeached regardless of the truth.


Well-Known Member
Being repetitive because you seem to not pay attention: Sondland is on record stating Trump demanded no quid pro quo. He testified to this. Yet you believe he perjured himself in his first line of testimony and believe his second is the truth, even though there is nothing to corroborate his second testimony? You're making my point, that Schiff will accuse him of perjury even when his first testimony is corroborated. Schiff will accuse Sondland of purjury when he's told the truth. This is absolute proof that you want there to be a quid pro quo. You want Trump impeached regardless of the truth.
I didn’t say he perjured himself either time. There is the possibility, really probability, that both statements are true. That there was a QPQ that he told Ukraine about AND that trump told him to tell Taylor ‘there is no QPQ’.
And so far all of the testimony and actions have backed up the qpq.

The Boss

Active Member
Tic -tock it's all crumbling in on trump.....................

Ukraine Aid Was Released After Federal Lawyers Said Trump Freeze Was Illegal: Report

It wasn’t Donald Trump who released the first of Ukraine military aid, but the State Department after lawyers determined that the White House freeze on the funds was illegal, several sources have told Bloomberg.
Trump has claimed he released the aid September 11. But five sources told Bloomberg that $141 million of the money was actually authorized to be released several days earlier after lawyers determined that the White House Office of Management and Budget and, therefore, the president, had no legal standing to block the funds. The decision was outlined in a classified memo to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, according to Bloomberg. Other details of the memo were not revealed.


God bless the USA
Tic -tock it's all crumbling in on trump.....................

Ukraine Aid Was Released After Federal Lawyers Said Trump Freeze Was Illegal: Report

It wasn’t Donald Trump who released the first of Ukraine military aid, but the State Department after lawyers determined that the White House freeze on the funds was illegal, several sources have told Bloomberg.
Trump has claimed he released the aid September 11. But five sources told Bloomberg that $141 million of the money was actually authorized to be released several days earlier after lawyers determined that the White House Office of Management and Budget and, therefore, the president, had no legal standing to block the funds. The decision was outlined in a classified memo to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, according to Bloomberg. Other details of the memo were not revealed.

No, it is not crumbling in on Trump. It is crumbling in on US. This whole hypocrisy is the culmination of 50+ years of Dems and Globalizationists trying to take full control. Trump and patriots tripped them up, and, now, they are having a total meltdown. Merry Christmas.

The Boss

Active Member
No, it is not crumbling in on Trump. It is crumbling in on US. This whole hypocrisy is the culmination of 50+ years of Dems and Globalizationists trying to take full control. Trump and patriots tripped them up, and, now, they are having a total meltdown. Merry Christmas.
LOL, so not one Republican has been in Office in the last 50 years?:shocking::patriot: