
BTW, though it's nice to think you can plan ahead and get a handle on the whole birthin' scene... it's most likely this thread is a moot point. You could go tonight. For both my pregnancies, my water broke in the wee hours of the morn while I was sleeping in bed. I had no warning and no indications it would be those nights.


Well-Known Member
Speedy70 said:
Any ladies here been through an induction? If so, tell me about it. Did you end up with an emergency c-section? Was the pain more intense after the induction drugs were administered? Don't sugar coat it for me either. TY! :popcorn:
Both of mine were induced. No C-Section. Both vaginal with epidurals. And yes, the pain was worse but the epidural helped that. Alot. I called the the epi guy God. :lol:


vraiblonde said:
They didn't give me drugs - they broke my water and made me walk around until my daughter decided to be born. I'm against medicated induction. I think babies will come out when they're good and ready.

Someone I use to talk to on a birth forum was due on Feb. 21st she didn't want any drugs they checked the baby by monitor 2 times a week. 3 weeks after her due date when she went in to be have a sonogram they found that the baby had died. I forget the medical term but the baby had basically gone to the bathroom inside her uterus. She was born naturally 12.8LBS
hborror said:
Someone I use to talk to on a birth forum was due on Feb. 21st she didn't want any drugs they checked the baby by monitor 2 times a week. 3 weeks after her due date when she went in to be have a sonogram they found that the baby had died. I forget the medical term but the baby had basically gone to the bathroom inside her uterus. She was born naturally 12.8LBS
It happens...:frown: Thus the reason docs plan inductions and/or c-sections rather than play the odds...:ohwell:
hborror said:
Someone I use to talk to on a birth forum was due on Feb. 21st she didn't want any drugs they checked the baby by monitor 2 times a week. 3 weeks after her due date when she went in to be have a sonogram they found that the baby had died. I forget the medical term but the baby had basically gone to the bathroom inside her uterus. She was born naturally 12.8LBS

That's the main reason my doctor discussed induction with me today. They start producing meconium (which is their first bowel movements) and they ingest it.

That is such a sad and scary story.
hotmomma said:
they say sex is a good way to start the ball rolling

I believe it only helps if the woman orgasms. That starts up the contractions. However, I have read that something in the semen does something to the cervix too. :shrug:


Well-Known Member
Speedy70 said:
I believe it only helps if the woman orgasms. That starts up the contractions. However, I have read that something in the semen does something to the cervix too. :shrug:
vraiblonde said:
My doc let me go a month before he popped me. Kyle was 8 lbs, so I'm glad I waited that extra month to let her gain some weight.

How are you feeling? Because if you have edema and other discomforts, I can see the doc wanting to get you unpregnant.

I'm feeling pretty good. I've had cankles for several months now. I try to stay off my feet as much as possible. I get out of breath easy too. :ohwell:


My Sweetest Boy
Speedy70 said:
That's the main reason my doctor discussed induction with me today. They start producing meconium (which is their first bowel movements) and they ingest it.

That is such a sad and scary story.

It happens a's not always a horror story.

Personally, I think a lot of doctors like to schedule the deliveries for their convenience because they have so many patients, etc.


My Sweetest Boy

You have to do what you and your doctor are comfortable with.

No two people are alike and you can read until you are blue in the face. Ain't nothing that can prepare you for what you are about to just have to go with it.

Best of luck.
As much as it'll kill my knees right now, I'm going to make several trips up and down the stairs today. I've read that this can help the baby's head engage in the pelvis area.

I don't know if it's true, but it's worth a try.


cattitude said:
Personally, I think a lot of doctors like to schedule the deliveries for their convenience because they have so many patients, etc.

Or in my case I was only 36 weeks along I got the the hospital they checked me I was 5cm Polko said well I am already here it's up to you....

I regret staying although I am sure I would have had her the next day anyway since I was contracting every 6 minutes.


New Member
I was induced with my 2nd child 2 weeks before my due date. My blood pressure was an issue so it was best to induce. I had a relatively easy natural delivery. I was induced at 7am, my water broke at 10am and I delivered at noon.
hborror said:
Or in my case I was only 36 weeks along I got the the hospital they checked me I was 5cm Polko said well I am already here it's up to you....

I regret staying although I am sure I would have had her the next day anyway since I was contracting every 6 minutes.

I'm at 1.5 centimeters and no contractions. Well, I had one a few days ago that woke me up at 5:15 a.m. It lasted about a minute and nothing since. :bawl:

We've got everything set up, bag packed, etc...just waiting on our son.


curiouser and curiouser
Speedy70 said:
However, I have read that something in the semen does something to the cervix too. :shrug:
I think it shouts "Hurry up and get out, it's my turn!". :razz:


PIP ~ My Baby Boy!
I, too, was induced. I had very swollen feet, hands, face, and my blood pressure was starting to rise a couple days after my due date, so they scheduled me. I was 8 days past my due date when I delivered. They started me with pitocin at 8 am. Not much happened for a few hours so they broke my water (hurt like hell). Still not much happeneing a few hours later, except I was tired and the contractions were too uncomfortable to let me nap. I had an epidural, took a nap for an hour or so, and when I woke up things were moving along better. At 9 pm I was finally fully dialated, but then I had to push for 3 hours. Baby was born 9 lbs. This was just 8 days late. I wouldn't wait.


Speedy70 said:
I'm at 1.5 centimeters and no contractions. Well, I had one a few days ago that woke me up at 5:15 a.m. It lasted about a minute and nothing since. :bawl:

We've got everything set up, bag packed, etc...just waiting on our son.

When I first got to the hospital I was only 3, I walked for 2 hours. Dr Polko was delivering someone else at the time and decided to check on me. So sometimes walking does help.