

Where are my pants?
If you end up with a c-section, it's not the end of the world. I skipped the induction and just had an elective c-section.

Best thing I ever could have done for myself...People did nothing but tell me horror stories about how awful the recovery was going to be, and how it was a danger to my child, would make it so that I couldn't breastfeed, etc, etc....Nonsense, all of it. I ended up with a very healthy baby; and was up and walking around the hospital four hours after the surgery on little more than some Ibuprofen. Went home the next day just like any natural birth, and felt right as rain a few days later. My experience makes me wonder why there's such a bad stigma attached to the procedure; when in fact I found it to be the best part of my pregnancy experience.


yeah yeah
Speedy70 said:
Any ladies here been through an induction? If so, tell me about it. Did you end up with an emergency c-section? Was the pain more intense after the induction drugs were administered? Don't sugar coat it for me either. TY! :popcorn:

I have. To me, the pitocin wasnt agrivating or anything over the top until after they broke my water. That was the most pain out of the entire time I labored. The only thing I had was a metal taste in my mouth and I was tired from it. Otherwise, it wasnt anything really. When my water broke- they piggy backed pretty bad. But it got things moving. I elected to have a csection after 40 hours of labor- because I was just exhausted by then. Plus, she was just not moving down. She liked where she was. :lmao:

If they do the cervadil on you, ALONG with the pit, it should help things along! Because that will help ripen the cervix and put you into effacement faster, which will help with dialation.


New Member
I haven't been induced with meds, but did have water broken by doc. Once that happens, drugs or no, things def move faster. I've heard that with the meds your labor gets intense pretty fast. You basically skip the progressive nature of labor, straight to the hard stuff.

I've also had c-section - which wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I was home within couple of days, and moving around that same night. Didn't find it any hard for recovery either.

The risk of going too far past due date is the meconium - which can be dangerous if they swallow it in utero. And - believe it or not :jameo: boys aren't as smart as girls! They can have more complications with breathing after birth than girls. My girls were smaller, but the big strong boys were in NICU cuz they weren't smart enough to breathe on their own!!
I was due the Dec 7th and the kid was comfortable and not coming out. My induction was set up for the Dec 14th. I got there at 7am, after eating a huge breakfast b/c they don't feed you until you pop the kid out, and they started the Pitocin. Everytime they walked in and asked how you are and if you said fine the Pitocin went up. Water broke about noonish and thats when the contractions started hurting. Epidural about an hour later. Was there all day and at 10pm they said I was complete. Dr got there, after being at home, said nope I wasn't. Midnight came around and I started pushing. 3 hours went by of me pushing before the kid made his appearance at 3:11am on 12/15/06.

The experience wasn't bad because the nurses were great. There were supportive and very reassuring to someone who had never done this before.


Speedy70 said:
Any ladies here been through an induction? If so, tell me about it. Did you end up with an emergency c-section? Was the pain more intense after the induction drugs were administered? Don't sugar coat it for me either. TY! :popcorn:

My husband took his laptop into the delivery room and sat on the internet for a couple hours when I was resting. Are you gonna take your computer and give us updates every 30 minutes?


I am so very blessed
I didn't even know that my water had broken. I just thought I was "leaking" just a little pee since I had been laughing so much. I had images of amniotic fluid just gushing out, and when that didn't happen to me, I didn't know what to think.

Really, I didn't even know that I was in labor - and been in labor for about 6 hours. Totally pain free; I kid you not.

Went to the hospital 7 hours after I started "leaking" and was dialated to 2 mm. Wouldn't budge from that number. Hooked up to Pitocin, had an epidural, and went to sleep. About seven hours later, still groggy from my nights' sleep, awoke to a little bit of discomfort. Still hadn't dialated beyond a low number. Baby in a little distress, so a c-section was performed.

It was almost totally painfree. I swear to this day that I had the easiest delivery of anyone I've ever heard of.

And the recovery from the c-section was smooooooooth sailing.


New Member
I agree with the others who said their c-sections were not that bad. My 1st c-section was a breeze, I was walking by the next morning (He was born about midnight) and I just in general felt great...Staples came out before I left AAMC.

My second was a little different b/c I lost alot of blood in the OR but once I had my transfusions and got some energy back, I felt fine...

Good Luck!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
hotmomma said:
My oldest was born dec 29 so I have to deal with trying to plan something around xmas and new year
Youngest one is Dec 26th.

Maybe we should get a christmas baby forum birthday party for all these poor babies with their birthdays so close to christmas. At least they could all celebrate together!


I am so very blessed
SoMDGirl42 said:
Youngest one is Dec 26th.

Maybe we should get a christmas baby forum birthday party for all these poor babies with their birthdays so close to christmas. At least they could all celebrate together!
Bubba's birthday is Jan 3rd. Can he come party, too? :bday: :getdown:


Speedy70 said:
Any ladies here been through an induction? If so, tell me about it. Did you end up with an emergency c-section? Was the pain more intense after the induction drugs were administered? Don't sugar coat it for me either. TY! :popcorn:
My son was a week overdue. I had tried EVERYTHING to make him come out to no avail. His heart rate was going down when I'd have contractions (when they did the non stress test) so they decided to admit me to the hospital and induce my labor.

I'd had just enough of labor (3 1/2 hours) to start having contractions every minute lasting for a minute (basically I'd have a minute of contraction, a minute to gather my thoughts, a minute of contraction, a minute to gather my thoughts) and just enough labor to form the thought of "Well, this isn't going to be pleasant."

Due to the continuing of his heart rate dropping with each contraction they decided to take my baby via C-Section.

Basically if you're induced, you've got 8 hours of HELL because the contractions come quicker and you can't even build up to them, or you'll end up having a C-Section.


New Member
Speedy, Don't worry about it. Everything is going to be fine and soon you will have a healthy baby in your arms.. :flowers: