

Football Mom!!!
I didn't know I was in labor with my first--when I got to the hospital I was 9cm dialated but my water hadn't broke. Had him out in about twenty minutes. Had Pit with the girl--doctor wanted me at the hospital because of how quick the first one was--I had her at Calvert and live in St. Marys--we didn't want any suprises. The Pit wasn't that bad--contractions started pretty quick--but they weren't bad. She came about 12 hours later--the contractions weren't too bad-maybe I just got lucky.

If I lived close to the hospital I would wait it out-get some rest or read a book. He will be here soon enough!!


Well-Known Member
I was scared too, but it ended up being a great experience! PM me if you want any details.

You had to go and open up that can of worms. You'll get all the freaky men who'll want all the details, but they want the details of how little speedy was conceived and not delivered.

How is the little man doing now with his stomach issues?
You had to go and open up that can of worms. You'll get all the freaky men who'll want all the details, but they want the details of how little speedy was conceived and not delivered.

How is the little man doing now with his stomach issues?

He's still spitting up all the time. He's just one of those babies that's hard to burp. I try to burp him after every ounce he drinks, but he still ends up with a tummy ache and spitting up. He's gaining weight, so the pedi is fine with it. He goes in a few weeks for his 4 month appointment. I'm sure he'll be at least 15 pounds. :lol:
He's still spitting up all the time. He's just one of those babies that's hard to burp. I try to burp him after every ounce he drinks, but he still ends up with a tummy ache and spitting up. He's gaining weight, so the pedi is fine with it. He goes in a few weeks for his 4 month appointment. I'm sure he'll be at least 15 pounds. :lol:

I actually stopped burping mine when he was about that age b/c it seemed when he burped he spit up more. :lol: It helped but the kid still spewed like a fountain.