

hborror said:
Someone I use to talk to on a birth forum was due on Feb. 21st she didn't want any drugs they checked the baby by monitor 2 times a week. 3 weeks after her due date when she went in to be have a sonogram they found that the baby had died. I forget the medical term but the baby had basically gone to the bathroom inside her uterus. She was born naturally 12.8LBS

My daughter had maconium when she was born. They had additonal people in the room to monitor her in case she had inhaled it. She came out perfect. It was scary though cause our birthing class told us that if the kid went poop inside, expect the kid to be flown to childrens. I told Dr. Polko what the lady said and she told that teacher must be an idiot :shrug:
I just had a talk with my son. I told him of all the neat things we have waiting for him and that it must be getting awfully cramped in there. I told him he has plenty of room out here.

Think that'll work? :lol:


Go Braves!
Speedy70 said:
I just had a talk with my son. I told him of all the neat things we have waiting for him and that it must be getting awfully cramped in there. I told him he has plenty of room out here.

Think that'll work? :lol:

I've heard spicey food is a good helper too:lol:


Speedy70 said:
I just had a talk with my son. I told him of all the neat things we have waiting for him and that it must be getting awfully cramped in there. I told him he has plenty of room out here.

Think that'll work? :lol:

Both of my kids were born in December :frown: It would be nice to be able to celebrate birthdays at a park and not be crammed up somewhere. Maybe if I have another one...


Well-Known Member
Speedy70 said:
I'm at 1.5 centimeters and no contractions. Well, I had one a few days ago that woke me up at 5:15 a.m. It lasted about a minute and nothing since. :bawl:

We've got everything set up, bag packed, etc...just waiting on our son.
I was at 2cm for 8 weeks. Doc stripped my membrane so that I was 4.5cm. I stayed this way for 2 weeks. :jet:


hotmomma said:
Both of my kids were born in December :frown: It would be nice to be able to celebrate birthdays at a park and not be crammed up somewhere. Maybe if I have another one...

My first was born on Feb.16th, my second was born on Feb.28th, my husband was born on Feb.28th :coffee:


PIP ~ My Baby Boy!
I know that feeling. My kid was born on Christmas, so not only are there no outdoor birthdays, but most kids don't make it to the party because of the holiday season.

hotmomma said:
Both of my kids were born in December :frown: It would be nice to be able to celebrate birthdays at a park and not be crammed up somewhere. Maybe if I have another one...


curiouser and curiouser
hborror said:
My first was born on Feb.16th, my second was born on Feb.28th, my husband was born on Feb.28th :coffee:
My brother and I were born on April 8th and 9th. :dance: The youngest was born in May.


chevylover said:
I know that feeling. My kid was born on Christmas, so not only are there no outdoor birthdays, but most kids don't make it to the party because of the holiday season.

My oldest was born dec 29 so I have to deal with trying to plan something around xmas and new year


Well-Known Member
Reversible thong girl at work and her sister were both born on July 4th. They are 1 year apart. Neither were induced.


New Member
I was induced with my first son...I was 2 weeks overdue so on that Sunday night I went into L&D and they inserted some blue gel (can't remember the name) to help ripen my cervix...All it did was make me cramp all night..

I went in @ 5am the next morning and started the pitocin drip...Within 2 hours I was in serious pain, so I got an epidural. Fast-forward about 15 hours, I felt sick to my stomach and got sick, I had finally reached 10cm's. I pushed for 3 hours and nothing...He was at -3 station (hadn't dropped) ... I was SO exhausted from the hours and hours of labor...

I had an emergency c-section @ 11:57 that night...

I asked for a c-section for the twins.


kwillia said:
BTW, though it's nice to think you can plan ahead and get a handle on the whole birthin' scene... it's most likely this thread is a moot point. You could go tonight. For both my pregnancies, my water broke in the wee hours of the morn while I was sleeping in bed. I had no warning and no indications it would be those nights.

With Frick, my water broke at 8:30 p.m. (4 weeks premature) while ex was cooking spam for a sandwich, he was not happy because his spam was just the way he liked it :ohwell: 10 hours later she finally arrived.

With Frack, two weeks overdue and was induced at 8 a.m. The Dr broke my water at noon and he was born at 4 p.m.


New Member
cattitude said:
You have to do what you and your doctor are comfortable with.

No two people are alike and you can read until you are blue in the face. Ain't nothing that can prepare you for what you are about to just have to go with it.
Best of luck.

Speedy, I got this far and that is the best advice anyone can give you.

And anyway, it is far too late to chicken out on this now. You don't have much of a choice, baby is coming out one way or another.

I was induced the first time after my water broke and I didn't progress, 2nd time, c-section, and I have had tooth aches and find the pain with a tooth ache worse. :huggy:


New Member
I was induced with both of my kids. First child I was late. That was an easy labor. When they induced me I had pains for maybe an hour and then I got the Epidural. It was smooth sailing after I got that shoot in my back... He came out 9lb11oz. Yes, he was a big boy. THANK GOD all my weight gain was just him!!!
Second one I had to be induced because I was losing water and the doctor was concern... All I know is that labor was a labor from hell!!!! I wanted to crawl out of my body. He was 8lbs14oz and he was my pregnancy from hell... I was sick for 5 months of my PG, then labor was hell and he is still giving me hell!!

I hope all goes well for you.. :flowers:

Thank you Green karma fariy! :lmao:
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New Member
Pandora said:
Speedy, I got this far and that is the best advice anyone can give you.

And anyway, it is far too late to chicken out on this now. You don't have much of a choice, baby is coming out one way or another.

I was induced the first time after my water broke and I didn't progress, 2nd time, c-section, and I have had tooth aches and find the pain with a tooth ache worse. :huggy:

That is so true!!!


Lem Putt
Speedy70 said:
I just had a talk with my son. I told him of all the neat things we have waiting for him and that it must be getting awfully cramped in there. I told him he has plenty of room out here.

Think that'll work? :lol:
Knockin boots helps. What time should I be there?


Baby blues
MMDad said:
Knockin boots helps. What time should I be there?
You know... I saw that you replied to this thread and thought to myself "Self, what the hell is MM doing in an induction thread????" So, I figured I'd come see what you are up to....and I should have known! :lmao:
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