2ndAmendment said:
You guys are as hard over on any Republican as the DU is on any Democrat.
I'm not hard over on any Democrat or Republican. I like to know the facts about a situation because too many times, the information that is extrapolated in situations like this gets tainted based on whatever agenda(s) the provider might have. If I hear that Chuck Schumer is out to ban guns, I take that at face value as I know what the deal is with him. When I hear that a nominee of President Bush is wanting to ban guns, I smell something a bit stinky, especially when there's been no mention of these desires before, and I want to dig a little deeper.
In this case, here's what gunowners.org provided:
"'The president has made it clear that he stands ready to sign a reauthorization of the federal assault weapons ban if it is sent to him by Congress,' Gonzales said. 'I, of course, support the president on this issue.'
"... He spoke of his brother, who is a Houston SWAT officer, and said, 'I worry about his safety and the types of weapons he will confront on the street.' Hence, he supports a prohibition on semi-automatics that, in truth, only amounts to a ban on ugly guns."
This notification by gunowners.org was apparently based on an AP story run by the Washington Times and CNN (and probably other sources), headlined "Gonzales supports weapons ban", which said:
"'I worry about his safety and the types of weapons he will confront on the street,' he said. 'The president has made it clear that he stands ready to sign a reauthorization of the federal assault weapons ban if it is sent to him by Congress. I, of course, support the president on this issue.'"
So... trying to state that the Washington Times running this story makes it valid is false. All of the reports of Gonzales "supporting" a weapons ban stem from one, non-by-lined, AP story. Who wrote it?
Now, here's what was really said - verbatim -
4. Will you commit to enforcing all of the nation’s federal gun laws if confirmed as Attorney General?
Response: Yes. President Bush developed Project Safe Neighborhoods (PSN) to target firearms-related criminal conduct. Since PSN’s inception, Federal firearms prosecutions have increade 76 percent. During that period, violent crime fell to 30-year lows, and crimes committed by offenders armed with a firearm also fell to record low levels. I can assure you and the Committee that I am committed to continuing, if confirmed, the Administration’s aggressive efforts to combat violent crime through all means and resources that Congress makes available to the Department.
5. Do you believe reauthorization of the federal assault weapons ban would help prvent crime and terrorism in America?
Response: At my hearing I introduced my brother, Tony, who is a SWAT officer and a 26-year veteran of the Houston Police Department. I worry about his safety and the types of weapons he will confront on the streets. The President has made clear that he stands ready to sign a reauthorization of the federal assault weapons ban if it is sent to him by Congress. I, of course, support the President on this issue. Having said that, I believe the most effective means of continuing to reduce violent crime and crime committed with a firearm is through aggressive law enforcement and prosecution. This Administration has increased federal firearms prosecutions by 76 percent and has supported an increase in State and local resources devoted to prosecuting firearms-related crime. I am committed to ensuring the continued vigorous enforcement of federal firearms laws so that law-abiding Americans can benefit from a continuation in the reduction of violent crime experienced during President Bush’s first term.
I read that and I see someone saying the following:
1. I worry about my brother the cop.
2. I will enforce any laws that Congress passes.
3. We should be more concerned with prosecuting criminals than confiscating guns.
He says two sentences, really 1.5, about enforcing the AWB if Congress sends it to Bush (which he knows damn well they won't), and seven about how better enforcement of the law, and apprehension and incarceration of criminals is, in his words, "the most effective means of continuing to reduce violent crime and crime committed with a firearm..."
Now, maybe you can read "I want a gun ban!" into those remarks, but I sure can't. Now, given that I have a conspiratal mind, it wouldn't strike me as much of a stretch that some Liberal AP journalist spun this story the way he/she did to cast doubt on Gonzales by gun owners. The Democrats have made no effort to hide the fact that they absolutely do not want this guy confirmed, and maybe the're looking for some accomplices who are easy to "spin up".