Larry Gude said:
I get your point; how someone views you and what they think you are doing is far more important to you than what you are actually doing. It is fine for you to take the 'yes massah' position in order to keep your table scraps.
I have a document that says I have the right to keep and bear arms. I am willing to concede I don't need a right to keep a main battle tank in the garage. I am willing to concede I do not need a full auto AK-47. I am willing to concede I do not need cases of grenades and surface to air missiles though the document says I have a right to ALL of them, THE RIGHT TO KEEP AND BEAR ARMS.
To be perfectly honest, 2A views me the way I view you.
I am, however, not willing to concede to the vanities and, frankly, the ignorance, of ANYONE who is afraid of what my weapon LOOKS like. I will fight in the public arena against them. I will call them what they are; police statists.
If my concession of a huge amount of turf that very seriously limits my ability to do what they founding fathers intended, resist tyranny and foreign enemies, then they, my political opponents are WRONG and they are unreasonable and they are acting in a tyrannical fashion very much like what the founders were afraid of. I've compromised enough and I will not fear raising their ire. It is they who should not disturb my target shooting.
You are sounding like a slave who tells the other slaves not to read books around massah because it will scare him.
Stand up man. Be judged by the content of your character, not by the color of your gun.
Listen, if you can't understand how the public, both pro-gun & anti-gun, view the guy at the range that opens the case and assembles a .50 cal with a scope you can see into the future with, then I'm sorry you don't get it fella. If I want to have a a full auto MP-5 and a box of grenades, I can get it. SF RPG, not this the type of iron I want to parade around and say........"look at me, I'm defending my 2A rights, look at me I CAN and DO have and own these items and I can do any damn thing I wish, the good letter says so...."
If you want to possess these items, great!!! go for it. BUT, the perception by the GENERAL PUBLIC is that you are a fukking gun nut. Guy, I've been a range safety officer for the NRA, Maryland Natural Resources Police, and Harris County Police Department over the last 11 years. I've seen it in all colors and breeds, fired lead with the best of them, both S.W.A.T. and NRP.
UNTIL YOU STAND DOWN A BIT and side with popular concern........YOU WILL BE THE TYPE OF PERSON THAT IS bringing the train down.
Do you think the general public saw David Koresh as a good 'ole law abiding citizen that had his 2A rights infringed upon? NO, they saw him as a Goddamn whacko that had a arsenal of weapons that he had no business with. .50 cals blowing through walls, killing the ATF agents. Let me guess, you side with him right, because he was defending his 2A rights? If he'd had let's say a couple of pump shotguns and a few pistols, his ass would have been smoked by the ATF agents packin' submac's. Instead, it was like the invasion at Normandy for the agents.
Believe me bud, I do stand up. I stand up tall. But if you stand up too tall then you'll get your Goddamn head blown off by the sniper hiding in the palms.
If you want AW, then get them. Just don't flaunt it. If your a S.E.A.L., then don't tell anyone. Work for the C.I.A in black ops?....don't say a word....
Why, because when it's all said and done, and we really do have to overthrow the government, pal, guns won't even be in the picture......I promise............