Is It Acceptable


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
Geesh I don't think I have any boob and Catholic jokes. :ohwell:

A little Catholic kid was praying as hard as he could.

"God," he prayed, "I really want a car." Jumping up and dashing to the window, he saw that the driveway was empty.

"God," he prayed again, "I really NEED a car."

Still, no answer to his prayers.

Suddenly the kid stood up, ran into his parent's bedroom, and grabbed the statuette of the Virgin Mary off the mantelpiece.

He wrapped it up in ten layers of paper, using three rolls of tape and a spool of twine, then stuffed it inside a box at the very bottom of his closet.

"Okay, God," he said, getting down onto his knees again, "If you ever want to see your mother again..."
:lmao: Very nice! :clap:


New Member
Geesh I don't think I have any boob and Catholic jokes. :ohwell:

A little Catholic kid was praying as hard as he could.

"God," he prayed, "I really want a car." Jumping up and dashing to the window, he saw that the driveway was empty.

"God," he prayed again, "I really NEED a car."

Still, no answer to his prayers.

Suddenly the kid stood up, ran into his parent's bedroom, and grabbed the statuette of the Virgin Mary off the mantelpiece.

He wrapped it up in ten layers of paper, using three rolls of tape and a spool of twine, then stuffed it inside a box at the very bottom of his closet.

"Okay, God," he said, getting down onto his knees again, "If you ever want to see your mother again..."

This post has been reported, crybaby!


In My Opinion
You must be a ugly one at that!
You can make fun of ugly people, and you can make fun of jews, however to make fun of an ugly jew is double hit and therefor can only be used in the instance of serious argument when the jew picked on your Christianity, or your mother first.
This is all common stuff that is covered in the book, Bigotry for Dummies.

for Gods sake man, we are a civilized people, we do have rules.


Well-Known Member
So if someone laughed along to be polite and not cause a stink, even though your comments are offensive, it's okay because they are your friend? Have you ever actually asked your friend that you bash due to their religion if it's okay with them?

So we can bash everyone from now on cause they are our friends, based on their religion? So Christian, Jew, Hindu, Buddhist, whatever, deserve ridicule?

Anybody Catholic? I've got a ton of jokes.

I personally havent made fun of anyone for their religious beliefs... but I have laughed so I guess that does mean I did participate in a way. However if Beta or whoever would have let me know they didnt like it or appreciate me laughing along @ the comments whether they came from a friend or fo I would have stopped.


New Member
I personally havent made fun of anyone for their religious beliefs... but I have laughed so I guess that does mean I did participate in a way. However if Beta or whoever would have let me know they didnt like it or appreciate me laughing along @ the comments whether they came from a friend or fo I would have stopped.

Exactly and I pm'd Beta 3 weeks ago asking if it was out of line, because sometimes I like the little girl.


aka Mrs. Giant
According to your dog face, you have been the abused one, sweetie!

Really BF, Bite me. You are an ignorant bigot for whom I can't find a single redeeming quality. Keep on insulting me, it keeps reinforcing my stellar opinion of you. I actually enjoy you calling me ugly. It keeps the pervs away.


New Member
Really BF, Bite me. You are an ignorant bigot for whom I can't find a single redeeming quality. Keep on insulting me, it keeps reinforcing my stellar opinion of you. I actually enjoy you calling me ugly. It keeps the pervs away.

Like I give a chit about your opinion!!!
So if someone laughed along to be polite and not cause a stink, even though your comments are offensive, it's okay because they are your friend? Have you ever actually asked your friend that you bash due to their religion if it's okay with them?

So we can bash everyone from now on cause they are our friends, based on their religion? So Christian, Jew, Hindu, Buddhist, whatever, deserve ridicule?

Anybody Catholic? I've got a ton of jokes.

I'm Catholic. Let's hear 'em. :snacks:

I have one!

Two priest's were taking a leak in the urinals one day and the one priest looks down and see's a nicotine patch on the other guy's wiener.

He says "Im not really a rocket scientist or anything, but, isn't that supposed to be on your arm?"

The other priest goes "Nah, it's working fine. I'm down to two butts a day"!


aka Mrs. Giant
Like I give a chit about your opinion!!!

You must, cause you go out of your way to attempt to get attention from me. "Look at me Look at me I'm Black Francis". Not even funny. If you were funny, I'd give you credit. You are just ignorant.

BCP, he's funny.


New Member
You must, cause you go out of your way to attempt to get attention from me. "Look at me Look at me I'm Black Francis". Not even funny. If you were funny, I'd give you credit. You are just ignorant.

BCP, he's funny.

You're funny..............



I think it's perfectly acceptable to make fun of Juggalos. It's ridiculous:

It was explained to me over the weekend that Insane Clown Posse has a religion in which each album is a 'release' of a new commandment. Sounds like brainwashing into commercialism to me. I wanted to smack him, he was going on about how somehow it would be reasonable in that religion to split someone's head open with a hatchet for cheating on their girl. He was too drunk to hear that it was an absolutely ridiculous statement.

Then there's the whole, "omg they're so cool, allidrinkisFaygo cuz it's the drink of the GAWDS like the skinny and fat guys that paint their faces." "Oh, and Nyquil pillz and Juggalettes, yo."

Ugh. Ughhhhh.

:dies of embarassment from having met this guy: