off the shelf
first it's over using the cell phone, then its porn. And you wonder why your virtual memory is low opcorn.
boy has his own computer
How long you give petey to check it?
first it's over using the cell phone, then its porn. And you wonder why your virtual memory is low opcorn.
first it's over using the cell phone, then its porn. And you wonder why your virtual memory is low opcorn.
With Sprint you can do this cost $5 a month or something like that....I don't have it as the ones that are on my bill are either over the age of 18 and don't live in my house(and yes, they pay their bill) or show me all the text anyway(because if she didn't, I take the phone again)
Dont think VRZ offers that, damn......So Lilly cant read the text in detail either.
No, I cannot. Maybe I was not clear in my first post but I said all I could see was the number of messages sent or received not the actual content of the messages. If they had that feature I would pay, pay, pay for that. It would be great blackmail.
No, I cannot. Maybe I was not clear in my first post but I said all I could see was the number of messages sent or received not the actual content of the messages. If they had that feature I would pay, pay, pay for that. It would be great blackmail.
I think it is perfectly normal. I remind girl to keep her calls/texts to a minimum. We have unlimited text so I see no reason to fuss over a few hundred texts - or even a few thousand.
Boy gets a txt from Kid A.
Boy ignores it. 30 seconds later
Continues to ignore it 15 seconds later
Dude, sup?
Hey man why u no answer?
What's up, you there?
You mad?
Yur fone broke?
You mus be sleepin
You there yet?
Yea, what do you want?
Nuthiin juz checkin to see what up.
Right there is an 11 txt exchange I checked the log and he does have a point.
It gets worse the older they get
Just checked girls text....8262 and she has about a week to go before the new cycle starts
she text 5 different people other than me
we have unlimited texting or I would strangle her.
Call me old-fashioned, but whatever happened to teaching our kids moderation and fiscal responsibility? Why does it always have to be about how much it costs us (parents) when a kid goes over the limit, versus setting a limit and teaching kids to discipline themselves and stay under that limit? My kid gets a certain number of texts per month. He went over once, and paid us for it. He hasn't done it since.
What's next -- do you also give them a $20,000 credit card instead of $500 because they're just going to max it out anyway?!?
P.S. I'm not judging, I'm just askin'.
Mathmatically.....Kid needs an ass whooping!
Based on Pete's post, can someone tell me why anyone would think that punishment is would be order? What am I missing?
Perfect time to teach him responsibility... Stick his popular little ass on prepaid and make him cover it.
12 years old is high time to start teaching life lessons.
Based on Pete's post, can someone tell me why anyone would think that punishment is would be order? What am I missing?
How about he teaches him thriftiness. Make him pay for his portion of the plan. There's no need in a pre-paid.