Is it normal for a 12 year old


It has nothing to do with perfect's about excessive use.

I don't view it as any different than a kid that sits in front of the tv, xbox or computer for hours upon hours. Something is to be said about limiting use on these things.

It's my opinion and Pete asked for opinions, that's what I gave. This doesn't make me a perfect parent by any means, just my way of parenting.


Well-Known Member
So, how does that apply in this situation?

It doesn't really if Pete doesn't mind paying for it. BUT if he were to take Debbie Downer's advice it would make more sense to have him pay his portion of the bill and not get a damn pre-paid phone.
to use just over 4,000 minutes and send / receive 8,000 text messages in a month?

My boy and his friends are more texters then anything else. One of them had 13,000 before a one month cycle was complete... he had his phone taken away until his mom and dad could sort things out. Found out he was receiving more than sending.

He is somewhere in the order of 1k - 2k messages per month with most of it on weekends. As far as voice, he uses probably 20 minutes (outside of network) per month and about 60 in-network...


Call me old-fashioned, but whatever happened to teaching our kids moderation and fiscal responsibility? Why does it always have to be about how much it costs us (parents) when a kid goes over the limit, versus setting a limit and teaching kids to discipline themselves and stay under that limit? My kid gets a certain number of texts per month. He went over once, and paid us for it. He hasn't done it since.

What's next -- do you also give them a $20,000 credit card instead of $500 because they're just going to max it out anyway?!?

P.S. I'm not judging, I'm just askin'. :whistle:

Since all his activity was within our plan it seems he did manage his fiscal responsibility. :confused: As far as limit "unlimited test messages" by its nature means there is no limit. Of course his total seems excessive to us adults but as he pointed out the bulk, I did not tally the precise number, are incoming, meaning someone else's phone obsessed kids are sending them to him and he replies to only about a third. I looked and it seemed to be a true statement.

After the initial shock of the volume wore off I am more like :shrug: It doesn't hurt anything, it doesn't cost anything, he is not in trouble, he is passing his classes, what does it hurt? Would someone be freaked because their kid totalled 4,000 minutes reading comic books, looking at Yugi-O cards or playing XBox?

As far as paying his portion of the bill, I am not seeing how a 12 year old can do that. His part of the bill comes out to $30 a month. He does a few chores and he has a precious few years to be a kid before he becomes a work zombie like us who get up at 6 and trudges to our dead end jobs we dislike to make ends meet for the rest of his miserable life. :lol:
Kids should do chores without expecting compensation and as part of being a family.

I tend to agree with this. My boy does chores and has to keep his grades up - that is what is expected of him.

Now, stuff I do on weekends he comes out and helps and part of what I would like to call his "compensation plan" is his cell phone and guitar lessons... when/if something goes south (chores, grades, half-assing a job) the cell phone is the first to go (with other electronics). If everything else is gone and he still 'effs up (which is rare thank God), then he pays for his own lessons - sucking money out of his account usually fixes the problem. :lol:


Since all his activity was within our plan it seems he did manage his fiscal responsibility. :confused: As far as limit "unlimited test messages" by its nature means there is no limit. Of course his total seems excessive to us adults but as he pointed out the bulk, I did not tally the precise number, are incoming, meaning someone else's phone obsessed kids are sending them to him and he replies to only about a third. I looked and it seemed to be a true statement.

After the initial shock of the volume wore off I am more like :shrug: It doesn't hurt anything, it doesn't cost anything, he is not in trouble, he is passing his classes, what does it hurt? Would someone be freaked because their kid totalled 4,000 minutes reading comic books, looking at Yugi-O cards or playing XBox?

As far as paying his portion of the bill, I am not seeing how a 12 year old can do that. His part of the bill comes out to $30 a month. He does a few chores and he has a precious few years to be a kid before he becomes a work zombie like us who get up at 6 and trudges to our dead end jobs we dislike to make ends meet for the rest of his miserable life. :lol:

Then why the thread? Weren't you asking if it was normal or not thus setting the tone that it possibly was not normal (i.e. excessive)?


Well-Known Member
Nope..not at all. Families are about cooperation and helping each other. You really cannot and should not put a price tag on that.


I got compensated for doing chores at home. :shrug:

It was called food and a bed. :lmao:

Dye Tied

Garden Variety Gnome
Nope..not at all. Families are about cooperation and helping each other. You really cannot and should not put a price tag on that.


Here's where I am "old". I don't think a kid needs a cellphone, if there is a house phone, until they get a drivers license. But that's just me.
...he has a precious few years to be a kid before he becomes a work zombie like us who get up at 6 and trudges to our dead end jobs we dislike to make ends meet for the rest of his miserable life. :lol:

I just had this talk last night. He really does not want to go to scout camp this year, he wants to hang out, cut grandma's grass and make a few bucks here and there. I told him he only had a few years left before he was no longer a kid and to go and enjoy himself.

He looked at me and gave me a hug and went to bed. Kinda cool to see he is still a little kid to some degree. :yay:

Dye Tied

Garden Variety Gnome


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b*tch rocket
Here's where I am "old". I don't think a kid needs a cellphone, if there is a house phone, until they get a drivers license. But that's just me.

I bet you told your kids that they didn't need a cassette player either and made them listen to 8 tracks. :wink:

No one really NEEDS anything, except for food and water, but it is the 21st century granny, you need to get with the times. :neener:

Dye Tied

Garden Variety Gnome
I bet you told your kids that they didn't need a cassette player either and made them listen to 8 tracks. :wink:

No one really NEEDS anything, except for food and water, but it is the 21st century granny, you need to get with the times. :neener:

I don't need to get wiff the times. My kids are responsible adults :lmao: And yes, the 2 oldest grandkids got phones at age 17 with their licenses.