Soul Probe
I think you would blame every non-Catholic in making themselves their own Pope if they didn't believe in Catholicism.
I wouldn't because I believe in the office of pope and the Apostolic blessing. I'm ok with it if you think yourself a pope, but don't be a hypocrite by dissing the pope when you've already made yourself into one.
God wrote His word down because people lie
Yes, and it's possible people have lied to you and you in turn have lied to others (I'm witness to your having done so), and the way I read scripture Satan can pose as an angel of light so I'm not sure what reassurance you have that you are on the right path.
and if the Bible agreed with Catholicism then Catholics wouldn't need the organization "Catholic Answers".
At the risk of this being a personal attack...you're being ####ing stupid.

I'm fallible just like the pope and I'm glad you compared me to the Pope because I'm fallible. I make mistakes.
First, yes you are fallible just as the pope is in and of himself (he goes to confession after all). Second, I didn't compare you to the pope, there is no comparison because he far excels at being an exceptional human being than you could ever dream of. Third, yes, you make mistakes and don't forget that when you're telling people how right you are (see your quote directly below).
I should start making a list why I'm not wrong.
(1) The Bible disagrees with Catholicism.
(2) God has my address and didn't call me to Catholicism.
(3) God has called some of us and we have heard His voice through scripture:
And someone should believe you why? Simply because you've declared yourself a pope? But remember, people lie! Well guess what? I've declared myself my own pope and I think the bible disagrees with you. So who is right, you or me? And how do you know for sure? The bible doesn't tell you how to interpret it. Oh, and by the way, you may not know my story and I don't feel the need to sully it by sharing it with you, but be assured that God called me and led me directly to Catholicism and I heard His voice through scripture, so you're not the only one in His address book. So how do you know I was the one hoodwinked by Satan and not you? Because you're your own pope and you say so? But that can't be because I'm my own pope too and I say differently. We have quite the conundrum here don't we?
-The Westminster Confession of Faith (1647) by Various | Reformed Theology Articles at Ligonier.org
They can hear God's voice. I heard God speaking through scripture in Church, called up a friend in another country, spoke the scripture and it had the same effect here that it had there because people are conscious of God's voice speaking through scripture. They get startled and their conscience is pricked.
The revivals were started because they heard God's word speaking through scripture.
That's nice. How do you know for sure it was the Holy Spirit? Remember, people lie. The way I read scripture good trees bring forth good fruit, and I think it's kind of evident that your fruit here is quite rancid.