Is the "N" word going to be obsolete?


New Member
johnjrval424 said:
LOS ANGELES - Black leaders on Monday challenged the entertainment industry, including rappers, to stop use of the racial slur that Michael Richards uttered in his tirade.

The Rev. Jesse Jackson and others said they will meet with TV networks, film companies and musicians to discuss the “n-word.”

“We want to give our ancestors a present,” Jackson said at a news conference. “Dignity over degradation.”

Jackson also asked the public not to buy a DVD box set of the seventh season of the TV show “Seinfeld” that was released last week.

Is this what we are all talking about? Stopping the use of the "N" word all together? Do you think it will really happen with these people behind it? Just curious as to everyone's opinions...

Jesse Jackson is a friggin IDIOT.. JMO

It would be nice if it did happen. I know I get tired of hearing it.


New Member
Here is another angle - did you ever think that maybe the black community doesn't want to solve this so-called "racial" problem?

After all, if everyone got along, they wouldn't have any reason to have the media attention they get (i.e., Jackson, Sharpton, etc.). What would these people have to do all day?

Isn't it easier to just sit back and say, "I've been wronged" then to try and change the system? I think the government has done a good job of rendering assistance (MBE - Minority Business Enterprise certification in MD for government contracts; 8(a) certification with the federal government, which is for all ethnic groups OTHER than white; contract set-asides and mandates for MBE participation). This is a small drop in the bucket of the opportunities available to minorities.

Sometimes, I believe that the minorities actually feed off these stories so they can continue to complain and whine about the situation instead of doing something about it. After all, don't they promote the use of the word through rap songs, etc.? How is that helping to "solve the problem?"

Just my .02...


I don't see what Seinfeld has to do with it.. It is a long time ago that he was in that show, and its damn funny! I don't like hearing the N word in any setting.. No matter who says it, it is disrespectful..


The Hard Way
johnjrval424 said:
I agree 100%. There is no difference between these words:

"Towel Head"

The list goes on. They shouldn't exist, period. None of those ethnic groups would appreciate being called those names - however, they just don't get the media coverage that the blacks get.

All of them equal disrespect and are offensive to the receiver.


Finishing last
The problem I have with this is JJ is only talking about one particular racial slur used for black people. If he were worried about doing this for ALL racial slurs I might be able to get behind it. Since no mention of cracker, kike, hebe, or any other slurs, I have to sit back and call him a black elitist racist jerk.

I mean lets target the problem not the symptom. If your going to go for a ban do it for all racial slurs not just the one that offends you. Besides, where in the constitution does it say you have a right not to be offended. It doesn't, just the right to free speech.

Next they'll be banning peace signs! :lmao:



I bowl overhand
vraiblonde said:
Edited - sorry. Please remember to excerpt and link news articles so we don't get in trouble for copyright infringement.

Anyway, I have no problem with them speaking out against racial slurs and even banning them from the media - only trashy people talk like that anyway. This may be the first time I've ever agreed with Jesse Jackson.
But he didn't mention the banning of the use in Black Entertainment.. is Kanye West going to pay 500K to a local charity everytime he uses the word??


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Foxhound said:
The problem I have with this is JJ is only talking about one particular racial slur used for black people.
He's talking specifically about use of the word in the entertainment media, where black musicians and comedians routinely use it to describe themselves and other blacks.


I know nothing
johnjrval424 said:
I agree 100%. There is no difference between these words:

"Towel Head"

The list goes on. They shouldn't exist, period. None of those ethnic groups would appreciate being called those names - however, they just don't get the media coverage that the blacks get.

All of them equal disrespect and are offensive to the receiver.

there is a big difference. The US never used latino's, chinese and muslims as slaves.


New Member
LordStanley said:
there is a big difference. The US never used latino's, chinese and muslims as slaves.

Africa sold the slaves to the US, yet they still sing their praises. Why are we being condemned for something we didn't create?


Well-Known Member
What about the word "Midgit" It is just as offensive to little people as any other racial slur but nobody seems to care.

People as a whole are just very hipocritical. Slurs are Ok as long as it is not the one that offends them.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
LordStanley said:
The US never used latino's, chinese and muslims as slaves.
The hell they didn't. Maybe Chinese railroad workers weren't technically slaves, but they were definitely exploited and subjugated.