Is the "N" word going to be obsolete?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Since we're on the subject, do you suppose Jesse and Maxine might ask entertainers to stop calling women names and treating them like worthless whores in their "art"? I never in a million years thought "pimp" and "hooker" would become terms of endearment.


24/7 Single Dad
Chasey_Lane said:
Is the "N" wo... 11-28-2006 08:46 AM I like you...NOT, your an idiot At least I can spell "you're"...:roflmao:
Is the "N" wo... 11-28-2006 08:41 AM Your a racist, stop picking on black people
At least they're consistant :shrug:


bohman said:
:killingme Don't worry, that's just 'cause there's more white people in this country. Takes more put-downs to cover them all.

Thanks. That makes sense.

Although, I was thinking that it was, once again, white people trying to take everything for themselves.


New Member
vraiblonde said:
Since we're on the subject, do you suppose Jesse and Maxine might ask entertainers to stop calling women names and treating them like worthless whores in their "art"? I never in a million years thought "pimp" and "hooker" would become terms of endearment.

How about b**** and ho? They are actually taken as a compliment now - as in, 'you're my b**** and I love you.'

Ridiculous! :jameo:


New Member
johnjrval424 said:
LOS ANGELES - Black leaders on Monday...........yada, yada, yada......

The Rev. Jesse Jackson and others .........yada, yada, yada............

Jackson also asked the public not to buy a DVD box set of the seventh season of the TV show “Seinfeld” that was released last week.

Prediction.....this whole event......and the proposed boycott....... slinks slowing away about the time the company producing the Seinfeld boxed set pays their graft/payola/blackmail money to Jesse, a la NASCAR, Toyota, etc. ( this the same Jesse Jackson....decrying the white man calling the black man a name........who told of spitting in white people's food when he was a waiter "just cuz they were white" [I don't recall getting my apology for that], the same Jesse Jackson that called NYC "hymie-town" and said he was "tired of hearing about the Holocaust" [and the rest of us aren't tired of hearing about slavery?] or during the Nixon Administration said Nixon's top advisors wouldn't be interested in black issues because they were all "white, German, Jews", or the same Jesse Jackson that claimed to have had his shirt splattered with the blood of Martin Luther King on the day King was shot, but was later found to have not even been in the immediate area? Yeah....I thought so.)

I''ll take all this seriously when Chris Rock or ANY comedian on BET aren't allowed to mimmick or offend white people because of the uproar it produces....and when they prove they're truly offended by the word "######" by not using it....OR ANY DERIVATIVE...themselves.


johnjrval424 said:
How about b**** and ho? They are actually taken as a compliment now - as in, 'you're my b**** and I love you.'

Ridiculous! :jameo:

What country are you in. I don't know any woman that would accept that.


vraiblonde said:
Since we're on the subject, do you suppose Jesse and Maxine might ask entertainers to stop calling women names and treating them like worthless whores in their "art"? I never in a million years thought "pimp" and "hooker" would become terms of endearment.

If thats how you feel it shouldn' be used in movies either.

I feel this is America. If you want to be racist then dammit be racist. If you wanna call people N's and B's go ahead that is what makes this place the land of the free.


New Member
juggy4805 said:
What country are you in. I don't know any woman that would accept that.

I happen to be in America where women are referred to that in many, many types of media (songs, movies, etc.) - primarily in the hip-hop music style but I've heard it elsewhere also.

What about the music videos for these songs where the women are exploited, dressed very scantily, shaking "booty" that is falling out of their wardrobe. These references are used very frequently in those songs.

This is the "land of the free" but as Toby Keith once said, "freedom don't come free."


Finishing last
vraiblonde said:
The hell they didn't. Maybe Chinese railroad workers weren't technically slaves, but they were definitely exploited and subjugated.

Actually there were Asian and Native American people sold into slavery in this country. It wasn't as widespread as Maiman said they were not as cost effective.

I still find it funny that people think they have the right to not be offended. If we were to worry about not offending everyone I think we would certainly have to shut down all forums such as this. Someone will always be offended no matter how innocuous the comment.

I'm not sure who it was but there was a very articulate post that mentioned our continuing trend to simplify language. Instead of trying to choose words to describe someone accurately, like, selfish, stubborn, inconsiderate, we just call them an ###hole.

Okay sure N##### is used a frequently by comedians, musicians (in some cases this is a liberal use of the term), other media forms. With the influx of Hispanics to this country we are seeing more and more slurs in comedy and music etc. I stand by my statement that it is as offensive an act to single out this one slur as the slur itself is.

Make a difference yourself by using the English language to be more expressive yourself instead of just opting for the more ignorant choice. It may be less offensive but it will always be more informative.



johnjrval424 said:
I happen to be in America where women are referred to that in many, many types of media (songs, movies, etc.) - primarily in the hip-hop music style but I've heard it elsewhere also.

What about the music videos for these songs where the women are exploited, dressed very scantily, shaking "booty" that is falling out of their wardrobe. These references are used very frequently in those songs.

This is the "land of the free" but as Toby Keith once said, "freedom don't come free."

Entertaiment! A Hip-Hop video is only entertainment. Just like porn. :lmao:


In My Opinion
Foxhound said:
Actually there were Asian and Native American people sold into slavery in this country. It wasn't as widespread as Maiman said they were not as cost effective.

I still find it funny that people think they have the right to not be offended. If we were to worry about not offending everyone I think we would certainly have to shut down all forums such as this. Someone will always be offended no matter how innocuous the comment.

I'm not sure who it was but there was a very articulate post that mentioned our continuing trend to simplify language. Instead of trying to choose words to describe someone accurately, like, selfish, stubborn, inconsiderate, we just call them an ###hole.

Okay sure N##### is used a frequently by comedians, musicians (in some cases this is a liberal use of the term), other media forms. With the influx of Hispanics to this country we are seeing more and more slurs in comedy and music etc. I stand by my statement that it is as offensive an act to single out this one slur as the slur itself is.

Make a difference yourself by using the English language to be more expressive yourself instead of just opting for the more ignorant choice. It may be less offensive but it will always be more informative.


F-ing A :dude: