Jen Psaki Dancing and Ducking


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PolitiFact gives Jen Psaki 'false' rating over claim 'no economist' believes Biden agenda will fuel inflation

Regarding its ruling, PolitiFact insisted Psaki was "wrong" to say that "no economist foresees inflation" as a result of the Build Back Better spending bill being signed into law.

"Numerous economists, including some allies of the White House, have gone on the record saying there probably will be inflationary effects, especially in the near term, if the bill is passed," PolitFact wrote. "However, the broad consensus among analysts has been that the bill’s inflationary impact will be modest and brief."

"We rate the statement False."


PREMO Member
Psaki attacks DeSantis over Disney ending its vaccine mandate

"They're based in Florida, and obviously the governor there has consistently taken steps to take steps backwards as it relates to fighting the pandemic, not forward," Psaki responded Monday when asked aboard Air Force one what more the White House could do after companies such as Disney decided to do away with their vaccine mandates for employees after a stay of President Biden's workplace vaccine mandate was issued in federal court last week.

Psaki's comments come after DeSantis signed four bills last week requiring private employers to allow vaccine exemptions, including but not limited to health or religious concerns, pregnancy or anticipated future pregnancy and past recovery from COVID-19.

"Nobody should lose their job due to heavy-handed COVID mandates, and we had a responsibility to protect the livelihoods of the people of Florida," DeSantis said of the legislation.


PREMO Member
Jen Psaki Keeps Repeating Lie That Trump Told People to ‘Inject Bleach'

Jen Psaki has never had a good relationship with the truth, but once again, she pushed the long-debunked lie that Trump suggested people inject themselves with bleach.

She’s made this claim before, and I suspect she will again, but the fact of the matter is that Trump did no such thing.

The false claim originated an exchange during the White House Coronavirus Task Force Briefing in April of last year, when possible COVID-19 treatments were discussed, including UV light treatments. And Trump said, “And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning? Because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. So it would be interesting to check that. So, that you’re going to have to use medical doctors with. But it sounds — it sounds interesting to me.”


the poor dad
How much longer do we have to listen to her? Didn’t she put her resignation in a month or 2 ago?


PREMO Member
Jen Psaki explains to Peter Doocy why it’s ackshually our fault that Joe Biden couldn’t keep his promise to ‘shut down the virus’ [video]




PREMO Member
Reporter Presses Psaki Over Biden Illness: ‘Possible To Test Negative’ Before ‘Positive Test’

Finally, Fox News’ Peter Doocy questioned Psaki on the etiquette relating to going to work with symptomatic illness, as well as COVID tests potentially producing false negatives.

“One more topic, to follow up on some of the questions from earlier. The president was hoarse and coughing today. A lot of people in the workforce are encouraged not to go to work if they are exhibiting those symptoms, even if they are fully-vaccinated,” Doocy stated. “So, are the rules different for the president?”

Psaki replied:
The president, again, was tested, as we put out in some — in a transparent piece of information from his doctor, where he received a response quickly from that test, enable him — enabling him to proceed. People also had — he had a cold, which is what you know from the information put out by the doctor.


PREMO Member
Psaki Takes A Shot At AOC For Doubting That Organized Retail Thefts Are Happening: ‘We Don’t Agree’

A lot of these allegations of organized retail theft are not actually panning out,” Ocasio-Cortez claimed without evidence in an interview with The Washington Times. “I believe it’s a Walgreens in California [that] cited it, but the data didn’t back it up.”

A reporter asked Psaki about AOC’s remarks and comments from Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot (D), who appeared to pass some blame for the robberies on the stores for not taking better security measures.

“Does the President believe that organized retail theft is really happening?” the reporter asked. “And should it be on the stores themselves to take action to prevent it?”

“Well, we don’t agree,” Psaki responded. “And I think our actions and the work that we have had in working with the Justice Department, the FBI, and federal law enforcement show that we take — we’ve seen some of these extremely video — extremely disturbing videos showing retail thefts in both major retailers — as well as state and local leaders, like Governor Newsom, have identified this as a serious concern.”


Well-Known Member
Not very many people who despise a liar have much use for Jen Psaki.
But think for a minute,

Isn't she the perfect spokesperson for an Administration that was built on the lie that Donald Trump did not win the election.


PREMO Member
‘Corporate Greed’: Psaki Blames Big Meat For Soaring Food Prices

Psaki’s answer echoed arguments put forward by Brian Deese, director of the White House National Economic Council, in a blog post last week. After the latest Labor Department data was released, the White House published an article by Deese blaming meat packers for the skyrocketing prices.

“The November Consumer Price Index data released this morning demonstrates that meat prices are still the single largest contributor to the rising cost of food people consume at home,” Deese wrote. “[J]ust four large conglomerates control approximately 55-85% of the market for pork, beef, and poultry, and these middlemen were using their market power to increase prices and underpay farmers, while taking more and more for themselves.”

The North American Meat Institute, an industry trade group, released a response to the blog post hitting the Biden administration for passing the blame for rising meat prices and covering for rampant inflation that has hit the U.S. economy on the heels of the federal government’s trillions of dollars-worth of aid packages over COVID-19.


PREMO Member
White House Appears To Cut Out Remarks From Fox News Reporter In Official Transcript Of Press Briefing

The White House, however, did not include the following remarks from Doocy: “[Biden]’s describing them as George Wallace, Bull Connor and Jefferson Davis.”

The White House transcript of Doocy’s remarks states:

“But as he talked about a year ago and working with Republicans, now he is talking about Republicans that don’t agree with voting rights. What happened to the guy who — when he was elected said, ‘To make progress, we must stop treating our opponents as our enemy’”?


Biden’s remarks were criticized by many Democrats, including Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL), House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and former presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard.
  • Durbin: “Perhaps the president went a little too far in his rhetoric.”
  • Pelosi: “Nobody knows who Bull Connor is. You know, if we’re making the case to say, ‘We’re going to be with Martin Luther King or Bull Connor’ – who’s that? ‘If we’re going to be with Martin Luther King or the people – Martin Luther King and John Lewis, or the people who unleashed the fierce dogs on them’ – that’s who Bull Connor is. Strom Thurmond – none of us have a lot of happy memories about Strom Thurmond.”
  • Gabbard: “Hillary’s calling tens of millions of Americans deplorables was divisive & disgusting. But Biden has gone further, calling those who disagree with his actions & policies domestic enemies, traitors, and racists. Biden promised to unite us, but he is doing all he can do divide us.”


PREMO Member
Here’s What’s Missing From Jen Psaki’s Tweet About the Texas Synagogue Hostage Situation

Did you notice anything interesting about the tweet? It’s a little generic, don’t you think? Something missing, perchance?
“In the Dallas area” … Really, Jen? Really?

It’s curious that Psaki failed to mention that the hostage situation was in a synagogue, wouldn’t you agree? While details are slim right now, it’s very clear that the hostage-taker is Muslim, and he’s targeted Jewish people in their place of worship. Biden and members of his administration are never at a loss for words when it comes to hate crimes or even gun violence that fits a certain narrative.

Perhaps the tweet wouldn’t have seemed suspiciously devoid of information about who the victims and the perpetrator are if Biden and the Democrats didn’t have a habit of turning a blind eye to the violence that doesn’t fit their preferred narrative. Had it been a white supremacist taking hostages at a black church, I doubt those details would have gone unmentioned.


PREMO Member
Jen Psaki Claims Biden’s Speech Comparing Americans To Confederates And Segregationists Was ‘Not Partisan’

“Ok, well, I would say first that the president delivered a powerful speech about the protection of people’s fundamental rights in this country, which is their right to vote, the right to to vote for anyone they choose, whether it is him or someone else. It was not a partisan speech. It was intended to lay out for the public exactly what’s at stake and lay out for elected officials what’s at stake, and he stands by everything he said in that speech.”


PREMO Member
Psaki Says Biden Stands By ‘Powerful Speech’ Comparing Republicans to Segregationists: ‘Not a Partisan Speech’

Psaki claimed Biden delivered a “powerful speech” about Americans’ right to vote “for anyone they choose, whether it is him or someone else.”

“It was not a partisan speech,” she said. “It was intended to lay out for the public exactly what’s at stake and lay out for elected officials what’s at stake and he stands by everything he said in that speech.”

During his speech advocating a suspension of filibuster rules to pass voting legislation Biden said: “So I ask every elected official in America, how do you want to be remembered? Do you want to be on the side of Dr. King or George Wallace? Do you want to be on the side of John Lewis or Bull Connor? Do you want to be on the side of Abraham Lincoln or Jefferson Davis?”


PREMO Member

Notable responses to Psaki’s remarks included:
  • Herschel Walker, U.S. Senate candidate: “What if you already workout and don’t drink alcohol but you’re still upset about inflation, gas prices and surging crime? What’s your advice then?”
  • Chris Pandolfo, The Blaze: “Imagine two working parents struggling to make housing payments and buy groceries being told to ‘go to a kickboxing class, have a margarita.’”
  • Tim Murtaugh, former Trump campaign spokesman: “This reaction accidentally reveals that their argument that people can’t vote is bogus. Does someone who can go to kickboxing class or chill with a margarita somehow have a problem voting? Her audience is liberal activists who drive their Volvos to kickboxing class.”
  • Rita Panahi, Australian political commentator: “Imagine if @kayleighmcenany or @SarahHuckabee ever said anything this asinine & tone deaf. The media meltdown would be atomic.”
  • Niles Gardiner, foreign policy analyst: “The Biden White House is arrogant, amateurish, and hugely out of touch with the American people. An embarrassment at home and a laughing stock on the world stage.”
  • Stephen L. Miller, political commentator, mockingly wrote: “You know, maybe get a facial. Watch the Sex and the City reboot. Order somethings [sic] online from Anthropologie. Do some binge shopping from LuluLemon. Buy a Labradoodle. Take some of your aggression out on your Ethiopian Lyft driver.”
  • Cenk Uygur, The Young Turks: “In other words, vote for us more BECAUSE we did nothing. Since we couldn’t get you voting rights, you should be mad and work even harder to vote for us. Do they even hear themselves? There’s no bubble, like a DC bubble. Note to Democrats: It’s not our responsibility to like you.”
  • Susan Sarandon, actress: “Right now, more than half of Americans would be unable to afford a $1,000 emergency. Margaritas and kick boxing this weekend aren’t the answer.”
  • Bree Newsome, activist: “Whew. The astounding level of disconnect between the white elite & the general populace right now.”
  • Jordan Chariton, journalist: “I love how Jen Psaki thinks most struggling workers living paycheck to paycheck have time or money to go to a kickboxing class or drink margaritas.”
