Jennifer @Red Robin

I don't think ALL men think like you're saying they do. I mean, there's a few guys in this thread......what do you all think?? And yes, that foot guy was definitely creepy. I also had some guy say (mind you, this was the night I got engaged and we all went to this place in Frederick to see a band so we were all celebrating) "Has anyone ever told you, you have amazing eyebrows". And I said "Um really? Does that line ever work for you??" :lol: He just laughed....we both laughed. I showed him my ring, he bought us a drink and surely tried the line on someone else :lol:

You actually do have really nice eyebrows. :ohwell:

...pretty beeotch :mad:


Well-Known Member
I don't think ALL men think like you're saying they do. I mean, there's a few guys in this thread......what do you all think?? And yes, that foot guy was definitely creepy. I also had some guy say (mind you, this was the night I got engaged and we all went to this place in Frederick to see a band so we were all celebrating) "Has anyone ever told you, you have amazing eyebrows". And I said "Um really? Does that line ever work for you??" :lol: He just laughed....we both laughed. I showed him my ring, he bought us a drink and surely tried the line on someone else :lol:

Eye brow :killingme
That's her leg hair...

Not! I can still reach my legs dammit! :drama:


Amazing eyebrows? :roflmao:

I know right?! Clearly he was drinking but I mean dayummm that's all he could come up with? :lol:

I check out the shoes, but that is because I am a leg and ass man, so I look there first. :dance:

I look at shoes on both women and men. I hate a dogged out pair of shoes :yuck:

You actually do have really nice eyebrows. :ohwell:

...pretty beeotch :mad:

Ugh...."thank you".........and I'm only saying that because of this thread :lol: