Jennifer @Red Robin


I'm so happy! I went to Chick Fil A for lunch and asked for extra pickles. Last time I was pretty disappointed with the 1 lonely little extra pickle...rind, the damn center of the pickle was GONE! BUT this time.......ahhh, let's just say, Chick Fil A has really stepped up their pickle game :yahoo:



I'm so happy! I went to Chick Fil A for lunch and asked for extra pickles. Last time I was pretty disappointed with the 1 lonely little extra pickle...rind, the damn center of the pickle was GONE! BUT this time.......ahhh, let's just say, Chick Fil A has really stepped up their pickle game :yahoo:

I am going home to have left over BBQ chicken and corn on the cob. Much better than chick fil. :coffee:
I am going home to have left over BBQ chicken and corn on the cob. Much better than chick fil. :coffee:

Prove it....drop some leftovers by my house and I'll be the judge of that.

By the way, we made corn on the cob last week and I had 3 a row. We made it again a few days ago and I had 2. OMG I'm in love with corn on the cob right now! :yum:

Hubby smoked a whole chicken in the smoker Sunday too, so freakin good!


Adopt me please !
Prove it....drop some leftovers by my house and I'll be the judge of that.

By the way, we made corn on the cob last week and I had 3 a row. We made it again a few days ago and I had 2. OMG I'm in love with corn on the cob right now! :yum:

Hubby smoked a whole chicken in the smoker Sunday too, so freakin good!

I got one of those beer can holder thingies to cook a chicken on - I hope it turns out good .....

Not sure where Safeway is getting them, but I've been eating corn-on-the-cob for the past 2 weeks straight - almost every day Mmmmmmm .... they are on the small side, but I know the BIG ones are coming locally soon ..... :drool:


Prove it....drop some leftovers by my house and I'll be the judge of that.

By the way, we made corn on the cob last week and I had 3 a row. We made it again a few days ago and I had 2. OMG I'm in love with corn on the cob right now! :yum:

Hubby smoked a whole chicken in the smoker Sunday too, so freakin good!

Between my son and me, there will be no leftovers, sorry. I can leave a frozen meal at your front door if you want. :dance:
I got one of those beer can holder thingies to cook a chicken on - I hope it turns out good .....

Not sure where Safeway is getting them, but I've been eating corn-on-the-cob for the past 2 weeks straight - almost every day Mmmmmmm .... they are on the small side, but I know the BIG ones are coming locally soon ..... :drool:

Corn on the cob smells of dead people...:ohwell: I can't eat it. :dead:
I got one of those beer can holder thingies to cook a chicken on - I hope it turns out good .....

Not sure where Safeway is getting them, but I've been eating corn-on-the-cob for the past 2 weeks straight - almost every day Mmmmmmm .... they are on the small side, but I know the BIG ones are coming locally soon ..... :drool:

Safeway's corn has been off the hook! That's where we've been getting it. You're right, they're small but sweet and deeeelicious! :nomnomnom:

Between my son and me, there will be no leftovers, sorry. I can leave a frozen meal at your front door if you want. :dance:

Eh, no thank you. I'll be having a crabcake tonight...hubby hooked it up :biggrin:

Corn on the cob smells of dead people...:ohwell: I can't eat it. :dead:

Gross. I've never really smelled a dead person but I hear they smell like sweet vomit and if that's what your corn smells like....well, yuck :boo:


Adopt me please !
Broccoli smells like a FART!

When I put the prepackaged vegetables in the steamer (broccoli, carrots, and cauliflower) I lose my appetite as I smell them steaming - the broccoli smells awful. Last year I started wrapping the vegetables in foil and cooking them on the grill, almost everything cooked on the grill smells great .....


Jam out with ur clam out
:yahoo: :yum:


.... best thing for a sweet tooth....

Jiff came out with chocolate silk peanut butter..... :drool:

I am dipping apples and strawberries in it.... and OMG.... its soooooo good
Broccoli smells like a FART!

Do you eat broccoli?

When I put the prepackaged vegetables in the steamer (broccoli, carrots, and cauliflower) I lose my appetite as I smell them steaming - the broccoli smells awful. Last year I started wrapping the vegetables in foil and cooking them on the grill, almost everything cooked on the grill smells great .....

How can you eat something that you don't like the smell of? I mean, take Roman's comment for example..."Broccoli smells like a FART!", which people say all the time.......yet they eat it. Does that mean you'd eat a fart? I mean, if I thought something smelled like a fart there's no way it'd be in my mouth! :lol: