Jennifer @Red Robin

I tried to get beside you at 228 and wave but it didnt work out. Next time I will just move out of the way speed demon. :coffee:

I wasn't speeding fool, I was trying to make it to the light before it turned green so I could get that booger out of my sons nose :lmao:

Sadly, I'm not kidding. I know you had to see me turn around, pick it for him :lol:


She is making fun of my scar. :bawl:

HEY! It was "sweet" or whatever when mig said it :hrmph:


I knew I should have said "dashing" instead of "intriguing"...:ohwell:




I wasn't speeding fool, I was trying to make it to the light before it turned green so I could get that booger out of my sons nose :lmao:

Sadly, I'm not kidding. I know you had to see me turn around, pick it for him :lol:

I was doing 45 mph when you passed me. I hit 60 mph on 301 and still couldnt catch you. I would call that speeding. :coffee:

I did see you turn around at the light, didnt need to know why.