Jennifer @Red Robin


not impressed
Reservation for 300... :lol:



Well-Known Member
I wasn't tying to put you down, I was making light of his usual pursuit with women, and his priority isn't eating food. LOL

I have little time to cook and baking is the thing I am least talented at, so you're not alone in that believe me. I even burned a steak on the grill last night by trying to multi-task :frown:.

Why the sad face, burnt steak is just right :drool: Who wants blood oozing out of meat, it still looks raw. :barf:


Adopt me please !
why are everyone's quotes coming out whacky? Says quoted by the person the prior text was TO: - like ArkRescue didn't say "why the sad face ...." SoMDgril42 said that .... hmmmm.