Very good post BTW.

Each is called to proclaim the Word, some in one way and some in another. I quote the Bible. The Bible says it is offensive and not understandable to those not of the Spirit. Maybe it is my ministry to be the one crying in the wilderness, so that those that do not accept cannot say they have not heard.carolinagirl said:So, are you saying rather than to give a testimony, you feel God has called you to point out others faults through versus?
Not being sarcastic, just asking for clarification.
I'm not arguing against the bible or saying your indivdiual belief system is jacked up. You believe in the bible, accept Jesus as your savior, and that's fine. I believe in the dictionary, and understand the difference between "belief" and "fact". Your choice of words is wrong because you aren't God, nor were you present when any bible was written. That is a fact.2ndAmendment said:Hey, if you knew as I know, then you would not be arguing against but for the Bible; you would not question that I know what I know, because you would know also.
Believe as you will.crabcake said:I'm not arguing against the bible or saying your indivdiual belief system is jacked up. You believe in the bible, accept Jesus as your savior, and that's fine. I believe in the dictionary, and understand the difference between "belief" and "fact". Your choice of words is wrong because you aren't God, nor were you present when any bible was written. That is a fact.![]()
2ndAmendment said:I proclaim scripture. That is what I am led to do.
crabcake said:I've not said that what he believes is wrong. It's the words and way in which he tries to do "Gods work" that I (and others who've spoken up) dislike.
And that is different frompixiegirl said:45) Jesus said: Grapes are not harvested from thorn-bushes, nor are figs gathered from hawthorns, [f]or they yield no fruit. [A go]od man brings forth good from his treasure; a bad man brings forth evil things from his evil treasure, which is in his heart, and he says evil things, for out of the abundance of his heart he brings froth evil things.
how?Mathew 7
<sup id="en-NASB-23333">16</sup>"You will know them by their fruits. Grapes are not gathered from thorn bushes nor figs from thistles, are they?
<sup id="en-NASB-23334">17</sup>"So every good tree bears good fruit, but the bad tree bears bad fruit.
<sup id="en-NASB-23335">18</sup>"A good tree cannot produce bad fruit, nor can a bad tree produce good fruit.
<sup id="en-NASB-23336">19</sup>"Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.
<sup id="en-NASB-23337">20</sup>"So then, you will know them by their fruits.
2ndAmendment said:And that is different from how?
I often just quote scripture and get the same reaction. :shrug: When the "cyber nutjob" (slander?) writes something that is particularly to the point, why should I paraphrase and claim his work? I have permission to repost.elaine said:I'm not really seeing you proclaiming scripture. I see you regurgitating what some cyber nutjob is publishing on his web site.
It is not my job in life to tell anyone what they should/should not think, feel, believe, they're going to hell, etc. And I have not told 2A his beliefs are jacked up, nor anyone else. I've simply stated (as others have) that if he is sincere in his desire to "do God's work" and "spread the word", then he ought to reconsider his choice of words and tone in doing so -- period. And not to misrepresent his "beliefs" as "facts". There is a difference, and sadly enough, there are people out there who are stupid enough to not understand the difference.Toxick said:You, and others, seem to be taking it as a personal affront that 2A is not allowing for the possibility and insertting disclaimers that other religions might be correct.
It seems to offend people that he not only believes what he believes, but actually has the nerve to defend and promote it.
And it's not just 2A, and it's not just the people on this board. This seems to be the modus operandi just about anywhere I go. People are shocked and offended when a Christian has the gall to exalt and promote God and Jesus within earshot. "Don't push your belief system on me!".
Ironically these are often the same people who say that Gay Pride parades are not intrusive and "don't bother anybody" when they clog up traffic and act as In-Yer-Face as humanly possible.
While 2A's style is a bit blunt and non-diplomoatic for my tastes, I see nothing wrong with holding true to his beliefs (or knowledge) and not sugar-coating it for the great unwashed.
And this arguing semantics between "Believe" and "Know" is an exercise in stubborn futility.
good man -> good treepixiegirl said:This part.
A go]od man brings forth good from his treasure; a bad man brings forth evil things from his evil treasure, which is in his heart, and he says evil things, for out of the abundance of his heart he brings froth evil things.
If the message is the same, what difference does it make that she found it from a difference reference?2ndAmendment said:good man -> good tree
evil man -> tree that does not bear good fruit
See it now?
2ndAmendment said:(slander?)
2ndAmendment said:good man -> good tree
evil man -> tree that does not bear good fruit
See it now?
2ndAmendment said:good man -> good tree
evil man -> tree that does not bear good fruit
See it now?
If you say so, but those of the Bible who proclaimed the Truth were always hated by those that were proclaimed to unless they were of the Spirit.elaine said:You're missing the point of the scripture. You are not bringing forth good fruit. You've been missing it all along. That's what has everyone up in arms. You choose to believe it's everyone's hatred for the 'word', but it isn't. It's everyone's hatred for the way you are presenting the word. You have inadvertantly put yourself on a pedestal and your blind faith will not allow you to see it.
pixiegirl said:I see that and also see it as what he offers to the world around him.
I totally respect you beliefs. What I don't think you get though is at least in my opinion and from the unpopular reaction you get here is you're method is flawed and you're really doing more harm then good. I'm not saying the message you're trying to convey is wrong (who am I to say what is wrong and right when I'm still seeking knowledge myself) but I'd venture to say that "how" you convey it probably turns more people away from God then to him.
2ndAmendment said:Each is called to proclaim the Word, some in one way and some in another. I quote the Bible. The Bible says it is offensive and not understandable to those not of the Spirit. Maybe it is my ministry to be the one crying in the wilderness, so that those that do not accept cannot say they have not heard.
It would be so much easier on me to do like dems says and just say the good stuff. I wish I could, but, for some reason, I can't. I proclaim scripture. That is what I am led to do.
2ndAmendment said:If you say so, but those of the Bible who proclaimed the Truth were always hated by those that were proclaimed to unless they were of the Spirit.