John F. Kennedy Jr.


Well-Known Member
Oh, I want everyone to look at post #37...

last row 2nd picture.. the children with JFK Jr. are his..😎


Well-Known Member

hungry year of the pig GIF by Super Simple


Well-Known Member
"The people we thought were dead, are alive."

"The people we thought alive, are dead."

Gives me the chills..


Well-Known Member
I dont know who "Q" is, dont have a clue.
We are seeing artificial information flourishing. They can make AOC and Biden say something reasonable after all.
People love bullshat conspiracies, the more absurd, the more entertaining.
We DID land on the Moon, or a movie set.
Woodrow Wison was not as dead as Biden.

I doubt Oswald killed Kennedy.
Osama Ben Laden, I'm not sure is dead


Well-Known Member
I dont know who "Q" is, dont have a clue.
We are seeing artificial information flourishing. They can make AOC and Biden say something reasonable after all.
People love bullshat conspiracies, the more absurd, the more entertaining.
We DID land on the Moon, or a movie set.
Woodrow Wison was not as dead as Biden.

I doubt Oswald killed Kennedy.
Osama Ben Laden, I'm not sure is dead
Read he was still alive a long while back. Might be dead now.

Also, Epstein didn't die in his cell. He "Sang like a bird."

Truth? I don't know.


Well-Known Member

In case anyone has yet to notice, there’s no paid opposition that believes in the JFK Jr theory. It’s not Blackwater, CIA, Mossad or anything else that is creating some theory that he is still alive. These are regular people and Patriots that put in hours of research and figured it out themselves. It is pretty interesting that the ones that attack you for believing in it could be connected in some way to the people that wanted him dead in 1999. Or even further back to the JFK assassination. Why go so out of your way to attack and demean someone for having a different belief or viewpoint than you do? I’ll tell you why, because there is a very clear agenda to stop this sort of a belief and to try and make you feel like you’re a crazy person. Don’t buy into it. Trust in yourself. Trust in the research you’ve done and continue to pray and notice new comms and hints that are going around. Block and move on from the haters.


Well-Known Member
In no way is this meant to be disrespectful, but why do you post these things in the Conspiracy Theory tred if even remotely true?

Also, what would make you think that anyone with the last name of Kennedy would ever support someone with the last name of Trump? Particularly when left wing socialism/fascism/nazism is extremely prevalent these days.

I would think JFK Jr would be part of the problem, not the solution. Understand, that is just an opinion on my part, not a derisive comment towards you.


Well-Known Member
Because for now it's best here until he appears. People will yell at me to put it here anyway because not one on this forum believe it to be true.

Trump and JFK Jr are friends and they both are part of the plan to save America and the World.

This is no longer Republican vs Democrat. It's Good vs Evil.