I think we never get the whole truth, and what is presented to us is a version - however distorted - that favors one position.I think we've been lied to more than we've been told the truth, and more "conspiracy theories" are true than official versions.
I usually use the news items during Katrina that showed similar pictures - a white family knee deep in water going into a store to steal stuff - "foraging for food" - while a similar BLACK family picture called them looters. BOTH are true, but one is depicted favorably and the other not.
Normal people who live normal lives don't think like ghoulish cabalists, therefore we have a hard time conceiving of their schemes. We go, "Who does that??" and the answer is "lots of people".
What interests me is how much some people - project - what people will do - because it's exactly the kind of ghoulish cabalistic kind of crap THEY would do under similar circumstances. Right now - since Biden has such a woeful, dreadful record - no surprise to many of us - his only campaign platform is to stop the Revenge of the Sith. Because petty, tyrannical revenge is PRECISELY what they would do. As you like to say, for them it's all about the feels. Trump has no need to get revenge. Unlike someone whose continued livelihood DEPENDS on public opinion - his does not.