John Kerry Timeline

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
UrbanPancake said:
Of course you would say that. I guess you think that in todays world there is nobody out there who actively seeks someone they truely dislike (based on skin color, sexual identity) and then beats them with a lead pipe or other blunt object while shouting out obscenties, and sometimes killing based on there own hatred. I find you a little disturbing that you think people shouldn't punished for promoting hatred, and acting on it by attacking innocent people. I can't believe that you think that the prejudice and discrimination deserve to be honored fairly under the current laws, when the only way to prevent such violent and hatefilled crime is to punish the individuals(rather harshly) :patriot: under a hate crimes bill.
Turbanassflake, you need to pull that head out and get some fresh air. Your points are as moronic as any that I have ever seen and your understanding of what constitutes a crime is even murkier.

When a person intentionally performs a crime they are already punished at a greater level then those that do them on the spur of the moment. That is why a spur of the moment crime is charged as a second degree offense.

And show me exactly where did you read that I have "honored" prejudice and discrimination? Those too are crimes, just in differing arenas of the law.


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PREMO Member
Aimhigh2000 said:
It disgusts me to see vets voting for Bush. Like I said earlier, I don't give a belly-hoo about what happened 30 years ago. What happened then has nothing to do with today. Big Whoop. We went to battle and got our a** kicked.

Karma points to you - or anyone - who can tell me how many battles we lost in Vietnam. Even more if you can tell me who won the Tet offensive.

Show proof.


Active Member
Hate Crimes

Ok, white skinheads dragging a black man behind a truck. Or, the str8 man who murdered my best friend because she was a lesbian. He shot her in the head. If you yell "friggin dyke" and then shoot someone, that is hate. Beating the crap outta your next door neighbor because his dog poops in your yard is considered well deserved.


Super Genius
Aimhigh2000 said:
It disgusts me to see vets voting for Bush. Like I said earlier, I don't give a belly-hoo about what happened 30 years ago. What happened then has nothing to do with today. Big Whoop. We went to battle and got our a** kicked. He spoke out about it, he has the right to. Clinton dodged it, I don't care. Show me Bush's combat record, maybe I will change my vote.
So you don't care about what happened thirty years ago, but something that happened thirty years ago might change your vote???? Riiiiiiiight.


I bowl overhand
Aimhigh2000 said:
It disgusts me to see vets voting for Bush. Like I said earlier, I don't give a belly-hoo about what happened 30 years ago. What happened then has nothing to do with today. Big Whoop. We went to battle and got our a** kicked. He spoke out about it, he has the right to. Clinton dodged it, I don't care. Show me Bush's combat record, maybe I will change my vote.
It's not his serving or where he served.. and it's not Bush's either.. EVEN Clinton didn't go to Paris and meet with the ENEMY.. that is treason. Look at his words.. listen to them come out of HIS mouth on 1 Nov... I konw you probably don't want to watch it, because then you'll have to admit the truth, and then your conscience won't let you vote for him.. so bury your head in the sand... sugarcoat anyway you can to make your conscience feel better when you vote for him, but facts are facts..


Super Genius
Aimhigh2000 said:
Beating the crap outta your next door neighbor because his dog poops in your yard is considered well deserved.
How is that well deserved? I consider that hate as well. As someone else pointed out, it sure ain't love.

A crime is a crime is a crime.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Aimhigh2000 said:
I'll ask again, show me Bush's combat record.
According to his released military records he doesn't have a combat record. Now show me Kerry's complete military record?


Active Member
You read into that part

You read into that a bit much. Kinda like an oxymoron statement. Oh, has anyone found Bush's combat record yet?


Only those who practice hate don't want a hate crime bill. It sounds like some people on this forum have hate issues. Like I said if your not some neo nazi, and gay bashing person you have nothing to worry about.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Ken King said:
According to his released military records he doesn't have a combat record. Now show me Kerry's complete military record?

Gosh Ken, we can't do that, because he won't release them!


Super Genius
Aimhigh2000 said:
You read into that a bit much. Kinda like an oxymoron statement. Oh, has anyone found Bush's combat record yet?
Maybe if you could make a clear argument...


But since that was thirty years ago, that doesn't matter to you, right?


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
UrbanPancake said:
Only those who practice hate don't want a hate crime bill. It sounds like some people on this forum have hate issues. Like I said if your not some neo nazi, and gay bashing person you have nothing to worry about.

If you commit violence against someone else, you should be prosecuted for it. It shouldn't matter if you did it for hate or for money.

If someone kills a gay man or a black man because they are gay or black, it doesn't change or alter the fact that they were killed, nonetheless. The law contains enough nuances to cover unintentional killing and crimes of passion, for example. You kill someone on purpose, it doesn't matter *why* you did it. You should be punished, period. Calling something a "hate" crime is trying to guess someone's *thoughts*.

What are you going to do if it's a "hate" crime - kill them twice?


I bowl overhand
I have a feeling if we got a hold of Kerry's FULL record we would find out that he was less then honorably dischaged in lieu of Courts Martial.. All I need is to see his FULL DD fm 214, let me see his RE code.. From the 214, not his 215.. or his appended record.


Active Member
Just a point

Sheesh. My whole original point was that he (Kerry) went into combat. Bush did not. And yes, I don't care what happened 30 years ago. The only thing I said was that because I had been in combat and Kerry had been in combat that he understands what it is like. I also said the only two people I know that I am voting for are Mikulski and Hoyer. I could care less what happened 30 years ago. What I do know is that our surplus is now a deficit, America is looked at more as an evil empire now than it ever was. Whoever gets elected needs to focus more on domestic issues rather than sticking our nose where it does not belong. Believe it or not, I am more on the republican side of things, just not with the President.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
UrbanPancake said:
Only those who practice hate don't want a hate crime bill. It sounds like some people on this forum have hate issues. Like I said if your not some neo nazi, and gay bashing person you have nothing to worry about.
Again you are full of sh!t. But I'll play your game, let's have hate crime laws. How about for a start we say that anyone that disparages or talks ill about the President is a traitor and should be imprisoned for life based on these thoughts and words?


Hate crime laws are there to punish people on their actions, that are based on hate. (such as beating someone, or killing someone, not talking about them) Your a little too extreme for me.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
UrbanPancake said:
Hate crime laws are there to punish people on their actions, that are based on hate. (such as beating someone, or killing someone, not talking about them) Your a little too extreme for me.
No the laws against those actual acts are in place and now you want to add the associated thoughts as crimes too, so lets make all unseemly thoughts crimes.