JP for Governor.


:shortbus: The best support for children is to let the 2 parents provide as needed and for the State to butt out.

It really is a very simple equation.


I agree, the "state" should butt out completely. No TANF, Independence cards, no welfare, no section 8, no assistance at all.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Quit biatching, I send you $20 a month. :burning:

Shim still has a small mouth and can sleep in a dresser drawer. But Shim will grow up and need school supplies. I heard that the theif store no longer sells kid clothes and toys. :bawl:


J.P. Cusick
Rock and roll.

So, you think if the state "butts out" dad will pay. I've been to child support court, I know what some of these dads owe, I'm talking more than some people make in a year. But if the state leaves them alone, they'll pay. Okay, great idea, keep 'em comin'.
:popcorn: The State laws have created the mess you are talking about.

The parents owing more than people make in a year is the point that the law is crazy and the parents are dead broke and no one can pay the outrageous demands.

No one is helping the children by punishing those parents, and those are the honest parents that actually show up at those crooked Court hearings.

The State needs to butt-out because it is the State that has made a mess of things.

It is absurd to keep blaming the parents for this.



:popcorn: The State laws have created the mess you are talking about.

The parents owing more than people make in a year is the point that the law is crazy and the parents are dead broke and no one can pay the outrageous demands.
No one is helping the children by punishing those parents, and those are the honest parents that actually show up at those crooked Court hearings.

The State needs to butt-out because it is the State that has made a mess of things.

It is absurd to keep blaming the parents for this.


Hello, the reason they owe this much is because they've never paid, some of the amounts were set at 30-50 bucks a week, come on JPC, you can't call that a ridiculous amount.


J.P. Cusick
Rock and roll.

Hello, the reason they owe this much is because they've never paid, some of the amounts were set at 30-50 bucks a week, come on JPC, you can't call that a ridiculous amount.
:whistle: I call that stealing.

And it does not make much difference if one steals $5 or a million dollars because stealing is still stealing.

And parents that are ordered to pay 30-50 bucks means they are dirt poor parents that are being robbed of their last dollars, and they have no way of surviving if they pay that child support thievery.

And that 30-50 bucks that destroy those super poor parents is not enough money to help the children at all.

Child support hurts the parents and it does not help the children.

The c/s is a complete fraud, and it is an ignorant and destructive set of laws.



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
JPC, do you not believe that parents should be financially responsible for their children at all?
JP, at some point you are going to have to tell us what it is that you are talking about with regard to how to 'fix' the system whereby separated parents support their children. You seem to keep saying that the way we address the issue now is bad, and that you would have us stop addressing it that way, but you haven't said how you would address the issue.

I understand, you say it is best for the family unit to take care of the children, or decide how to take care of the children. Well, of course that's the case - but that doesn't have anything to do with how the government manages the conflicting interests that arise when families choose that they don't want to do that - that they don't want to act as a unit with regard to taking care of the children. That is one of the most important things that government does, it provides means of resolving situations in which citizens have conflicting interests.

It almost seems like you want to make it illegal for people to separate. I'm guessing that's not the case, but your lack of even the most basic mechanistic plans for achieving your goals, leaves me unable to figure out what it is that you would like to do. Effective governance is more than laying out goals or stating how things should be - it is implementing policies to help get to those goals and to help make things the way they should be.

So, when parents do not want to be together anymore, and they can not agree among themselves how to financially support the children, what do you propose the government do? When those conditions aren't present, there isn't much need for the government to be involved. But when those conditions are present, then there has to be some sort of government involvement to resolve the conflict between the parents. Basically, what you have said is you don't want those conditions to be present - you don't want there to be a conflict between the parents. Well, that's fine and dandy, but the reality is that there sometimes are conflicts between the parents, your wishes to the contrary notwithstanding. Unless, of course, you are asserting that the government choosing to get involved and provide a child support mechanism is what causes all of the conflicts to begin with - that without that, there would be no incentive for parents to have a conflict, and thus they'd always be able to agree (or would just stay together). Good luck selling that notion.

So, again, when parents can't agree on how to financially support their children, what should government do? Nothing? Take the children from them? Fine them $20 a day until they agree on something? Lock them in a room until they agree? Take away their cookies and send them to bed without dinner?

Seriously, you've been saying you would fix this for a long time, if you could get in a position to do so. Surely by now you have some idea how you would go about doing that - other than that it would be different than what we do now.

Who knows, I might support your ideas - when you give me the slightest clue what those ideas actually are.


In My Opinion
His idea is to let the non custodial parent decide what if anything to give to the custodial parent without interference from the courts.

I'm surprised, he is really getting a rather large following on other sites that he is posting this on.
I guess it just has to do with location.
His idea is to let the non custodial parent decide what if anything to give to the custodial parent without interference from the courts.

I'm surprised, he is really getting a rather large following on other sites that he is posting this on.
I guess it just has to do with location.

So, you think his plan is simply to foreclose custodial parents' rights to ask courts to order child support? That's it, no other plan? Interesting.

So then, people would have the right to ask the courts to resolve most financial disputes, but they wouldn't have that right if the dispute related to the support of children?

Is that what you are proposing JP? Or, are you just proposing that the failure to pay court ordered child support not be a criminal offense for which someone could be jailed?

Because, I have to tell you, if what bcp suggests is correct, you are going to need to do more than get yourself elected governor to meaningful effectuate your plan. You are going to have to get yourself elected President of the U.S., and get some friends elected to the U.S. Senate - because you are going to need to get control over who sits on the U.S. Supreme Court. What I'm saying is, even if you could get Maryland to pass a law that denies custodial parents the right to seek judicial resolution of a financial dispute, I think there is very little chance that such a law would hold up under federal challenges.


Well-Known Member
So, you think his plan is simply to foreclose custodial parents' rights to ask courts to order child support? That's it, no other plan? Interesting.

So then, people would have the right to ask the courts to resolve most financial disputes, but they wouldn't have that right if the dispute related to the support of children?

Is that what you are proposing JP? Or, are you just proposing that the failure to pay court ordered child support not be a criminal offense for which someone could be jailed?

Because, I have to tell you, if what bcp suggests is correct, you are going to need to do more than get yourself elected governor to meaningful effectuate your plan. You are going to have to get yourself elected President of the U.S., and get some friends elected to the U.S. Senate - because you are going to need to get control over who sits on the U.S. Supreme Court. What I'm saying is, even if you could get Maryland to pass a law that denies custodial parents the right to seek judicial resolution of a financial dispute, I think there is very little chance that such a law would hold up under federal challenges.
He feels that child support is not an issue that the state has any right being involved in. That parents will provide what they feel they should, no more, no less, and that's all there should be to it. That the custodial parent, if that's a woman, will only spend the money entirely on herself and not provide a single thing for the child at all. He's been quoted as saying children need no school supplies, whatever food the mother can provide only, clothing from charitable organizations is more than sufficient, etc., etc.

He, even in his feeble and mentally impaired condition, does not actually think he could ever be elected dog catcher, let alone governor. He does not seek to actually effect the changes of which he speaks, or anything else for that matter. His one and only motivation is the attention this gives him, so he won't feel so alone after abandoning his child and wife and having nothing to expect in his future except pain and loneliness.


Free to Fly
:popcorn: The point is that the child support steals their pay and so a better paying job is just more money for the c/s to steal.

So it is not doing the person any real favor as it is just trying to make so the law can steal more.

:whistle: I know all about that, but it only gives a superficial account while the actual Court records so we could see more accurately what has transpired is completely restricted from public access.

The cowardly Court hides its dirty deeds from the public. And go down to the Circuit Court and ask our elected Court Clerk if you need some proof of that.

:howdy: No, it does not. The stolen money goes to the custodial which mis-uses the loot in every case.
:dye: It would be supporting a corrupt system and NOT supporting children.

That is just the raw reality. :patriot:

Child Support Enforcement requires documentation showing how the money was spent. Additionally, if you fire all of the CSE workers as you previously stated, that will drive the Unemployment rate even higher. How do you propose to deal with that increase?


J.P. Cusick
Rock and roll.

JPC, do you not believe that parents should be financially responsible for their children at all?
:howdy: The parents have always provided for their own children since Adam and Eve, so I say we must go back to letting the parents do their own business of taking care of their own children and this is not a job for the State gov to control.

The State needs to butt-out of parents raising their own children.

And that does not mean butt-out of physical crimes or violent abuse of children.

The State's job is to promote marriage, and to protect the family units, and not to make divorce easy or to order parents to pay each other.

If the State leaves the parents alone then their children will be provided with far more than the children need, because that is what parents naturally do.



J.P. Cusick
Rock and roll.


Do you really want to re-live two years ago?
:boxing: I promise to go easier on you this time, and I will not beat you down so much, and you do not have to be so ashamed of how much I pushed you around before.

Try to have a sense of humor this time, and I will try to be nice with you.
